Psaki is leaving the WH

The WH’s “loss” is MSLSD’s loss.

I’ll miss Doocey’s well honed ability to irritate her with meaningful and pointed questions, and watching her squirm as a consequence.

No doubt he will do the next one the same way.
The WH’s “loss” is MSLSD’s loss.

I’ll miss Doocey’s well honed ability to irritate her with meaningful and pointed questions, and watching her squirm as a consequence.
I disagree, Doocey is terrible. 80% of his questions are meaningless. And his follow ups are not very good.
He replaced CNN's Acosta's role of "instigator at large"... and nowhere as good as Acosta was. I hated Acosta, he was only there to get under Trump's skin and takeaway his message, which he did outstandingly.
Doocey is there for the same reason... to annoy and distract. He is not very good at it.
I disagree, Doocey is terrible. 80% of his questions are meaningless. And his follow ups are not very good.
He replaced CNN's Acosta's role of "instigator at large"... and nowhere as good as Acosta was. I hated Acosta, he was only there to get under Trump's skin and takeaway his message, which he did outstandingly.
Doocey is there for the same reason... to annoy and distract. He is not very good at it.
I disagree with your disagreement. But, such is life.
She was a fantastic Press Secretary
I will miss her subtle put downs of Peter Doocey

But it is MSNBCs gain
I will miss her turning red and getting flustered at Doocey's queries. Bye Bye Peppermint Patty!
I disagree, Doocey is terrible. 80% of his questions are meaningless. And his follow ups are not very good.
He replaced CNN's Acosta's role of "instigator at large"... and nowhere as good as Acosta was. I hated Acosta, he was only there to get under Trump's skin and takeaway his message, which he did outstandingly.
Doocey is there for the same reason... to annoy and distract. He is not very good at it.
Doocey is like the kid in the fable about the king with no clothes. He points out the obvious fuck ups by Biden that the rest of the press refuses to see and Jen tries to cover up.
Doocey is like the kid in the fable about the king with no clothes. He points out the obvious fuck ups by Biden that the rest of the press refuses to see and Jen tries to cover up.
Agree. And that is unfortunate. I would rather the White House press corp ask actual, meaningful questions, rather than either pander and pay homage to the party they like, or play gotcha games when it is someone they don't like.
Agree. And that is unfortunate. I would rather the White House press corp ask actual, meaningful questions, rather than either pander and pay homage to the party they like, or play gotcha games when it is someone they don't like.
My point was that Doocey is asking questions the rest of the press don't ask. That doesn't mean he is playing 'gotcha.'
You need to get some better trolling material, rw. This ain't even low hanging. Its rancid fruit on the ground beneath the tree.
Psaki did an amazing job

After watching the four clowns that Trump had representing him, Psaki’s professionalism was a welcome return to real Press Conferences
I would say she is tired of lying all the time and throwing away whatever miniscule amount of integrity the pinko has left... buuuuut she is going to msnbc. So that certainly isnt the issue.

Wow, when the liberal press is losing support for Bidung....infiltrate the liberal press.
Agree. And that is unfortunate. I would rather the White House press corp ask actual, meaningful questions, rather than either pander and pay homage to the party they like, or play gotcha games when it is someone they don't like.
Please remove the word 'press' from your description of the propaganda ministry, thanks.
I disagree, Doocey is terrible. 80% of his questions are meaningless. And his follow ups are not very good.
He replaced CNN's Acosta's role of "instigator at large"... and nowhere as good as Acosta was. I hated Acosta, he was only there to get under Trump's skin and takeaway his message, which he did outstandingly.
Doocey is there for the same reason... to annoy and distract. He is not very good at it.
Acosta was of a chorus that peppered the Trump administration every day.
MSNBC, why am I not surprised.

She is a waste of a good redhead.

They will just get someone else up there to hand wave statements, dodge questions and is good at spinning things or changing subjects. She won't be missed.

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