Puerto Rican Statehood

There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Idiotic, we're not giving one corrupt city two senators.
They can split D.C. into the surrounding states if they want Senate representation.

Right now, they are not a city but a District of Columbia denied Senate representation

Let Maryland have them.
Here's the issue that some are bringing up concerning this election, there was only a 26% participation which highly likely will be the excuse the GOP will use not to acquiesce to the vote.
Just what we need, more welfare leeches.
They'll just suck us dry even more than they already are, then independence from "evil white America" will become popular.

We're not changing our flag for them.
As a Territory they receive over $25 billion annually from the feds (as of 2010) and that's not counting the $4.4 Billion they received in stimulus funding and $430 million in rum rebates. They pay no federal income tax though they do pay social security and Medicare taxes.
Here's the issue that some are bringing up concerning this election, there was only a 26% participation which highly likely will be the excuse the GOP will use not to acquiesce to the vote.
Just what we need, more welfare leeches.
They'll just suck us dry even more than they already are, then independence from "evil white America" will become popular.

We're not changing our flag for them.
As a Territory they receive over $25 billion annually from the feds (as of 2010) and that's not counting the $4.4 Billion they received in stimulus funding and $430 million in rum rebates. They pay no federal income tax though they do pay social security and Medicare taxes.

All this referendum does is makes Congress think about setting up a binding referendum as an indicator of the island's desire for Statehood.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Allow 1/2 of California and Upper NY State to leave the Blue Remainder and form two more States for an even 54 and then it would be a starting point.

There is precedent for this.
Why are you so worried about Republican representation? You've got it now and they still can't get out of their own way. So what's the big deal?
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Allow 1/2 of California and Upper NY State to leave the Blue Remainder and form two more States for an even 54 and then it would be a starting point.

There is precedent for this.
Why are you so worried about Republican representation? You've got it now and they still can't get out of their own way. So what's the big deal?

It's not a worry, its part of the process of bringing in new States. It's more of a divide over the power of the federal government than anything involving distinct parties.

And again, adding new States or cleaving others (Maine) to maintain some form of balance has precedent.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Allow 1/2 of California and Upper NY State to leave the Blue Remainder and form two more States for an even 54 and then it would be a starting point.

There is precedent for this.
Why are you so worried about Republican representation? You've got it now and they still can't get out of their own way. So what's the big deal?

It's not a worry, its part of the process of bringing in new States. It's more of a divide over the power of the federal government than anything involving distinct parties.

And again, adding new States or cleaving others (Maine) to maintain some form of balance has precedent.
I don't get how "the power of the federal government" can be acted out without party involvement. I think your "balance" is necessarily all about parties.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Allow 1/2 of California and Upper NY State to leave the Blue Remainder and form two more States for an even 54 and then it would be a starting point.

There is precedent for this.
Why are you so worried about Republican representation? You've got it now and they still can't get out of their own way. So what's the big deal?

It's not a worry, its part of the process of bringing in new States. It's more of a divide over the power of the federal government than anything involving distinct parties.

And again, adding new States or cleaving others (Maine) to maintain some form of balance has precedent.
I don't get how "the power of the federal government" can be acted out without party involvement. I think your "balance" is necessarily all about parties.

Parties may come and go, but two sets of concepts will always be there. Federalism vs Central Control, and Statism vs. Personal Freedoms.
Hope congress blocks it. We don't need them. Can't affor them either. Hell we give them enough already
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

Puerto Rico, for years, has rejected statehood. The only reason they are in favor of it now is because they've fucked their finances so badly they want a bail out. I say no, that is not a justifiable reason to incorporate a territory as a state. We should cut them loose and let them be their own independent nation.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Almost assuredly.

I don't know that I necessarily support statehood for D.C. but in the very least I think their representative in the House should have full voting power.
Just say no. HELLS NO! Adding a corrupt failed State to the Union, is just pure insanity. We're already $21 Trillion in Debt. I would even go a step a further and grant Puerto Rico its full Independence. We need to cut it loose.as soon as possible.
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

Puerto Rico, for years, has rejected statehood. The only reason they are in favor of it now is because they've fucked their finances so badly they want a bail out. I say no, that is not a justifiable reason to incorporate a territory as a state. We should cut them loose and let them be their own independent nation.
I don't really understand why we have any of those territories anymore. What purpose do they serve?
Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly to support statehood yesterday
Puerto Rican voters back statehood in questioned referendum

What would be the impact of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?

With a population of 3.5 million, they would be our 30th most populated state and receive 7 Electoral Votes
The Senate would have 102 Senators

Coming in as a fiercely Democratic State.....would Republicans block statehood because they do not want to give up the seats?

Puerto Rico, for years, has rejected statehood. The only reason they are in favor of it now is because they've fucked their finances so badly they want a bail out. I say no, that is not a justifiable reason to incorporate a territory as a state. We should cut them loose and let them be their own independent nation.

Actually I doubt they really want it, they just want to scare the rest of the States into bailing them out. PR likes having its separate sports teams in international play too much.
I am not adverse to this but it sholdnt be immediate entry......say 4 to 5 yr window to not pay off their debt but at least pay down a certain percentage.
There has also been talk of DC Statehood which would give the Dems two more Senators and three more electoral votes

Would Republicans block their admission for political reasons?

Their was talk of that since the 1980s with Jesse Jackson


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