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Proxy War or Wholesale Genocide?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Proxy War or Wholesale Genocide?
So how would you describe the Crisis which is Islamic State terrorists wherever they may be. And /or the rise of terrorists by any name in any country?
K of C calls for Killing of Mideast Christians ‘Genocide’ to be classified Genocide...

Thousands Sign Online Petition Urging Kerry to Call Killing of Mideast Christians ‘Genocide’
February 25, 2016 – More than 25,000 people have signed an online petition launched this week by the Knights of Columbus and In Defense of Christians asking Secretary of State John Kerry to designate the Islamic State’s (ISIS or ISIL) systematic killing of Christians and members of other religious minority groups in the Middle East as “genocide.”
The two groups are also launching a television advertising campaign calling for such a declaration, Andrew Walther, Knights vice president of media research and development, told CNSNews.com. Under the omnibus bill signed by President Obama on Dec. 18, 2015, the State Department has 90 days from the date of enactment to determine whether ISIL’s mass murder of Christians and other religious minorities “constitute genocide.” The deadline for the report is March 17. On Wednesday, Kerry told a House subcommittee that he will “make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed from there.”

However, there has been some speculation that the State Department will only recognize a genocide of the minority Yazidi population and that Christians will not be included in the designation. But Walther pointed out that there is “no shortage of evidence and no shortage of people who have come to the conclusion that Christians in the Middle East are victims of genocide.” In December, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom urged the State Department to “designate the Christian, Yazidi, Shi’a, Turkmen and Shabak communities of Iraq and Syria as victims of genocide by ISIL.”

Christians in Iraq and Syria who were forced to flee for their lives refuse to go to the official refugee camps because Muslim “hit squads are targeting them,” Walther told CNSNews.com. “So they don’t get offered refugee status, and without refugee status they don’t get on the list to immigrate to the West.” Without a genocide declaration, Walther explained, “the people who face the gravest threat are put at the back of the line.” As of Feb. 16, the U.S. has admitted 602 Muslims and only two Christians from the region, CNSNews.com reported.

Obama back-pedallin' on callin' ISIS slaughter of Christians genocide...

White House Says It Has Not 'Reached' Determination That ISIS Slaughter of Christians Is Genocide
March 1, 2016 | Asked on Monday if Islamic State terrorists are carrying out a campaign of genocide against Syria's Christians, White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said the word genocide "involves a very specific legal determination that has, at this point, not been reached."
He condemned the terrorists' "willingness to target religious minorities, including Christians." Earnest noted that the Obama administration has long expressed its concerns over ISIS/ISIL's "slaughter" of religious minorities in Iraq and Syria. "You'll recall, at the very beginning of the military campaign against ISIL, at the--some of the first actions that were ordered by President Obama, by the United States military were to protect Yazidi religious minorities that were essentially cornered on Mount Sinjar by ISIL fighters. We took those strikes to clear a path so that those religious minorities could be rescued.

"So we have long been concerned by the way that--that ISIL attempts to target religious minorities. "We also know that they target Christians in the area, too. In that region of the world, Christians are a religious minority, and we certainly have been concerned--you know, that's one of the many reasons that we're concerned with ISIL and their tactics, which is that it's an affront to our values as a country to see people attacked, singled out or slaughtered based on their religious beliefs."

The reporter asked Earnest, "But you're not prepared to use the word 'genocide' yet in this situation?" "The -- my understanding is the use of that word involves a very specific legal determination that has, at this point, not been reached. But we've been quite candid and direct, exactly, about how -- how ISIL's tactics are worthy of the kind of international, robust response that the international community is leading. And those tactics include a willingness to target religious minorities, including Christians."

As CNSNews.com recently reported, Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress last week that he is having an “additional evaluation” done to help him determine whether the systematic murder of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East should be declared “genocide.” “I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation, and we will proceed forward from there,” Kerry told a House Appropriations subcommittee on Feb. 24. Kerry was responding to Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R.-Neb.), who is the sponsor of a resolution that would declare on behalf of Congress that the slaughter of Christians is in fact genocide.

Granny says, "Dat's right - slaughtering Christians amounts to genocide...

