Prove it (or at least provide some evidence)!

If you have been following news about the Koch brothers, you might be curious as to which products they manufacture.

Lots! List of koch brothers products

Angel soft,Brawny,Dixie,MardiGras,Quilted Northern, Soft & Gental,Sparkle,VanityFair,Zee

Georgia-Pacific also distributes paper towels, napkins and soap dispensing systems used in commercial settings. Some GP commercial toilet paper brands: Envision, Coronet®, SCA, Tork and Fort James. GP produces Pacific Garden liquid soaps...

koch brothers products

Georgia-Pacific produces ink and office paper under the GP label and the Spectrum® family of office paper products.

Wood Products:

Georgia-Pacific is the largest manufacturer of plywood in the U.S..

Including Plytanium Plywood®, DryPly® plywood, Ply-Bead®.

Georgia-Pacific is one of the country's largest suppliers of corrugated boxes and containers.

Various, numerous wood products, dimensional lumber and building materials.

ToughRock®, Fireguard®, DensArmor and DensShield® gypsum board.

Textiles and Plastics
via Invista Products:

* Stainmaster
* Dacron
* Lycra
* CoolMax
* SolarMax
* Polarguard
* Thermolite
* Antron
Comforel fiberfill
* DBE® dibasic esters
Tactesse Carpet Fibers
* Terathane
* ADI-Pure®
* Polyshield®
* Polyclear®
* Oxyclear™
* Performa®
Cordura fabric
Supplex® Fabric
Somerelle® Bedding

Apple also has thousands of employess
Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone and iPad.

Microsoft also has thousands of employees

And these;
Fat paychecks, sweet perks, fun colleagues, and over 150,000 jobs ready to be filled -- these employers offer dream workplaces.

1. SAS
2. Boston Consulting Group
3. Wegmans Food Markets
4. Google
5. NetApp
7. Camden Property Trust
8. Nugget Market
9. REI
10. Dreamworks

Everyone of these companies are owned by millionaires and billionaires
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Apparently Daveboy is ignorant of the theory of holes too; he continues to play the same losing cards.
Wry once again believes his say-so is sufficient.

Alas, out here in the real world, it is not, no matter how much Wry pouts.

Throw another tantrum, kid. It'll be just as effective as all the others.
Opinion. Not fact. Learn the difference.

But then if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be a leftist.

FU clerk. Using a word like leftist proves your stupid - but I've known that for months.
Oooh -- somebody's dainty little toes feel stepped on. :lol:

If you object to being called a leftist, stop being a leftist. Moron. But you need to realize right quick that people don't don't accept what you say simply because you say it.

You've gotten used to that. You feel entitled to agreement.

Welcome to the real world, cupcake. Nobody's gonna kiss your ass because you feel you deserve it.
Good Gaea, what gave you the ridiculous idea that you're worth anything besides one-liners?

The fact that I keep getting more from honest, thoughtful posters might have a lot to do with it. I don't get that from you only because

1) you don't know how to respond with intelligent argument to what I'm saying; and

2) you're an ass.

Gaea save us from these petulant, whiny, spoiled little brat leftists.

If you have been following news about the Koch brothers, you might be curious as to which products they manufacture.

Lots! List of koch brothers products

Angel soft,Brawny,Dixie,MardiGras,Quilted Northern, Soft & Gental,Sparkle,VanityFair,Zee

Georgia-Pacific also distributes paper towels, napkins and soap dispensing systems used in commercial settings. Some GP commercial toilet paper brands: Envision, Coronet®, SCA, Tork and Fort James. GP produces Pacific Garden liquid soaps...

koch brothers products

Georgia-Pacific produces ink and office paper under the GP label and the Spectrum® family of office paper products.

Wood Products:

Georgia-Pacific is the largest manufacturer of plywood in the U.S..

Including Plytanium Plywood®, DryPly® plywood, Ply-Bead®.

Georgia-Pacific is one of the country's largest suppliers of corrugated boxes and containers.

Various, numerous wood products, dimensional lumber and building materials.

ToughRock®, Fireguard®, DensArmor and DensShield® gypsum board.

Textiles and Plastics
via Invista Products:

* Stainmaster
* Dacron
* Lycra
* CoolMax
* SolarMax
* Polarguard
* Thermolite
* Antron
Comforel fiberfill
* DBE® dibasic esters
Tactesse Carpet Fibers
* Terathane
* ADI-Pure®
* Polyshield®
* Polyclear®
* Oxyclear™
* Performa®
Cordura fabric
Supplex® Fabric
Somerelle® Bedding

Apple also has thousands of employess
Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone and iPad.

Microsoft also has thousands of employees

And these;
Fat paychecks, sweet perks, fun colleagues, and over 150,000 jobs ready to be filled -- these employers offer dream workplaces.

1. SAS
2. Boston Consulting Group
3. Wegmans Food Markets
4. Google
5. NetApp
7. Camden Property Trust
8. Nugget Market
9. REI
10. Dreamworks

Everyone of these companies are owned by millionaires and billionaires
But only the Kock Brothers and other non-Democrat donors are evil.

Pathetic, innit? Leftists define evil by who somebody donates to.

Party before country. Every time.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

Basic economicis proves that.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

Because poor people don't create jobs, nor do people that work for other people. That only leaves one group left. The rich.

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

While certainly not technically true, obviously the government can create a job, the private sector is the only sector that can create a job that has a positive net effect on the economy. Nothing has to be taken from anyone else to create another job in the private sector. A government job has a zero net effect because whatever income a government worker makes in said new job has to be taken from someone else to pay for.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

It is baffling the lack of basic common sense prevalent in the avg. lib. Indeally, if government spends less, then it can tax less, giving everyone more disposable income which they can then use to purchase the things they want.

