Prove it (or at least provide some evidence)!

And still no answer to the basic question. My motivation isn't relevant, you and other proud and loud members of the echo chamber continue to post the truth of the bullet points I posted, yet cannot provide any evidence of their validity.

My mind is open, post something of substance if you can and refute my premises.
Your insistence that your laughable premise hasn't been refuted only proves my point.

Please copy and paste the refutations. My 'premise' is in reality a series of questions asking for evidence to support the postulates conservatives argue are truths. Submit the proofs or a least some evidence to support what are nothing more than assumptions, assumptions used to build an ideology to support the callous conservatives avarice and bigotry.

LOL The complexities of answers and your inability for its comprehension, is what created the biased questions.

Dont forget to tie that steak bone to your neck. We wouldnt want you to get lost.
And still no answer to the basic question. My motivation isn't relevant, you and other proud and loud members of the echo chamber continue to post the truth of the bullet points I posted, yet cannot provide any evidence of their validity.

My mind is open, post something of substance if you can and refute my premises.
Your insistence that your laughable premise hasn't been refuted only proves my point.

Please copy and paste the refutations. My 'premise' is in reality a series of questions asking for evidence to support the postulates conservatives argue are truths. Submit the proofs or a least some evidence to support what are nothing more than assumptions, assumptions used to build an ideology to support callous conservatives avarice and bigotry.
I really see no point in me bothering to repost information that you ignored the first time. You're pointing to your bigotry against conservatives and calling it fact.

All you want is, "Yes, Wry, you are right. You're the smartest guy in the room."

If you want a lefty echo chamber, you came to the wrong place. Perhaps you need to find somewhere where your fragile ego won't be bruised.
Your insistence that your laughable premise hasn't been refuted only proves my point.

Please copy and paste the refutations. My 'premise' is in reality a series of questions asking for evidence to support the postulates conservatives argue are truths. Submit the proofs or a least some evidence to support what are nothing more than assumptions, assumptions used to build an ideology to support the callous conservatives avarice and bigotry.

LOL The complexities of answers and your inability for its comprehension, is what created the biased questions.

Dont forget to tie that steak bone to your neck. We wouldnt want you to get lost.

Thanks for sharing, your comments are always insightful.
Your insistence that your laughable premise hasn't been refuted only proves my point.

Please copy and paste the refutations. My 'premise' is in reality a series of questions asking for evidence to support the postulates conservatives argue are truths. Submit the proofs or a least some evidence to support what are nothing more than assumptions, assumptions used to build an ideology to support callous conservatives avarice and bigotry.
I really see no point in me bothering to repost information that you ignored the first time. You're pointing to your bigotry against conservatives and calling it fact.

All you want is, "Yes, Wry, you are right. You're the smartest guy in the room."

If you want a lefty echo chamber, you came to the wrong place. Perhaps you need to find somewhere where your fragile ego won't be bruised.

Thanks for sharing, you comments are always without substance.

btw, the point in "reposting" is to demonstrate you're really not a liar.

btw2, my ego is just fine. I don't need confirmation or agreement for my opinions. I'd prefer being confronted and engage in a battle of wits - sadly you're unarmed which I why I usually ignore you.
Last edited:
Please copy and paste the refutations. My 'premise' is in reality a series of questions asking for evidence to support the postulates conservatives argue are truths. Submit the proofs or a least some evidence to support what are nothing more than assumptions, assumptions used to build an ideology to support callous conservatives avarice and bigotry.
I really see no point in me bothering to repost information that you ignored the first time. You're pointing to your bigotry against conservatives and calling it fact.

All you want is, "Yes, Wry, you are right. You're the smartest guy in the room."

If you want a lefty echo chamber, you came to the wrong place. Perhaps you need to find somewhere where your fragile ego won't be bruised.

