Pulling Troops From Afghanistan Could Solidfy Trump's Re-Election


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” Putin said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
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I'd like to see all of our troops pulled out of the Middle East.

Let them kill each other and blow each others shit holes up.
All our military does is secure areas for economic exploitation, this is not defending the interest of America it is defending corporate profits.
I'd pull all our military from everywhere around the world. Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan ...
I believe the reason we won't scale down our military footprint all over the globe is because we know the chickens will be coming home to roost (like Rev Wright was demonized for saying...)
I'd pull all our military from everywhere around the world. Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan ...
It makes dollar sense just not military strategy sense.
Ok, then tell me having troops in which of those areas is strategic? And why?
Faster response to hot spots on da globe.
Sure, 50 years ago, not today. And we could still have a couple of carriers sailing the seas. And the subs.
The liberal hypocrisy and double-standard on this issue is amazing. When Obama put in far fewer troops than recommended, liberals approved. When he began to scale back our force in Afghanistan, liberals approved. When he pulled us out of Iraq with no residual force, liberals approved. But, oh no, now that Trump wants to pull us out of Afghanistan and Syria, liberals are howling.
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” Putin said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
I've been saying this for a longtime
...unless you win a total war and ''destroy'' a nation,[ Germany, Japan WW2 ] you really cannot change it
...you can stay for a while and try to help train a ''new'' defense force, --that's fine--but nothing will really change
...they can just wait you out--they don't have to win= ie Vietnam, Revolutionary War,

!!Russia in Afghanistan, etc
I'd pull all our military from everywhere around the world. Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan ...
It makes dollar sense just not military strategy sense.
Ok, then tell me having troops in which of those areas is strategic? And why?
Faster response to hot spots on da globe.
Sure, 50 years ago, not today. And we could still have a couple of carriers sailing the seas. And the subs.
Plus the stealth long range bombers, drones and missiles.
The liberal hypocrisy and double-standard on this issue is amazing. When Obama put in far fewer troops than recommended, liberals approved. When he began to scale back our force in Afghanistan, liberals approved. When he pulled us out of Iraq with no residual force, liberals approved. But, oh no, now that Trump wants to pull us out of Afghanistan and Syria, liberals are howling.
This liberal never howled as such.
I would think that after 20 years in Afghanistan, there doesn't appear to be ANY sort of END to it. There is no definition of WINNING, there doesn't appear to be any ATTEMPT to WIN. It's just a perpetual WAR, and for WHAT? What in the hell has all the money spent and the lives lost really done for us here in America, other than cost us ALL a shit load of MONEY and American blood and lives?

If I was Trump, I'd not only pull us out of Syria, I'd get us out of that SHIT HOLE middle east entirely! I'd bring every last man home, and if we had another terrorist attack here in America, then the terrorists couldn't claim it was because we were over there fucking with them on their soil, and we could go in make a PARKING LOT out of whoever was responsible, and then LEAVE AGAIN... thanks... have a nice day... enjoy your new parking lot... fuck with us again and we'll make another parking lot... m'kay... b'bye.
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” Putin said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
They will go back down again when those places deteriorate to bloody screaming hellholes almost immediately.
The liberal hypocrisy and double-standard on this issue is amazing. When Obama put in far fewer troops than recommended, liberals approved. When he began to scale back our force in Afghanistan, liberals approved. When he pulled us out of Iraq with no residual force, liberals approved. But, oh no, now that Trump wants to pull us out of Afghanistan and Syria, liberals are howling.
Yes their hypocrisy is almost as amazing as republicans on this one, but no one tops republicans when it comes to hypocrisy...

Because it was the republicans who wanted Obama to go full force into Syria, when Obama should have never went into Syria...because assuredly Syria would be a clusterfuck...which is why republicans punted when Obama called their bluff and asked them to put their money where their mouth was and vote on it..they didn't...

When Obama took troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, republicans attacked him for it, because obviously, republicans are neocons -- just like Hillary was...

And republicans are now split between worshipping Trump and worshipping their blood lust for war....its fun to watch, as long as the troops can watch it from home with their families
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” Putin said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
They will go back down again when those places deteriorate to bloody screaming hellholes almost immediately.
they were that already, Bush broke the region, Obama's thirst for republicans to like him is what made him cave into neo-cons and that made the region worse....the best thing to do is withdraw and let Russia stabilize Syria, since we were never serious about Syria...

Let Russia have Afghanistan back too -- it basically bankrupted them in the 80's, no need for us to go that same route...

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