Prove it (or at least provide some evidence)!

Only the private sector creates jobs that add to the tax base.

Government jobs are entirely funded by private sector taxes.

The more government jobs that are "created" the lower government revenue the lower government revenue the more the private sector gets ass raped for more taxes.

Jobs are created by capital. Growth and prosperity happen when people with ideas and people with money are introduced into a working relationship. The best way to make these introductions are through the stock market and banks. So it is always the people with money who spur growth.
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Where to begin? Let's start with,

"1. The more money you have the more you can spend - the less money you have the less you spend. Do the lifbucks not understand that?? Do you believe a wealthy person will NOT cut back on spending just because they have money??? Wealthy people are wealthy because they're good at managing money."

Yet the New Right is attacking public workers and union members as overpaid. Since these workers comprise the 99% and therefore put more of their money into circulation than do wealthy persons. Millions buying a Ford or Chevy move the economy; hundreds buying a Rolls or MBZ or BMW don't do much for the American economy.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).
Dragon said:
No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.

When we discuss questions of reality, I present facts, figures, tables, charts, and data. You present one-liners. I mean reality, and of the two of us, I am most definitely NOT the one residing in fantasy-land. Or perhaps I should say dogma-land.

But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

No. Mostly, I advocate appropriate solutions. That involves increased government activity no more than a third of the time, if that.

You call liberals government-phyllic because you, yourself, are government-phobic, and so, by comparison to you, we are -- that is, we don't reflexively reject a solution that will work because it might involve the government actually doing something. But that doesn't make me a big-government advocate, it just makes me a rational being rather than one who acts on reflexive impulse without thinking.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

These are statements that you claim Republicans have made.

Unless and until you can PROVE that it was said, and by whom, you don't get to demand proof of the accuracy.

Why would a sane person ask others to prove the accuracy of his own claims?
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Just the very, very simple FACT that NASA, started by a Republican president who actually believed in "science", has over 2,000 patents it has sold or has licensed PROVES government can make jobs. Not to mention all the jobs AT NASA.

Then there are the over one hundred Republican congressmen who have taken hundreds of millions of dollars in stimulus money and created thousands of jobs. I've linked to some of these, but there are so many and it's so easy to find, why bother?

Part of what makes Republicans such dirty hypocrites, these same guys voted against the stimulus, say the stimulus created no jobs, then the fuckers take credit for the jobs the stimulus created. I don't see how these lying scumbags can call themselves "moral" and "American". They are just too fucking dirty. Considering "let him die", it shouldn't be a surprise.
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And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

These are statements that you claim Republicans have made.

Unless and until you can PROVE that it was said, and by whom, you don't get to demand proof of the accuracy.

Why would a sane person ask others to prove the accuracy of his own claims?

You can't be serious. Haven't you been watching the Republican Presidential Debates?
Dragon said:
No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.

When we discuss questions of reality, I present facts, figures, tables, charts, and data. You present one-liners. I mean reality, and of the two of us, I am most definitely NOT the one residing in fantasy-land. Or perhaps I should say dogma-land.

But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

No. Mostly, I advocate appropriate solutions. That involves increased government activity no more than a third of the time, if that.

You call liberals government-phyllic because you, yourself, are government-phobic, and so, by comparison to you, we are -- that is, we don't reflexively reject a solution that will work because it might involve the government actually doing something. But that doesn't make me a big-government advocate, it just makes me a rational being rather than one who acts on reflexive impulse without thinking.

Yea, a third. The more successful countries follow that policy. "Government" "Universities" "Corporations". Normally referred to as the "Helix". In Asia, it's called the "Golden Helix". You see, corporations do much less research than you would expect. It's too expensive and doesn't have enough of a payout. Government has the resources, Universities (those hotbeds of liberalism) have the knowledge. The three working together are what it's all about.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Maybe you should stamp your feet and pout some more. After all, you're entitled to answers.

Aren't you?
Dragon said:
No, it's the fault of reality -- you know, that thing with a liberal bias. ;)
You mean that thing you ignore in favor of your leftist fantasy.