What’s Happening to Christians in Middle East 'Meets UN’s Technical Definition of Genocide to a T'
March 14, 2016 – The slaughter of Christians in the Middle East “meets the United Nations’ technical definition [of genocide] to a T,” Family Research Council president Tony Perkins told CNSNews.com hours before the House was scheduled to vote on a bipartisan resolution declaring that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was engaging in acts of genocide
CNSNews.com asked Perkins if there was any plausible way ISIS’ extermination of Christians and the destruction of their centuries-old churches and communities could not be considered an act of genocide. “None whatsoever,” he replied. Perkins added that “I can only speculate” on the reasons the State Department would be reluctant to declare ISIS’ persecution of Christians a genocide. “One, it’s a legally binding term and requires some action, such as treating members of ISIS as war criminals, and two, the president may be afraid to offend Islamic nations, as he has been in the past," he said. “There’s plenty of evidence and a factual basis for a finding of genocide,” agreed Dr. Gregory Stanton, research professor in genocide studies and prevention at George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and president of Genocide Watch. “The reason for their reluctance is that the word has a moral force, and they know it,” he told CNSNews.com.

Stanton noted that an empirical study he did showed that in each case genocide was declared, such as in Bosnia and Kosovo, “it resulted in forceful action” against the perpetrators. “I’m convinced the use of the term is appropriate. I just don’t think the Obama administration wants to be pressured to do more on ISIS,” he said, especially with the large number of Christians under attack in the area. “The Yazidi population is a very small group to protect in a very circumscribed area,” Stanton explained. “But Christians are all over Syria and into Iraq as well. Declaring them victims of genocide has a lot more implications,” including giving them preferential treatment to seek asylum in the U.S.

A spokesman for Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (D-NE) told CNSNews.com on Monday that “we hope for full inclusion” of Christians when the State Department delivers its mandated report on ISIS atrocities to Congress on Thursday. "It is my sincere hope that this trans-partisan resolution will further compel the State Department to join the building international consensus in calling the horrific ISIS violence against Christians, Yezidis, and others by its proper name: 'genocide'," Fortenberry told CNSNews.com. “When ISIS systematically targets Christians, Yezidis, and other ethnic and religious minorities for extermination, this is not only a grave injustice—it is a threat to civilization itself,” the congressman said in a statement Friday.

Fortenberry’s resolution declaring that “every government and multinational body should call the atrocities being committed in the name of religion by their rightful names: ‘crimes against humanity’, ‘war crimes’, and ‘genocide’” has over 200 co-sponsors, including Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), who lost family members during the Armenian Genocide a hundred years ago. It reminds countries that signed the United Nations’ Convention on Genocide in 1948 of “their legal obligations under the Convention… “All those who force the migration of religious communities from their ancestral homelands, where they have lived and practiced their faith in safety and stability for hundreds of years—including specifically in the Nineveh Plain, a historic heartland of Christianity in Iraq and Mount Sinjar, the historic home of the Yezidis—should be tracked, sanctioned, arrested, prosecuted, and punished in accordance with the laws of the place where their crimes were committed and under applicable international criminal statutes and conventions.” "Bringing H. Con. Res. 75 to the floor and passing it in a bipartisan manner will tell the world that those suffering genocide are not forgotten, and that committing it will not be tolerated,” said Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “It will also make clear that the United States is not afraid to call the horror these innocents have faced by its proper name."

Obama administration come out against ISIS genocide...

US decries IS 'genocide' of Christians, Shiites, Yazidis
Thursday 11th August, 2016: The United States on Wednesday (Aug 10) denounced the "genocide" carried out by the Islamic State group against Christians, Shiites and Yazidis, as the State Department unveiled its sombre annual report on religious freedom around the world.
In its comprehensive look at the situation in more than 200 countries in 2015, the State Department said non-state actors like the IS group and Boko Haram "continued to rank amongst the most egregious abusers of religious freedom in the world."

The IS group "continued to pursue a brutal strategy of what Secretary (John) Kerry judged to constitute genocide against Yazidis, Christians, Shiites, and other vulnerable groups in the territory it controlled," the State Department said. Kerry and United Nations experts had previously used the term "genocide" to refer to crimes carried out by IS militants in Iraq and Syria.

In the two war-torn countries, where the Islamic State group controls swathes of territory, militants were "responsible for barbarous acts, including killings, torture, enslavement and trafficking, rape and other sexual abuse against religious and ethnic minorities and Sunnis," the report said.

