PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
For damn good reason, brainwashed super duper...
what is that reason? Are you literate enough to explain it?
Because the fox Rush Savage Daily Mail heritage Examiner GOP propaganda machine is absolute garbage.... The Democrats are for open borders LOL no evidence in the real world for any of your phony scandals....

That's a lie, I've seen a commiecrat commentator say she wants unrestricted movement of people and goods across international borders. So some are actually putting it out there, but not many will openly admit it.

Fact no one with any standing, outliers that fox Etc cherry picks...
You demonize FNC like a typical brainwashed lefty. Fox is only slightly different from DNCTV. All news networks are big government statists with their primary goal of protecting the interests of the wealthy ruling class.
what is that reason? Are you literate enough to explain it?
Because the fox Rush Savage Daily Mail heritage Examiner GOP propaganda machine is absolute garbage.... The Democrats are for open borders LOL no evidence in the real world for any of your phony scandals....

That's a lie, I've seen a commiecrat commentator say she wants unrestricted movement of people and goods across international borders. So some are actually putting it out there, but not many will openly admit it.

Fact no one with any standing, outliers that fox Etc cherry picks...

Feel free to keep believing that fantasy if it helps you sleep at night.

Okay let's have a link to any Democrat with any standing saying they are 4 open borders, super duper ignoramus.

The one I saw was a paid commiecrat commentator on the Fox show Out Numbered on Thursday or Friday. Feel free to look it up. Commiecrats used to at least talk a good game on border security, they don't even try anymore.

For damn good reason, brainwashed super duper...
what is that reason? Are you literate enough to explain it?
Because the fox Rush Savage Daily Mail heritage Examiner GOP propaganda machine is absolute garbage.... The Democrats are for open borders LOL no evidence in the real world for any of your phony scandals....

That's a lie, I've seen a commiecrat commentator say she wants unrestricted movement of people and goods across international borders. So some are actually putting it out there, but not many will openly admit it.

Fact no one with any standing, outliers that fox Etc cherry picks...
You demonize FNC like a typical brainwashed lefty. Fox is only slightly different from DNCTV. All news networks are big government statists with their primary goal of protecting the interests of the wealthy ruling class.
There are two types of news, fake news and Hate and phony scandals and character assassination without evidence from Fox Rush Savage Levin heritage Examiner Daily Mail Etc, and actual respected journalists everywhere else IN THE WORLD. I admit CNN and MSNBC are controversy and ratings mad 24/7 gab Fests with few news programs, but they aren't bought off Liars. If they disagree with fox, they are 99% correct. Where is that link to any Democrat in favor of open borders, super duper? WITHOUT YOUR PROPAGANDA BRAINWASH, you Republicans have a 10% approval outside your bubble.
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Because the fox Rush Savage Daily Mail heritage Examiner GOP propaganda machine is absolute garbage.... The Democrats are for open borders LOL no evidence in the real world for any of your phony scandals....

That's a lie, I've seen a commiecrat commentator say she wants unrestricted movement of people and goods across international borders. So some are actually putting it out there, but not many will openly admit it.

Fact no one with any standing, outliers that fox Etc cherry picks...

Feel free to keep believing that fantasy if it helps you sleep at night.

Okay let's have a link to any Democrat with any standing saying they are 4 open borders, super duper ignoramus.

The one I saw was a paid commiecrat commentator on the Fox show Out Numbered on Thursday or Friday. Feel free to look it up. Commiecrats used to at least talk a good game on border security, they don't even try anymore.

Like I said, absolute garbage, super duper.
The email exchanges between him and his girlfriend show clear bias in decision making.

Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.

everyone else who has seen the email exchanges considers them to be documentation of decision making bias. Strozk has been fired. If he did nothing wrong why was he fired?

It seems, to any intelligent observer, that the IG showed bias in its conclusions. That is as much of a problem as the original acts of high ranking FBI officials.

Trump is threatening the establishment cabal in both parties. That's what this is all really about.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass and stick to facts.

No, Strozk was not fired, and no, IG has not shown bias and backing for everythihng he talks about is laid out in detail in his extensive report.

You just don't happen to like it's findings so you need to make shit up.
He documented the bias.....what do you need?
"8. A wall is breached

In January 2013, the Clinton server saw what the FBI determined was its only known “successful compromise.” According to the FBI’s forensic investigation later, on January 5, the account of a member of Bill Clinton’s staff—who all shared the server with Hillary’s email—was broken into by someone using the anonymizing software Tor. Over the course of the day, three known Tor IP addresses accessed the site and the intruder browsed through the staffer’s email folders and attachments. The FBI said it was “unable to identify the actor(s) responsible,” but that the damage, as far as it could tell, was limited to that lone staffer’s email that one day. And, by the end of the month, Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state had ended; after serving out Barack Obama’s first term, she handed in her resignation on February 1, 2013, and returned to private life.