When we discuss questions of reality, I present facts, figures, tables, charts, and data. You present one-liners. I mean reality, and of the two of us, I am most definitely NOT the one residing in fantasy-land. Or perhaps I should say dogma-land.

But mostly, you advocate government solutions.

No. Mostly, I advocate appropriate solutions. That involves increased government activity no more than a third of the time, if that.

You call liberals government-phyllic because you, yourself, are government-phobic, and so, by comparison to you, we are -- that is, we don't reflexively reject a solution that will work because it might involve the government actually doing something. But that doesn't make me a big-government advocate, it just makes me a rational being rather than one who acts on reflexive impulse without thinking.
There's more of that fantasy of yours. You just can't help it, can you?
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Maybe you should stamp your feet and pout some more. After all, you're entitled to answers.

Aren't you?

Maybe I should. Which is better, stamping my feet and pouting or lying that these bullet points are not examples of Republican Newspeak?

The simple dude above wants me to prove by attribution these points. Points which are ubiquitous on this message board and broadcast from the mouths of conservative pols for months. Of course point four is an inference, which maybe too abstract for the mind of a callous conservative to comprehend.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Maybe you should stamp your feet and pout some more. After all, you're entitled to answers.

Aren't you?

Maybe I should. Which is better, stamping my feet and pouting or lying that these bullet points are not examples of Republican Newspeak?

The simple dude above wants me to prove by attribution these points. Points which are ubiquitous on this message board and broadcast from the mouths of conservative pols for months. Of course point four is an inference, which maybe too abstract for the mind of a callous conservative to comprehend. refuse to attribute any of these positions.

You're dismissed, kid. Run along, now. No one's going to play pretend with you.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Apparently Daveboy is ignorant of the theory of holes too; he continues to play the same losing cards.

Major stimulus package would revive economy | FLORIDA TODAY |
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And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

It may curb investment which will decrease capital available to invest in new ideas. Where do you think rich people keep their money, under a mattress? They put it in the market for other people to use.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

Only the private sector creates jobs that create wealth and provide a tax base for the government.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Shrink government employees and then contract those services through the private sector. Voila people can still work and the government will have more money and we can all pay less in taxes.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Apparently Daveboy is ignorant of the theory of holes too; he continues to play the same losing cards.
Wry once again believes his say-so is sufficient.

Alas, out here in the real world, it is not, no matter how much Wry pouts.

Throw another tantrum, kid. It'll be just as effective as all the others.
Opinion. Not fact. Learn the difference.

But then if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be a leftist.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

It may curb investment which will decrease capital available to invest in new ideas. Where do you think rich people keep their money, under a mattress? They put it in the market for other people to use.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

Only the private sector creates jobs that create wealth and provide a tax base for the government.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Shrink government employees and then contract those services through the private sector. Voila people can still work and the government will have more money and we can all pay less in taxes.

Nice opinion piece, fact no facts, evidence or proof that anything you opine is true.

1. How do you know where Millionaires and Billionaires keep their 'loose' change?

2. Ibid? LOL.

3. Government workers pay taxes and invest too.

4. How can a for profit be less costly? Only by cutting salary and benefits which IMHO is the goal of the plutocrats, not supporters of our unique form of democracy.
And still no proof or evidence that:

1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

Apparently Daveboy is ignorant of the theory of holes too; he continues to play the same losing cards.
Wry once again believes his say-so is sufficient.

Alas, out here in the real world, it is not, no matter how much Wry pouts.

Throw another tantrum, kid. It'll be just as effective as all the others.
Opinion. Not fact. Learn the difference.

But then if you were capable of learning, you wouldn't be a leftist.

FU clerk. Using a word like leftist proves your stupid - but I've known that for months.
Good Gaea, what gave you the ridiculous idea that you're worth anything besides one-liners?

The fact that I keep getting more from honest, thoughtful posters might have a lot to do with it. I don't get that from you only because

1) you don't know how to respond with intelligent argument to what I'm saying; and

2) you're an ass.

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