US decries IS 'genocide' of Christians, Shiites, Yazidis
ISIS committing grisly genocide...

ISIS Genocide: 2-Year-Old Boy Killed, ‘Ground Into Meat and Fed to His Mother’
August 25, 2016 | During debate in the British House of Commons about the genocidal actions of the Islamic State (or Daesh), two Ministers of Parliament (MPs) recounted the testimony of a Yazidi girl who was kidnapped and raped, whose father and brother were killed in front of her, who witnessed a 9-year-old girl being raped to death, and who saw a 2-year-old boy killed, ground into meat, and then “fed to his mother who did not know what she was eating.”
The Yazidi girl, “Ekhlas,” who spoke with Members of Parliament behind closed doors on April 19, 2016, said the Daesh “killed the men and they took the girls” and “any girls over the age of nine were raped,” MP Natalie McGarry (Glasgow) repeated in her speech in the House of Commons. McGarry said she wrote down Ekhlas’s testimony, “took down her words directly.” MP Fiona Bruce (Congleton) also repeated the testimony of “Ekhlas,” and added that House members had also heard from another woman, “Yvette,” who had flown in from Syria to speak with the MPs on April 19. “She spoke of Christians being killed and tortured, and of children being beheaded in front of their parents,” recounted MP Bruce. “She showed us recent film footage of herself talking with mothers—more than one—who had seen their own children crucified.” “Another woman had seen 250 children put through a dough kneader and burnt in an oven,” said Bruce. “The oldest was four years old.” “Ekhlas” was 15 when she was kidnapped by ISIS on August 3, 2014 from her village in Sinjar, Iraq. After experiencing months of sexual abuse, torture and imprisonment by her captors, she was able to escape when a group of Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers attacked the location where she and other women were being held.


A Yazidi woman who was injured by a land mine explosion when she escaped from her ISIS captors.​

Ekhlas walked through the mountains for more than five hours when she was sighted by some Yazidis who helped her. In a safe area in Iraq, Ekhlas was eventually interviewed by attorney Jacqueline Isaac, who was collecting eyewitness testimony of ISIS’s genocidal practices to present before Western governments. Jacqueline Isaac is the vice president of the human rights group Roads to Success. She has testified about the persecution of Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities by ISIS before the United Nations, the UK Parliament, and the U.S. Congress. Isaac interviewed Ekhlas on video and helped her to attain political asylum in Europe. In speaking about Ekhlas’s testimony, MP McGarry said in the House of Commons on April 20 that eyewitnesses revealed that “children from 9, 10 years old [were] raped and impregnated” by Daesh. “They told us that people from the Kurdish movement in Rojava were buying back women [from Daesh] at auctions, using the resources of Rojava to bring women back from slavery,” said MP McGarry. “Sometimes they were found out. Sometimes Daesh worked out that they were trying to stop the enslavement to buy them [women] back to freedom. In those cases, those women disappeared.”


A Yazidi woman who eventually escaped from ISIS after she was raped and impregnated.​

The MP then said, “Yesterday, I listened to the testimony of Ekhlas, who came to this place to give her testimony -- a 15-year-old who was abducted from her house. I’m not going to paraphrase what she said, as I took down her words directly. I’m going to read you her testimony, as her voice and the voice of the Yazidi and Alevis deserve to be heard in this place. So, if anyone wants to leave, do so now, as I’m going to read her [Ekhlas’s] words: ‘There was a knock at our door. We were targeted because our religion and belief is different from theirs, and our humanity is different from theirs, because we believe in the Angel Taus. In our religion, we do not believe in rape, or that innocents should be killed, or that a child should be cut up and his mother forced to eat him. ‘My father and my two brothers were killed in front of me. They took me away from my mother. He grabbed my arm and my leg and then he raped me. He was 32 years old; I was 15. After they raped me, they took my friend and they raped her. I could hear her shouting, ‘Where is the mercy? Where is the mercy?’ There must be some mercy in their hearts.