Six weeks after she left office, though, another more mundane hack threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s email address to the world. On March 14, a hacker known as “Guccifer,” a 40-something Romanian taxi driver named Marcel Lazăr Lehel, found in another account he’d cracked an email address belonging to Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton aide and confidant. (The other cracked account was likely the AOL address belonging to Hillary’s predecessor as secretary of state, Colin Powell, whose account Guccifer is known to have hacked around that time.) Guccifer was not a technically sophisticated hacker, relying instead on patience and research to crack users’ passwords and security questions; he later told authorities that he spent six months to get inside the email of a Romanian politician, Corina Cretu. Blumenthal’s email was much easier: He told the FBI he spent only 20 minutes on research and guessing before he was able to successfully reset Blumenthal’s password by answering a security challenge question.

The account included about 30,000 emails, and Guccifer says he spent seven hours carefully sorting and reviewing the emails, as well as downloading more than two dozen attachments. He took screenshots of various emails, including one email about Benghazi, and noticed that Blumenthal regularly emailed Hillary Clinton. He made a quick attempt to figure out where her server was located but, stymied, gave up. Finally, the next morning, Blumenthal realized he’d been locked out of his account and was able to reset the password again, halting Guccifer’s access."

JUST BY HAVING AN UN-APPROVED, UN-ENCRYPTED, UN-SECURED SERVER, Hillary 'invited' the world's hackers to flock to her server and attempt to hack it, putting national security at risk.

When the State Department’s recordkeepers belatedly realized that they’d never saved Clinton’s emails—and realized, simultaneously, that she’d been using a personal outside email account rather than an official one—they asked Clinton’s team to produce her emails. That task fell to her personal lawyer, Heather Samuelson, working with Cheryl Mills.

'Samuelson, Mills, and PRN searched Clinton’s archives for emails used .mil and .gov, as well as the names of members of Congress, foreign leaders and other contacts, as well as keyword searches on terms like “Afghanistan,” “Libya” and “Benghazi.” To assemble the required emails, she used a Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop, but accidentally spilled water on it at one point and, worried that the laptop would fail, she purchased a second Lenovo laptop and copied the email files over to it.'

1. Another un-approved, un-encrypted laptop - Hillary files transferred to it. (THIS, FYI, is a crime, especially considering the classification of the data transferred.

2. The State Department was MISSING Hillary e-mails / ADMISSION that Hillary had violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to disregard the news (even the link I posted) proving that 'foreign actors' DID hack her system. By hacking Blumenthal's server / e-mail by itself they got access to Hillary e-mails.

Forget 'foreign actors' for a second......

The FACT is Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE NATIONAL SECURITY by giving illegal access to classified information individuals who did NOT have legally required security clearances / 'need to know':

- Her IT Tech (Pagliano) did not have the security clearance required to have access to / maintain her server.

- The small IT Tech company Hillary allowed to store her server (in their BATHROOM - legally required secure storage'...really? LAW BROKEN!), who maintained her server / had access to its contents yet they did NOT have the legally required clearances to do any of that.

- Her Lawyers did not have the required security clearances to have the data from her server on a USB drive they carried around with them...until it was brought to their attention and they were given the necessary clearances AFTER the fact.

- Her MAID, whom she reportedly allowed to access her classified server to print out e-mails and documents for her, did not have the required legal security clearance to do so.

Each one of these cases / instances is A VIOLATION OF US LAW and is A COMPROMISE OF US NATIONAL SECURITY.


So why the f* are snowflakes even still embarrassing themselves by TRYING to argue that it never happened?

(Just curious - when snowflakes volunteered to join the Democratic Party and swear undying loyalty to these criminals and traitors, did it come with a free lobotomy and bowl of soup...or just the lobotomy?)

What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server
Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.

everyone else who has seen the email exchanges considers them to be documentation of decision making bias. Strozk has been fired. If he did nothing wrong why was he fired?

It seems, to any intelligent observer, that the IG showed bias in its conclusions. That is as much of a problem as the original acts of high ranking FBI officials.

Trump is threatening the establishment cabal in both parties. That's what this is all really about.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass and stick to facts.

No, Strozk was not fired, and no, IG has not shown bias and backing for everythihng he talks about is laid out in detail in his extensive report.

You just don't happen to like it's findings so you need to make shit up.
He documented the bias.....what do you need?

No he didn't document any bias IN DECISION MAKING and specifically said so.

No doubt Strzok had PERSONAL bias against Trump (as do most people), but when it came to doing his JOB, his decisions were reasonable.
the election was a job interview that Crooked Hillary failed to show up for. that's why she lost. not the emails.

but honestly, she should be locked up!
the election was a job interview that Crooked Hillary failed to show up for. that's why she lost. not the emails.

but honestly, she should be locked up!