Thanks for sharing, you comments are always without substance.
And once again you prove my point. Good job.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Your thread, your claims, your burden

They are GOP/conservative claims.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

That's up to the billionaires and millionaires. That loss will revenue will have to be made up somewhere. The millionaires and billionaires can either raise prices, cut jobs, or just take it on the chin. Guess which one they're not going to do. And raising prices can hurt jobs just as much indirectly as cutting them directly. I believe it's greedy of them to cut jobs because they want to make a few extra bucks, but they're within their full legal right to do so there's nothing to be done about it.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

Why just ask about millionaires and billionaires? Anyone at any income level can create a job. However, of course they create jobs. Every time they spend money on something, that's a job created or kept. Whenever they invest in a business venture, that's a job created. This is common sense so I don't know the purpose behind asking.

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

The public sector creates jobs as well. To say otherwise is playing semantics. However, I would be very cautious in allowing the public sector to employ too many citizens. It could end up being a major blow to our liberty to have too many people dependent on it's own government for a job.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Depends on the area you shrink. Shrink the EPA, yes. Shrink the DoE, no.

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

I fail to see how two people that love each other getting married is more threatening than celebrities getting married and divorced within 24 hours. It's just an issue to distract voters anyways.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Irrelevant. Even if they ruled the other way do honestly believe that businesses would be paying off politicians any less?
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Your thread, your claims, your burden

They are GOP/conservative claims.

No links, though, hunh?

Can you dispute 1 & 2 with anything besides opinion?

As to #3; no one has said that "only" the private sector creates jobs. Just that it is better at it and more equipped.
The left constantly states that it's demand that creates jobs. Where s the demand for government bureaucracies?

Who said 4?

5 was probably stated by a fringe element, somewhere. But I'd still like to see the quote.

6 was a decision made by this administration's SCOTUS. Who said it is "good for America"?

I understand it may take a while to gather the links and quotes supporting these claims.

I can see you actually attempting to provide supporting evidence.
You're good like that.
LieCatcher, on the other hand, will say that his post is it's own evidence and anyone that doesn't blindly accept his statements are stupid.

I will stay tuned
It's not my fault if you refuse to see what's wrong with the system you support.

No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)

Government is not the solution to every problem. Heresy, I know.

Straw man, actually, not heresy. Nice try, though.
Really? Are you saying you don't advocate government solutions?

I am saying that neither I nor anyone else is saying that government is "the solution to every problem." Whether I'm advocating "government solutions" depends on what exactly we're talking about. Sometimes I advocate that the government do things that it's not doing. Sometimes I advocate that the government stop doing something that it is doing. And sometimes I advocate that the government do something it's doing in a different way. And sometimes I advocate solutions that have nothing to do with government at all.
I really see no point in me bothering to repost information that you ignored the first time. You're pointing to your bigotry against conservatives and calling it fact.

All you want is, "Yes, Wry, you are right. You're the smartest guy in the room."

If you want a lefty echo chamber, you came to the wrong place. Perhaps you need to find somewhere where your fragile ego won't be bruised.

Thanks for sharing, you comments are always without substance.
And once again you prove my point. Good job.

"btw, the point in "reposting" is to demonstrate you're really not a liar."

"btw2, my ego is just fine. I don't need confirmation or agreement for my opinions. I'd prefer being confronted and engage in a battle of wits - sadly you're unarmed which I why I usually ignore you."

If you choose to qujote me, don't edit my remarks. Doing so make you look dishonest.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Your thread, your claims, your burden

They are GOP/conservative claims.

Isn't it sad, they post such dribble over and over and have never questioned them?

I suppose that's why they are conservatives, they lack curiosity and seek an 'authority' to tell them what to think. Pitiful.
Wait just a minute there Slick! Are you sure they were all millionaires and billionaires when they started their companies??? :cuckoo:
Dang, CON$ are fools!

Well stated. Not all are fools, most are simply too lazy to examine/evaluate the propaganda they accept as immutable truth. Pitiful may be more accurate.
If you disagree with healthymyths' post, perhaps you should attempt to prove that wealthy people DON'T create jobs.