‘They killed the men and they took the girls. Any girls over the age of nine were raped -- like me. What does a nine-year-old understand about sex or rape? What did she do to deserve this? ‘I saw a nine-year-old girl raped with my own eyes, by not one man but several. I saw her die with my own eyes because her body could not handle the brutality. ‘We saw a two-year-old boy killed, then ground into meat and fed to his mother who did not know what she was eating. ‘Some younger girls were taken. Some young girls were impregnated, and were only children. What are they going to do as pregnant children? There is so much brainwashing. Daesh tell you your religion and they brainwash children. ‘They arm them, and they put them in front of their own parents and demand that they kill them. Listen to me. I am begging you. Listen to me, listen to what I am telling. Help us. I beg of you. Listen to me. Help the girls who are still in captivity. Let us all stand hand-in-hand and take a stand. This is a genocide against Christians, Yazidis, the Alidis and others. ‘This is about dignity, this is about humanity in dignity. If you are a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a human, do not close your ears. I plead with you, please listen. This is a genocide.’”

Then why doesn't Obama bring in more Yzidis & Syrian Christians???...

ISIS Genocide Continues: Yazidi Girl Kidnapped, Sold, Raped, Impregnated, Baby Boy Taken From Her
August 30, 2016 | Thousands of Christians and Yazidis have been persecuted and killed by the Islamic State, which is implementing genocide against these minorities and, as survivor Nihad Alawsi recently recounted, in her case she was kidnapped, raped, sold as a sex slave, raped again, impregnated, and after she gave birth to a baby boy who she discovered she loved – “he was a part of me” -- the child was taken away from her.
“They brought the baby to me and he looked up at me,” said Alawsi, 16, in a video released by NRT News and promoted by the AMAR International Charitable Foundation. “I felt he was a part of me and I loved him.” Nihad Alawsi had an opportunity to escape with the help of a neighbor in the Islamic State-held village in Iraq. She was told, however, “you have to leave your baby behind.” “I was devastated because regardless of what happened, he’d become a part of me,” said Alawsi.

In the video, Nihad Alawsi talks about her family and what happened after the Islamic State (or Daesh) invaded her village in Iraq in August 2014. “My village was very beautiful,” she says. “In springtime it was full of flowers and lovely fields. The thing I used to love the most was hanging out with all of my family. I have 12 brothers and six sisters. I love all of them, but I am especially fond of my eldest sister.” Once the Daesh took over, “I was terrified,” she says. “I didn’t know what was going to happen to my brothers and cousins. We thought they would not harm the girls. From what we heard, they slaughter the men.” “I was given to one fighter,” says Alawsi. “His name was Salam Hamdou Obaid. He attacked and raped me. I eventually managed to escape and said to myself I’ll either die or reach my family.” “From there I was captured,” she says. “The leader took me to the market where Yazidi girls are sold. I was bought for $800 dollars. He attacked and raped me, then left me for three days. I hated him beyond explanation.” “After a month, this criminal had got me pregnant,” says Alawsi. “I felt as if there was a criminal from Daesh inside my womb. I was taken to a hospital and stayed there for four days due to the pills and other steps I’d take to try to abort it.”


According to the video, Nihad Alawsi made several attempts to try to abort the child conceived in rape by a Daesh terrorist. Yet eventually she gave birth. “They brought the baby to me and he looked up at me,” she says. “I felt he was a part of me and I loved him. I decided I was going to escape to my family.” Alawsi continues, “There was a neighbor. I said, ‘I need to escape, can you help me get to my family?’ She said, ‘It’s okay, you can go. But you have to leave your baby behind.’” “I was devastated because regardless of what happened, he’d become a part of me,” says the teenage girl. After a total of 15 months in captivity, Nihad Alawsi escaped. “I felt like I was in another world,” she says about her post-captivity life. “I couldn’t believe that the day had come when I would see my family again. My mother and father and my siblings.” “Inshallah, this year, I want to go back to school and finish my studies,” she says in the video. “My thoughts and fears remain with my missing siblings and my three cousins. I still don’t know their fate. I feel the same about all the Yazidi people under the control of Daesh. We are all one.”

In March 2016, the United States officially declared that the actions of the Islamic State against Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities in the Middle East constituted genocide. The British government made the same official declaration in April 2016. The AMAR International Charitable Foundation is a non-profit group with offices in Washington, D.C. and in London. According to its webpage, AMAR “helps people in areas of conflict, civil disorder and disruption, rebuild lives within communities under duress by creating and sustaining professional services in medicine, public health, education and basic need provision.”

