Psaki Claims Gas Isn’t Rising In ‘All Parts Of The Country’

US energy production was stifled before Trumpybear left office. How did cancelling the construction of a pipeline that would increase our oil imports effect our so called energy independence?
It did not. We were the number 1 exporter and importer before and after. Check the World Fact Book. It is usually correct.
Still waiting for you to address asshole Biden's anti energy policies, decisions and EO' won't because you are a Biden/Dem shill.
Please specify the Biden anti-energy policy and show how it caused a global energy crunch in less than seven months.

Thank you.
When energy prices return to normal, and they will, it is going to be fun torturing these retards asking them to praise Biden.
Ignore your lying eyes!

Makes Baghdad Bob look like Mother Teresa.

Ginger Goebbels at it again.

What do you expect from a cheap Russian spy?

You're cherry picking and you know it. Run along
^^^^^^^ has trouble with FACTS.

I suppose you think shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline Construction has something to do with the higher gas prices? Is that what you think?
There is a global energy crunch for a number of reasons, none of which have anything to do with Biden.

Lol, bury head deeper!! Biden has some to do with it here but not all of it. The energy shortages are happening around the world.

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