Good luck with that.

The liberal mindset is delusional at best. They claim that jobs are created when welfare recipients and those on unemployment compensation spend their money, but somehow imagine that when rich people spend their money, no jobs are created. However, it should be obvious that rich people spending money creates jobs too, and better jobs at that. I mean, who do liberals think makes more money: the maître d' at a 5 star restaurant or the maître d' at McDonald’s....oh, wait.

Actually there are only three things anyone can do with their money: they can spend it, save it or invest it. Poor people live from paycheck to paycheck, so that they can only spend their money. They have no surplus to provide the necessary capital for investment, and it takes capital to launch a business. Some members of the middle class may have a small cash surplus which they can invest directly or put into savings which will provide available capital for those wishing to start a business. Unfortunately, many of those in the middle class have personal debt which is equal to or greater than their savings. Since this debt was for their own consumption and not for investment, they cannot finance new job creation. It is the more substantial excess of the wealthy that is the driving force of capital investment. Since businesses require capital, it is obvious that the rich are the primary source of such capital. That liberals would demand proof that the rich are job creators shows just how ignorant they really are.

The case of Bill Gates is a great example. The number of jobs he created is directly related to the wealth he accumulated. As he grew more and more prosperous, he employed more and more people. There is no mystery here.

I am amazed that liberals are able to maintain that the 10% at the top control 90% percent of the country's wealth while simultaneously claiming that those at the bottom are the ones who create jobs. These people think that taxing the rich is the answer to America's financial ills. They cannot grasp the simple concept that governments cannot create wealth by taking money from one person and giving it to another.

OK, I am through with this silly debate.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Your thread, your claims, your burden

They are GOP/conservative claims.
No, they are Wry's distortion of GOP/conservative claims.
It's not my fault if you refuse to see what's wrong with the system you support.

No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.
Straw man, actually, not heresy. Nice try, though.
Really? Are you saying you don't advocate government solutions?

I am saying that neither I nor anyone else is saying that government is "the solution to every problem." Whether I'm advocating "government solutions" depends on what exactly we're talking about. Sometimes I advocate that the government do things that it's not doing. Sometimes I advocate that the government stop doing something that it is doing. And sometimes I advocate that the government do something it's doing in a different way. And sometimes I advocate solutions that have nothing to do with government at all.
But mostly, you advocate government solutions.
Thanks for sharing, you comments are always without substance.
And once again you prove my point. Good job.

"btw, the point in "reposting" is to demonstrate you're really not a liar."

"btw2, my ego is just fine. I don't need confirmation or agreement for my opinions. I'd prefer being confronted and engage in a battle of wits - sadly you're unarmed which I why I usually ignore you."

If you choose to qujote me, don't edit my remarks. Doing so make you look dishonest.
I didn't edit your remarks.

Now who's being dishonest?
It's not my fault if you refuse to see what's wrong with the system you support.

No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.
Really? Are you saying you don't advocate government solutions?

I am saying that neither I nor anyone else is saying that government is "the solution to every problem." Whether I'm advocating "government solutions" depends on what exactly we're talking about. Sometimes I advocate that the government do things that it's not doing. Sometimes I advocate that the government stop doing something that it is doing. And sometimes I advocate that the government do something it's doing in a different way. And sometimes I advocate solutions that have nothing to do with government at all.
But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

So did the founders
Well stated. Not all are fools, most are simply too lazy to examine/evaluate the propaganda they accept as immutable truth. Pitiful may be more accurate.
If you disagree with healthymyths' post, perhaps you should attempt to prove that wealthy people DON'T create jobs.

Good luck with that.

The liberal mindset is delusional at best. They claim that jobs are created when welfare recipients and those on unemployment compensation spend their money, but somehow imagine that when rich people spend their money, no jobs are created. However, it should be obvious that rich people spending money creates jobs too, and better jobs at that. I mean, who do liberals think makes more money: the maître d' at a 5 star restaurant or the maître d' at McDonald’s....oh, wait.