ISIS Genocide Continues: Yazidi Girl Kidnapped, Sold, Raped, Impregnated, Baby Boy Taken From Her

See also:

WH: Obama Wants to 'Ramp Up' Commitment to Admitting Syrian Refugees
August 30, 2016 | President Obama is "gratified" that his administration has succeeded in meeting its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States this fiscal year, and he "certainly would like to see the United States continue to ramp up our commitment," spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday.
As CNSNews.com reported on Monday, 10,126 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States for Fiscal 2016, of whom 52 -- or 0.51 percent -- are Christians; and 9,945 -- or 98.2 -- percent, are Sunni Muslims. "And the truth is that this administration did succeed in meeting this goal, a significant ramping up of the number of Syrian refugees to the United States. And we're able to do all of that without cutting any corners when it comes to security," Earnest said. "And a significant screening was put in place to ensure that these individuals don't pose an undue threat to our national security. That's the kind of screening that every refugee applicant is subjected to. "And we're able to meet this goal without cutting any of those corners. So the president is gratified that we have succeeded in meeting this goal."

Earnest said the president would like to see the United States "continue to expand our ambition" when it comes to responding to Syria's humanitarian crisis. He noted that the U.S. already has provided more humanitarian assistance than any other country. "And we certainly are playing an important role here in accepting refugees from that conflict," Earnest added, although the number of refugees taken in by the United States falls far short of the tally in European country. "The United States is obviously in a different place, literally, than countries in Europe," Earnest explained. "The United States is separated by a large ocean when it comes to these refugees. And so the situation that we face is different when it comes to this set of refugees. "And the president does believe it's important for the United States to do our part. That's why we increased our ambition and admitted 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year. But I think the president certainly would like to see the United States continue to ramp up our commitment."

Earnest said people who complain that the United States has taken in "too many" or not enough Syrian refugees "are playing politics," whereas President Obama is just "focused on doing the right thing." A reporter asked Earnest, "How would you reassure people who are concerned about maybe some radicalized person getting through, that you were able to do this safely, given that the process is generally considered to be a two-year vetting process?" "This is a process that typically does take quite a bit of time," Earnest agreed. He said a number of refugees "were already in the pipeline" when President Obama committed the United States to accepting 10,000 of them. "And essentially, what the Obama administration was able to do, was to mobilize resources, both within the intelligence community, within the Department of Homeland Security, to do things like deploy more officers to conduct interviews.

"You'll recall that this vetting of refugee applicants involves collecting biometric information, doing in-person interviews, doing background checks, running their information through a variety of national security and international databases. And a lot of that just requires personnel and expertise. "And President Obama made this a priority. You'll recall when the president made this commitment, he made clear that we weren't going to cut corners when it comes to security, and that in order to meet this higher threshold, it was going to require not shortchanging the security steps, but actually increasing the resources that are being deployed to our security. "And that's exactly what we've done. And the president is gratified that even in the face of a lot of doubt, this is a goal that was met a month ahead of schedule. OK?"

Atrocities in ISIS genocide...

Testimony on ISIS Genocide: Parents Shown Video of Daughters Raped, Tortured – Given Body Parts in Bags
September 1, 2016 | As the Islamic State continues its genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq, human rights activist and lawyer Jacqueline Isaac testified at the United Nations about some of the atrocities, including parents in Syria who were shown a video of their kidnapped daughters being raped and tortured by ISIS, and then given the dismembered body parts of their daughters in plastic bags.
Although Isaac, vice president of the humanitarian group Roads of Success, testified on April 28, her remarks – at the United Nations in New York City -- about the atrocities against women captured by ISIS were not covered by the national news networks in the United States, according to a search of the Nexis news database. In March, the British government declared the actions by ISIS as genocide; the U.S. government said the same on April 20.

In her testimony at the U.N., Jacqueline Isaac said, “I stand here today not as a lawyer, but as a fellow human being. I stand with Sanja. I stand with the beautiful, brave, resilient survivors that I spent extensive time with in Iraq – those that saw their parents killed before them and then taken by ISIS and categorized like merchandise based on whether they thought they were beautiful or not, their age, and whether they were virgins. Like merchandise.” “And as if that were not enough, they were raped, they were tortured, many committed suicide and died,” said Isaac. “And others may have attempted [suicide], but they survived, and they’re standing before us today.” “They’re crying out and asking, ‘Where are you, world? Where are you, world?’” “We went to the frontlines [in Iraq] where we were 200 meters away from ISIS,” Isaac testified. “We traveled to the Sinjar Mountain to spend time with survivors.” “My mother, who’s the president of the organization, just returned from the war-torn part of Syria in Homs [west of the Sinjar Mountains],” said Isaac. “She returned one week ago and testified before the U.K. Parliament. She learned of something very harrowing.”