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

Red herring. Next.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.
It isn't.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

Not always Dragon.
Consumer demand is the invention of the products
The more popular the product is, then the more expansion of jobs.
There was no demand of many of our now common products, like coke a cola, personal computers, chia pets, hula hoops, pet rocks, etc.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

It is however ultimately the decision of upper management in terms of how to meet that demand and whether or not to create a new position in order to fill it. Meeting demand does not always necessitate hiring.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1) Its not just millionaires and billionaires who will pay more taxes, its EVERY INCOME BRACKET which includes small buisnesses like the one I work for that take in 6 figures a year. Make it cost more for my boss and he wont open that new shop in hyannis next year creating 3 jobs.

2) Bill Gates, Steve Jobs. How many people work for the companies those 2 started? Do you need more examples LOL

3) Let me correct your statement "only the private sector creates jobs that aren't paid for with taxes"

4) Shrinking the govt will shrink the debt. The interest on the debt is draining the wealth out of our nation to the foriegn nations that hold our debt. By cutting govt to create a surplus to pay down the debt we will stop bleeding wealth as a nation, making everyone richer in the LONG RUN. However neither cutting nor expanding govt will "jump start" the economy...the latter was proven by the stimulus.

5) It does? I didn't know that

6) Because it allows the unions to be protected by the first ammendment too even though it goes against mccain-feingold? Or are you upset that it also allows corporations and not just unions to have this voice? Without it unions could not run political ads...just so you know....which is fine with me ;).
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Following the Capitol Hill mantra that saving money requires spending it, NASA has been signing big-ticket contracts with private space companies to match up their research and development with agency priorities. In February, NASA committed $170 million to Orbital Sciences of Dulles, Va., to help it develop reliable, economical vehicles to send cargo--and, eventually, people--into low Earth orbit. The agency has a similar agreement with Elon Musk's rocketeering powerhouse Space X, plus technology-sharing deals (sans funding) with five other companies.

NASA Makes Space U-Turn, Opening Arms to Private Industry - Popular Mechanics

NASA announced Friday that the private company, formally named Space Exploration Technologies Corp., will aim to launch its 18-story Falcon 9 rocket Feb. 7, pending completion of final safety reviews, testing and verification.

In a statement, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said the mission "will mark a historic milestone in the future of spaceflight.”

It’s also a mission that takes the company one step closer to cashing in on a $1.6-billion contract with NASA. The contract is to haul cargo in 12 flights to the space station for NASA.
SpaceX poised to make history with space station docking -

While this doesn't prove everything the original thread author suggested what it does show is that in some places when you have a Federal Govt. that works together with the private sector we all tend to benefit from that.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

you know nothing as it pertains to production on demand and production for inventory.

On the heels of a recession, there is very little production on demand. It is all about selling from inventory.

Consumer demand following a recession does not create jobs. It helps deplete surplus inventory that accumulated at the onset of the recession.

Hiring ONLY takes place when there is a noticeable LONG TERM increase in demand for product...and that is based on forecasting.....a good reason why a 2 month extension of the tax holiday is useless...and a one year is less useless...but still not sufficient.

How is it that people come on here to debate topics they know nothing about...and actually take a position of "I am right" when, in fact, they are obvciously naive to the truth.

It makes me laugh.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

you know nothing as it pertains to production on demand and production for inventory.

On the heels of a recession, there is very little production on demand. It is all about selling from inventory.

Consumer demand following a recession does not create jobs. It helps deplete surplus inventory that accumulated at the onset of the recession.

Hiring ONLY takes place when there is a noticeable LONG TERM increase in demand for product...and that is based on forecasting.....a good reason why a 2 month extension of the tax holiday is useless...and a one year is less useless...but still not sufficient.

How is it that people come on here to debate topics they know nothing about...and actually take a position of "I am right" when, in fact, they are obvciously naive to the truth.

It makes me laugh.

They do it under the mistaken assumption that their political beliefs constitute actually knowledge on subjects like economics and basic finance.
It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

you know nothing as it pertains to production on demand and production for inventory.

On the heels of a recession, there is very little production on demand. It is all about selling from inventory.

Consumer demand following a recession does not create jobs. It helps deplete surplus inventory that accumulated at the onset of the recession.

Hiring ONLY takes place when there is a noticeable LONG TERM increase in demand for product...and that is based on forecasting.....a good reason why a 2 month extension of the tax holiday is useless...and a one year is less useless...but still not sufficient.

How is it that people come on here to debate topics they know nothing about...and actually take a position of "I am right" when, in fact, they are obvciously naive to the truth.

It makes me laugh.

They do it under the mistaken assumption that their political beliefs constitute actually knowledge on subjects like economics and basic finance.
Indeed. Read my signature.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

Where's the consumer demand for government jobs?
Let me throw this point out there: even if aggregate demand improves, American companies still have to be competitive with their foreign competitors for quality and pricing. Otherwise US consumers won't be buying US goods and services, and that doesn't help our econmy grow as much or create as many jobs here. To b sure, increased consumer spending is good but not as good if they ain't buying stuff manufactured here.
Wry Catcher I answered your # 2 question.
Do you have any proof that a poor person creates jobs?

It's more the middle class that creates jobs than the poor. It's also more the middle class than the rich.

Don't confuse the person whose signature is on your paycheck with the one who created the job you're doing. The employer is just the middleman. It's consumer demand that creates jobs.

Where's the consumer demand for government jobs?

You hush. Liberals have decided what's best for you, and that's to fund more government workers.

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