Psychopaths like Schiff shouldn't be in congress

A clear violation of Carter Page's constitutional rights took place, and schiffs response; like always is Carter Page lied.
The craziest thing about people like the Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard is that they KEEP getting voted in by the voters in their state. These voters MUST be brainwashed or stupid or BOTH.
Or there is some election fraud going down there.

In most cases the spin and the slanted coverage of the corporate and government news is more than enough to get the desired election results.

In a few cases there are known incidence of fraud, but mostly, all the incidents of fraud tend to occur in the primaries. In those cases, it is perfectly legal for the parties to manipulate those, "elections/caucuses." They, (the parties,) are corporate entities, and it has been ruled by the courts on a few occasions that they have no express legal liability to guarantee any fairness toward the public in the selection of candidates. "Fraud," can, and does happen all the time in these contests.
It was all county and city stats that I found in places like LA and Chicago that came up with more than 100% eligible voters. It is pretty rare to get much more than 80% out to register and vote. It takes a lot of effort on the part of citizens to get up closer to the 100% of eligible voters out to vote.
I saw where one precinct went 100 pct obama over romney. LOL. Give me a break
There were a lot of those type things in all the ones I looked into for a about a week on the 2016 elections.

I posted some videos from Southern California where voting seemed off. Some were council meetings where the people were very upset with the leadership there for their antics. It all seemed so off that some of those people were even council members in those areas.
Congressperson Schiff is the poster child for wanton "advocacy" in our culture.

While it shows up mainly in attorneys, it is a pandemic. The fundamental operative principle is, "The Narrative is more important than the Truth."

In the current case, the Narrative is that President Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses. No lie, distortion, concealment, or fabrication is off limits if it supports the Narrative. Indeed, the more compelling the lie is, the better.

I think the proper word is "Sociopath" (having no conscience) rather than "Psychopath." But that's just semantics.
The craziest thing about people like the Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard is that they KEEP getting voted in by the voters in their state. These voters MUST be brainwashed or stupid or BOTH.

Schiff runs back to his district and LIES to them. He was just caught telling them the impeachment was not bi-partisan but "very bi-partisan". Shockingly several of his constituents called him out as a liar which created some heated exchanges.
We end up with these assholes like Schiff and Pelosi from tiny districts in charge because of BS House seniority rules which concentrate all the power into the hands of just a few. Pelosi represents less than 300k Americans and just tried to overturn the will of 60 million.
Or there is some election fraud going down there.

There isn’t. You just lose
Tell me how do you get 120% to 200% of eligible voters in metro areas?

You don't and that doesn't happen
Yes it does happen.

LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144% Of Resident Citizens Of Voting Age
The Election Integrity Project California provides a list of 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”
Or there is some election fraud going down there.

There isn’t. You just lose
Tell me how do you get 120% to 200% of eligible voters in metro areas?

You don't and that doesn't happen
Yes it does happen.

LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144% Of Resident Citizens Of Voting Age
The Election Integrity Project California provides a list of 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

Because there are people still on the voter roles who don't live there anymore. Big whoop! I haven't lived in South Carolina for seven years or Boston for 12, but I'll bet you I'm still a registered voter in both places.

That is not fraud nor is it turn out and you have no evidence whatsoever it has affected the result of an election.
Or there is some election fraud going down there.

There isn’t. You just lose
Tell me how do you get 120% to 200% of eligible voters in metro areas?

You don't and that doesn't happen
Yes it does happen.

LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144% Of Resident Citizens Of Voting Age
The Election Integrity Project California provides a list of 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

Because there are people still on the voter roles who don't live there anymore. Big whoop! I haven't lived in South Carolina for seven years or Boston for 12, but I'll bet you I'm still a registered voter in both places.

That is not fraud nor is it turn out and you have no evidence whatsoever it has affected the result of an election.
You are correct I cannot prove anything about it but I can point it out (as I did previously) and others can look into it.

Election Fraud? Registered Voters Outnumber the Eligible, in 462 Counties | National Review
...In fact, CBS’s Windy City affiliate last October compared local vote records with the Social Security Administration’s master death file. “In all,” the channel concluded, “the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.” KCBS–Los Angeles reported in May 2016 that 265 dead voters had cast ballots in southern California “year after year.”...

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