Failed to show up? Wtf are you talking about?

Campaign made bad strategic descisions based on bad data. Thats not "not showing up".

And "locked up" for what??? Fucking emails? Patraeus got caught red handed handing off folders of classified info to his lover journalist and still got zero jail time.
"8. A wall is breached

In January 2013, the Clinton server saw what the FBI determined was its only known “successful compromise.” According to the FBI’s forensic investigation later, on January 5, the account of a member of Bill Clinton’s staff—who all shared the server with Hillary’s email—was broken into by someone using the anonymizing software Tor. Over the course of the day, three known Tor IP addresses accessed the site and the intruder browsed through the staffer’s email folders and attachments. The FBI said it was “unable to identify the actor(s) responsible,” but that the damage, as far as it could tell, was limited to that lone staffer’s email that one day. And, by the end of the month, Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state had ended; after serving out Barack Obama’s first term, she handed in her resignation on February 1, 2013, and returned to private life.

Six weeks after she left office, though, another more mundane hack threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s email address to the world. On March 14, a hacker known as “Guccifer,” a 40-something Romanian taxi driver named Marcel Lazăr Lehel, found in another account he’d cracked an email address belonging to Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton aide and confidant. (The other cracked account was likely the AOL address belonging to Hillary’s predecessor as secretary of state, Colin Powell, whose account Guccifer is known to have hacked around that time.) Guccifer was not a technically sophisticated hacker, relying instead on patience and research to crack users’ passwords and security questions; he later told authorities that he spent six months to get inside the email of a Romanian politician, Corina Cretu. Blumenthal’s email was much easier: He told the FBI he spent only 20 minutes on research and guessing before he was able to successfully reset Blumenthal’s password by answering a security challenge question.

The account included about 30,000 emails, and Guccifer says he spent seven hours carefully sorting and reviewing the emails, as well as downloading more than two dozen attachments. He took screenshots of various emails, including one email about Benghazi, and noticed that Blumenthal regularly emailed Hillary Clinton. He made a quick attempt to figure out where her server was located but, stymied, gave up. Finally, the next morning, Blumenthal realized he’d been locked out of his account and was able to reset the password again, halting Guccifer’s access."

JUST BY HAVING AN UN-APPROVED, UN-ENCRYPTED, UN-SECURED SERVER, Hillary 'invited' the world's hackers to flock to her server and attempt to hack it, putting national security at risk.

When the State Department’s recordkeepers belatedly realized that they’d never saved Clinton’s emails—and realized, simultaneously, that she’d been using a personal outside email account rather than an official one—they asked Clinton’s team to produce her emails. That task fell to her personal lawyer, Heather Samuelson, working with Cheryl Mills.

'Samuelson, Mills, and PRN searched Clinton’s archives for emails used .mil and .gov, as well as the names of members of Congress, foreign leaders and other contacts, as well as keyword searches on terms like “Afghanistan,” “Libya” and “Benghazi.” To assemble the required emails, she used a Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop, but accidentally spilled water on it at one point and, worried that the laptop would fail, she purchased a second Lenovo laptop and copied the email files over to it.'

1. Another un-approved, un-encrypted laptop - Hillary files transferred to it. (THIS, FYI, is a crime, especially considering the classification of the data transferred.

2. The State Department was MISSING Hillary e-mails / ADMISSION that Hillary had violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to disregard the news (even the link I posted) proving that 'foreign actors' DID hack her system. By hacking Blumenthal's server / e-mail by itself they got access to Hillary e-mails.

Forget 'foreign actors' for a second......

The FACT is Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE NATIONAL SECURITY by giving illegal access to classified information individuals who did NOT have legally required security clearances / 'need to know':

- Her IT Tech (Pagliano) did not have the security clearance required to have access to / maintain her server.

- The small IT Tech company Hillary allowed to store her server (in their BATHROOM - legally required secure storage'...really? LAW BROKEN!), who maintained her server / had access to its contents yet they did NOT have the legally required clearances to do any of that.

- Her Lawyers did not have the required security clearances to have the data from her server on a USB drive they carried around with them...until it was brought to their attention and they were given the necessary clearances AFTER the fact.

- Her MAID, whom she reportedly allowed to access her classified server to print out e-mails and documents for her, did not have the required legal security clearance to do so.

Each one of these cases / instances is A VIOLATION OF US LAW and is A COMPROMISE OF US NATIONAL SECURITY.


So why the f* are snowflakes even still embarrassing themselves by TRYING to argue that it never happened?

(Just curious - when snowflakes volunteered to join the Democratic Party and swear undying loyalty to these criminals and traitors, did it come with a free lobotomy and bowl of soup...or just the lobotomy?)

What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

She committed at least 3 felonies....

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