Psaki is leaving the WH

Psaki did an amazing job

After watching the four clowns that Trump had representing him, Psaki’s professionalism was a welcome return to real Press Conferences
Jen Psaki making a major career move from spreading US government lies to spreading US government lies on cable news.
I would say she is tired of lying all the time and throwing away whatever miniscule amount of integrity the pinko has left... buuuuut she is going to msnbc. So that certainly isnt the issue.

Good for Peppermint Patty. The broad had a tough job, as Brandon is unable to speak for himself. She had quite a burden. At MSNBC, she will no longer have that burden as she continues on her successful career as a Liar.
The White House needs a new press secretary that can properly highlight the propaganda with a sense of style and entertainment.
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Job opening from the White House will read: “high-level, prominent position now seeking candidates. Whites of either gender, Asians of either gender, and black males will not be considered, so don’t waste your time applying.”
Good riddance to the liar…appropriate home at MSNBC
She will of course unleash the "mouth" as it will be freed and unbridled as per her Prog socialist extreme feminist yearnings. And she owes so many for any mistreatment she has received.
I used to love watching Psaki patiently and tactfully handling Peter Doochys daily “Gotcha” question

No drama, just pick him apart and move to the next question

She will be missed
The news media today has become political because politics has been inserted into every nook and cranny.

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramsci’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

“Everything is politics,” said the German author Thomas Mann. The author of Reflections of an Unpolitical Man was writing of a time when politics had failed and the world was consumed in the First World War. But he may have just as easily transported his critique to the present day. PJMedia
I used to love watching Psaki patiently and tactfully handling Peter Doochys daily “Gotcha” question

No drama, just pick him apart and move to the next question

She will be missed
Turn off MSNBC you're not getting the full story.
I guess you forgot that Trump put into place a law that no one on his staff or Administration could work as a lobbyist for five years!

Really? You think he did that? He rescinded that just before he left office. I guess you were duped by Trump yet again.....................

President Trump signed an executive order lifting a five-year lobbying ban for members of his administration just hours before he leaves office and Joe Biden is sworn in as the next president of the United States.

The order, issued early Wednesday along with a flurry of pardons for former top campaign and White House officials, nullifies an ethics pledge made by all members of his administration that would have required them to adhere to a five-year cooling-off period before engaging in lobbying services.

And it wasn't a law, it was an ethics pledge signed by his administration, which many broke while Trump was still in office!

Remember President Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” and finally free Capitol Hill from the clutches of lobbyists? Well, no less than 82 former Trump administration officials have now registered as lobbyists during his three and a half years as president, according to a Politico report on disclosure filings. Describing a pattern that the outlet says is essentially a “mass migration to K Street,” Politico lists dozens of Trumpworld figures who now lobby for private interests. They include former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus—who was pictured standing with Trump as he signed his administration’s ethics pledge in 2017—who now heads up a lobbying firm that has reportedly brought in several other ex-White House aides. Rick Dearborn, the former White House deputy chief of staff, reportedly now works for clients including MetLife and Verizon. Some former administration officials reportedly left the White House for K Street so quickly that they’ve already returned to the government.

Sorry, but your claim is bullshit. A LOT of his former admin left to become lobbyists. Fail on your part yet again.
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I disagree, Doocey is terrible. 80% of his questions are meaningless. And his follow ups are not very good.
He replaced CNN's Acosta's role of "instigator at large"... and nowhere as good as Acosta was. I hated Acosta, he was only there to get under Trump's skin and takeaway his message, which he did outstandingly.
Doocey is there for the same reason... to annoy and distract. He is not very good at it.

Really? You think he did that? He rescinded that just before he left office. I guess you were duped by Trump yet again.....................

President Trump signed an executive order lifting a five-year lobbying ban for members of his administration just hours before he leaves office and Joe Biden is sworn in as the next president of the United States.

The order, issued early Wednesday along with a flurry of pardons for former top campaign and White House officials, nullifies an ethics pledge made by all members of his administration that would have required them to adhere to a five-year cooling-off period before engaging in lobbying services.

And it wasn't a law, it was an ethics pledge signed by his administration, which many broke while Trump was still in office!

Remember President Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” and finally free Capitol Hill from the clutches of lobbyists? Well, no less than 82 former Trump administration officials have now registered as lobbyists during his three and a half years as president, according to a Politico report on disclosure filings. Describing a pattern that the outlet says is essentially a “mass migration to K Street,” Politico lists dozens of Trumpworld figures who now lobby for private interests. They include former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus—who was pictured standing with Trump as he signed his administration’s ethics pledge in 2017—who now heads up a lobbying firm that has reportedly brought in several other ex-White House aides. Rick Dearborn, the former White House deputy chief of staff, reportedly now works for clients including MetLife and Verizon. Some former administration officials reportedly left the White House for K Street so quickly that they’ve already returned to the government.

Sorry, but your claim is bullshit. A LOT of his former admin left to become lobbyists. Fail on your part yet again.

A coup will change peoples mind about things.
I would say she is tired of lying all the time and throwing away whatever miniscule amount of integrity the pinko has left... buuuuut she is going to msnbc. So that certainly isnt the issue.

It comes with the job, one has to have no soul and be willing to tell any lie no matter how obvious a lie it is
The article says nothing about why he did it though.

Your original claim was that Trump had signed a law stating that none of his admin could be a lobbyist for 5 years after leaving office. I showed that it WASN'T a law (it was an executive order), and no, it didn't stop people from becoming lobbyists as soon as they left his administration. Maybe that is why he got rid of the EO, because nobody paid attention to it.

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