Puerto Rican Statehood


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

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Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?
So Congress has to approve it? By how much?
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

Sounds good to me.

How would Puerto Rican statehood benefit the rest of the country? They're bankrupt.
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Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

Another state full ornate nasty hoodrats. Not much more.
an odd numbers electoral vote may be an advantage, tho the odds of a 269-269 tie hasn't happened, and unlikely will.

2 more senators could also be a change up.
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?
So Congress has to approve it? By how much?

From the Constitution...
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress
Just what we need, more welfare leeches.
They'll just suck us dry even more than they already are, then independence from "evil white America" will become popular.

We're not changing our flag for them.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?
So Congress has to approve it? By how much?

From the Constitution...
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress
I wonder if this is a decision that is now 51/49 or still 60/40? Or even more?
Ninety-seven percent of the votes favored statehood but voter participation was just 23% after opposition parties called for a boycott of what they called a "rigged" process in part over the ballot language.

Rigged vote. Any election with a "97%" vote one way isn't real.
Only 23% even participated, while the rest boycotted.

Giving them statehood will only lead to more social unrest.
Just what we need, more welfare leeches.
They'll just suck us dry even more than they already are, then independence from "evil white America" will become popular.

We're not changing our flag for them.
Oh, horseshit.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Idiotic, we're not giving one corrupt city two senators.
They can split D.C. into the surrounding states if they want Senate representation.
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?
So Congress has to approve it? By how much?

From the Constitution...
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress
I wonder if this is a decision that is now 51/49 or still 60/40? Or even more?

I would imagine a simple majority

But given the peculiarities of todays Senate, it would take 60 votes to reach the floor
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Allow 1/2 of California and Upper NY State to leave the Blue Remainder and form two more States for an even 54 and then it would be a starting point.

There is precedent for this.
If Crooked Hillary had not lost in a landslide like she did, the USA would have that inbred, poverty stricken island as a new state. And the USA would be changed permanently.
Were Puerto Rico to become the 51st state of the U.S., it would receive an additional four seats beyond its automatic first seat, for a total of five. Specifically, after receiving the automatic first seat, it would then receive the 128th seat, the 209th seat, the 294th seat, and the 378th seat. And according to our application of the Equal Proportions apportionment method to the 2010 population data from the Census Bureau, the five states that would lose representatives if Puerto Rico became the 51st state are Florida, Washington, Texas, California, and Minnesota. Without Puerto Rico as a new state, the 2010 census data show that Texas gains four new seats, Florida two, Washington one, and California and Minnesota none. If Puerto Rico were added as a new state, Texas would only gain three new seats, Florida one, Washington none, and California and Minnesota would each lose a seat (Poston, 2011). The Social Contract - Which States Lose House Seats If Puerto Rico Becomes a State?

I would note PR has dropped 2% of population the last 2-3 yrs this would be a wash in the EC.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Idiotic, we're not giving one corrupt city two senators.
They can split D.C. into the surrounding states if they want Senate representation.

Right now, they are not a city but a District of Columbia denied Senate representation
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?
So Congress has to approve it? By how much?

From the Constitution...
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress
I wonder if this is a decision that is now 51/49 or still 60/40? Or even more?

I would imagine a simple majority

But given the peculiarities of todays Senate, it would take 60 votes to reach the floor

The consent of the States probably means a State by State vote, and 26 of 50 saying "yes"

Before direct election of senators, one could say a 52-48 vote of the senate could be taken as consent of the States Legislatures, but I don't think that would work now.
the way people have continued to leave IL I would bet they might be in line for losing a seat.....

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