Actually there are only three things anyone can do with their money: they can spend it, save it or invest it. Poor people live from paycheck to paycheck, so that they can only spend their money. They have no surplus to provide the necessary capital for investment, and it takes capital to launch a business. Some members of the middle class may have a small cash surplus which they can invest directly or put into savings which will provide available capital for those wishing to start a business. Unfortunately, many of those in the middle class have personal debt which is equal to or greater than their savings. Since this debt was for their own consumption and not for investment, they cannot finance new job creation. It is the more substantial excess of the wealthy that is the driving force of capital investment. Since businesses require capital, it is obvious that the rich are the primary source of such capital. That liberals would demand proof that the rich are job creators shows just how ignorant they really are.

The case of Bill Gates is a great example. The number of jobs he created is directly related to the wealth he accumulated. As he grew more and more prosperous, he employed more and more people. There is no mystery here.

I am amazed that liberals are able to maintain that the 10% at the top control 90% percent of the country's wealth while simultaneously claiming that those at the bottom are the ones who create jobs. These people think that taxing the rich is the answer to America's financial ills. They cannot grasp the simple concept that governments cannot create wealth by taking money from one person and giving it to another.

OK, I am through with this silly debate.
Well said. Leftists can believe two mutually exclusive ideas at the same time.

Meanwhile, I can't help but notice that neither healthymyths nor Wry Catcher have attempted to prove that rich people don't create jobs.

But then, leftists don't do proof. They do emotion.
No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.
I am saying that neither I nor anyone else is saying that government is "the solution to every problem." Whether I'm advocating "government solutions" depends on what exactly we're talking about. Sometimes I advocate that the government do things that it's not doing. Sometimes I advocate that the government stop doing something that it is doing. And sometimes I advocate that the government do something it's doing in a different way. And sometimes I advocate solutions that have nothing to do with government at all.
But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

So did the founders
Wrong. Utterly, completely, totally wrong. The Constitution limits the powers of government.

Leftists cannot understand that simple fact.
No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.
I am saying that neither I nor anyone else is saying that government is "the solution to every problem." Whether I'm advocating "government solutions" depends on what exactly we're talking about. Sometimes I advocate that the government do things that it's not doing. Sometimes I advocate that the government stop doing something that it is doing. And sometimes I advocate that the government do something it's doing in a different way. And sometimes I advocate solutions that have nothing to do with government at all.
But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

So did the founders

The Founders did not advocate government solutions, TM...back when this country was formed our "politicians" were full time merchants, lawyers and farmers. They didn't view the Federal Government as the solution to local problems and specifically designed our system so that local issues could be handled by the individual States. The Federal Government's purpose was to provide defense for the whole and to conduct diplomatic relations with foreign entities. The Founders would most likely be horrified by how powerful the Federal Government has become.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1. The more money you have the more you can spend - the less money you have the less you spend. Do the lifbucks not understand that?? Do you believe a wealthy person will NOT cut back on spending just because they have money??? Wealthy people are wealthy because they're good at managing money.

2. Yes they create jobs - has a broke ass poor person ever given you a job???

3. Well the government just steals peoples money and then hires redundant union employees at ridiculous wages.... At least in the private sector labor is based on supply and demand principals.... In the real world business owners dont hire redundant labor, thats because THEY'RE footing the bill, however when it comes to government TAX PAYERS are footing the bill and government - especially democrats enjoy pandering to unions for their vote by employing them and giving individuals a nice cushy salary and fringe benefits...

4. If you shrink the government that means - less taxes and less beuocracy - that means MORE MONEY FOR YOU TO SPEND, HENCE CREATING A DEMAND FOR MORE JOBS...

5. Gay Marriage is an insult to traditional marriage... But I don't really give a fuck what people do. Gays shouldn't use their sexuality to make a political point or antagonize others IMO and they do that commonly.

6. So you want government censorship??? and you wonder why you're labeled an authoritarian tyrant??

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