Psaki Played The 'Biden Dead Son/Grief' Card In Response To Drone Strike Fiasco Question...

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he die of cancer??

Oh I know he served and won the silver star, the second highest award for valor but he didn't die in combat did he??
I am not sure, but in the case of ordering a drone strike that killed 10 innocent people, to include 7 kids, I don't care.
Biden's and Psaki's attempt to defend Biden from his failures by invoking the memory of his dead family members is macabre and despicable.
I am not sure, but in the case of ordering a drone strike that killed 10 innocent people, to include 7 kids, I don't care.
Biden's and Psaki's attempt to defend Biden from his failures by invoking the memory of his dead family members is macabre and despicable.
And wasn't Obammy the king of drone strikes??
Of course it is but he's not the first to order a drone strike and kill civilians nor will he be the last.
Civilians do get killed in drone strikes sometimes, but civilians are never THE TARGETS in those cases - thy are 'collateral damage' deaths. There are multiple teams that include a JAG that analyzes and weighs each strike o ensure the result will be worth the risk, that the target is critical enough to make a strike.

In this f*ed up strike that never should have been authorized the civilians were THE TARGETS, not a result of collateral damage. With so much doubt about who was in the vehicle, emphasized by the CIA reporting they tried to call off the strike before iut was ordered because they believed (correctly) that kids were in the car.

This strike had to be ordered ('Take the shot') from the very top - CENTCOM Commander (McKenzie) at the least.
Hmmmmm you Dims always revert to your TDS whenever Sleepy Joe makes another bonehead move.
How quickly you ODS afflicted Retardicans forget your "but Obama"...and you are STILL blaming him as some sort of evil mastermind behind everything.
Civilians do get killed in drone strikes sometimes, but civilians are never THE TARGETS in those cases - thy are 'collateral damage' deaths. There are multiple teams that include a JAG that analyzes and weighs each strike o ensure the result will be worth the risk, that the target is critical enough to make a strike.

In this f*ed up strike that never should have been authorized the civilians were THE TARGETS, not a result of collateral damage. With so much doubt about who was in the vehicle, emphasized by the CIA reporting they tried to call off the strike before iut was ordered because they believed (correctly) that kids were in the car.

This strike had to be ordered ('Take the shot') from the very top - CENTCOM Commander (McKenzie) at the least.
Civilians were not the target. They fucked up, but quit pretending they were targeted as civilians in your pathetic attempt to justify the hundreds of civilian casualties prior. collateral damage (murder in any other context) is not acceptable.
How quickly you ODS afflicted Retardicans forget your "but Obama"...and you are STILL blaming him as some sort of evil mastermind behind everything.
Nope not at start the mud slinging and I simply remind you that the Muslim in Chief liked his drone kills too, a simple fact. And I am sure we can keep going back to show other presidents did the same thing. But Sleepy just seems to kill the wrong targets doesn't he?
...and got HAMMERED for it!

In a completely disgusting, pathetic display, WH spokesperson Psaki, when asked about the drone strike Biden & the WH claimed was a successful strike on ISIS-K members but turned out to be 10 civilians - to include 7 children, made the issue all about BIDEN'S past pain, about HIS loss.

Holy shit, is there no low this administration won't stoop to in order to distract from Biden's failures?!

Thread win in one & done.

Democrats: Deranged Nazi psychopaths.
Civilians were not the target. They fucked up, but quit pretending they were targeted as civilians in your pathetic attempt to justify the hundreds of civilian casualties prior. collateral damage (murder in any other context) is not acceptable.
Does Diaperman even know what targets he is trying to kill? Does he get a double scoop of vanilla for a good hit???
Nope not at start the mud slinging and I simply remind you that the Muslim in Chief liked his drone kills too, a simple fact. And I am sure we can keep going back to show other presidents did the same thing. But Sleepy just seems to kill the wrong targets doesn't he?
You don't need to remind me of anything since as I said before, drones was the one thing I parted ways with Obama on. on the hand, you seem perfectly fine with the Cheeto in Chief targeting and killing civilians since he's "your guy" right?
You don't need to remind me of anything since as I said before, drones was the one thing I parted ways with Obama on. on the hand, you seem perfectly fine with the Cheeto in Chief targeting and killing civilians since he's "your guy" right?
Not at point was what you said you already understood....presidents use drone strikes. I don't agree with targeting civilians, at all. And anyone who does it should be called out for it.
I only see him getting the bronze. No mention of a silver star.
Here are his awards...

The bronze star is frequently awarded for MERIT (much like a Good Conduct Medal, but awarded in a war zone)...

This type of award was actually pretty common for officers..

If it involved combat, he would have gotten a bronze star with a "V", for Valor...

Since he didn't get the "V", it didn't involve combat...
Just when you think the Potatohead administration couldn't be more bazaar than it already is then they exceed expectations.
Here are his awards...

The bronze star is frequently awarded for MERIT (much like a Good Conduct Medal, but awarded in a war zone)...

This type of award was actually pretty common for officers..

If it involved combat, he would have gotten a bronze star with a "V", for Valor...

Since he didn't get the "V", it didn't involve combat...

Correct. Those officer bronze stars were for attendance. The military handed them out like candy, especially to well connected officers whose daddy was a Senator or VP.
You don't need to remind me of anything since as I said before, drones was the one thing I parted ways with Obama on. on the hand, you seem perfectly fine with the Cheeto in Chief targeting and killing civilians since he's "your guy" right?
The Progs who have suffered and went to Obama's party where the ocean is going to overrun his 15 million dollar ocean front property had no masks and were driving mercedes benz vehicles.
When Trump intended to kill El Baghdadi, El Baghdadi was dead. When Trump intended to kill Soleimani, Solemani was dead. Biden kills a family of ten aid workers and calls it a righteous strike.

Iran shot down one of our most expensive drones. Trump refused to order a retaliatory strike because he won't take lives over hardware. That is a leader and a leader that more and more people want.
Civilians were not the target. They fucked up, but quit pretending they were targeted as civilians in your pathetic attempt to justify the hundreds of civilian casualties prior. collateral damage (murder in any other context) is not acceptable.
I did not say the military deliberately targeted civilians, numbnuts. They were tracking a target, one they had zero Intel on, one they did not have any positive ID on, one they had no business firing on, yet one someone high up ordered them to strike. Yes, it was a serious f*-up, but the target DID turn out to be civilians.

They fired directly in this target, who were civilians, as opposed to civilians being killed during a strike on another target, which is what I explained. CONTEXT is important, but so is the ability to comprehend what one reads. You just proved you need to work on yours.
I did not say the military deliberately targeted civilians, numbnuts. They were tracking a target, one they had zero Intel on, one they did not have any positive ID on, one they had no business firing on, yet one someone high up ordered them to strike. Yes, it was a serious f*-up, but the target DID turn out to be civilians.

They fired directly in this target, who were civilians, as opposed to civilians being killed during a strike on another target, which is what I explained. CONTEXT is important, but so is the ability to comprehend what one reads. You just proved you need to work on yours.

The Biden cultists are still defending his executions of these children. I can't for the life of me figure out why.

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