Roads of Success Vice President Jacqueline Isaac.​

“Parents, like many of you today, had children but these children were in captivity,” said Isaac. “They got a knock on their door. They opened that door and they found plastic, black bags.” “The bags had the body parts of their daughters,” testified Isaac. “The body parts of their daughters. And a video! A video of their daughters being raped and tortured.” “Their parents, their parents are just like us,” she said. “They’re parents, they’re mothers, they’re fathers. These are not numbers. They are not numbers. They are just like us. But they’re living in an unfortunate part of the world.” “I promised that I would not leave without sharing their voices before the entire world,” said Isaac. “Not just to hear the stories, but to act. This is a call for action. We need to stand with our fellow brothers and our fellow sisters.”

Jacqueline Isaac was sponsored to speak at the United Nations by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the U.N. Isaac has also testified about ISIS genocide before the U.S. Congress and the U.K. Parliament. Roads of Success “is a Southern California non-profit organization striving to advance human rights in the Middle East and advance the quality of life for people both locally and internationally,” according to its website.

Testimony on ISIS Genocide: Parents Shown Video of Daughters Raped, Tortured – Given Body Parts in Bags

ISIS Genocide of Yazidis: ‘Girls As Young as 9 Were Raped, As Were Pregnant Women’
October 7, 2016 | WARNING: Some of the events reported in this article describe brutal sexual violence and the murder of women and children.
The Islamic radicals that comprise ISIS are committing genocide against the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria and, according to the United Nations, women and girls as young as nine are being sold as slaves to ISIS soldiers who regularly beat them and rape them, re-sell them, and, if they try to escape, kill them. As the U.N. Human Rights Council has reported, “While held by ISIS fighters, Yazidi women and girls over the age of nine are subjected to brutal sexual violence. Most of those interviewed reported violent daily rapes by their fighter-owners. Some were handcuffed behind their backs during the rapes while others had their hands and legs tied to the corners of the beds.” “Little, if anything, protects against rape,” said the U.N. “Girls as young as nine were raped, as were pregnant women.”


A Yazidi girl who was raped and then killed by ISIS fighters.​

The U.N. Human Rights Council published its report in June, They Came to Destroy: ISIS Crimes Against the Yazidis, and it states, “ISIS has committed the crime of genocide as well as multiple crimes against humanity and war crimes against the Yazidis….” The U.S. and British governments have officially declared that ISIS’s actions constitute genocide. The U.N. report focuses on the Islamic State’s attack on Yazidi villages in Sinjar (northern Iraq) in August 2014 and the subsequent genocide of the Yazidi people, which has included mass murder, beheadings, the rape of women and children, and the buying and selling of women and girls as sex slaves at marketplaces and online.


A Yazidi woman killed by ISIS.​

The report, based on 45 interviews with survivors, medical personnel, and journalists, says “over 3,200 Yazidi women and children are still held by ISIS. Most are in Syria where Yazidi females continue to be sexually enslaved and Yazidi boys, indoctrinated, trained and used in hostilities. Thousands of Yazidi men and boys are missing. The genocide of the Yazidis is on-going.” In the report there is a section entitled “ISIS treatment of Yazidi women and girls aged 9 and above.” This section details what happened to Yazidi women in the first day of the attacks (Aug. 3, 2014) and what subsequently occurred as the women were transferred to various holding sites in Iraq and Syria and sold as slaves. Listed below are some of the facts and statements concerning the fate of those women and girls.

* Fighters separated married females from unmarried females. Only girls aged eight years and under were allowed to remain with their mothers.
* Mass killing. In the early hours of 16 August 2014, ISIS executed older women (who were approximately 60 years and older) from Kocho at the Solagh Technical Institute.
* Holding sites. Interviewees reported being given food with insects in it and having to drink water out of the toilets. Many, particularly infants and young children, became very sick. No medical care was provided.
* ISIS brought in a female gynecologist in an effort to identify single females who had falsely declared themselves to be married.


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