CDZ Punch instead of gun

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
What America needs is less guns and more punching :D

Why use wimpy pistols when you can use your manly fistols?
The best argument against gun I`ve ever seen :lol:

Unfortunately guns are for permanent killing, while your fists are for dealing with arrogant assholes that need to be put in their place
What America needs is less guns and more punching :D

Why use wimpy pistols when you can use your manly fistols?
The best argument against gun I`ve ever seen :lol:

Unfortunately guns are for permanent killing, while your fists are for dealing with arrogant assholes that need to be put in their place

Well, I'll stick to guns. I'm too old and too slow to deal with jerks. Fists work well when you're young and full of piss and vinegar, but they don't have much authority when you're 67 with health issues. I'll just shoot and ask questions later.
ya never had to break up a fist fight now days.....i can remember when they were nearly daily....either the kids were in them or the adults....

when is the last time an adult had to stop at a school yard or play ground and break up a fist fight
ya never had to break up a fist fight now days.....i can remember when they were nearly daily....either the kids were in them or the adults....

when is the last time an adult had to stop at a school yard or play ground and break up a fist fight
So you do not remember the old days when someone acted like an asshole and they got their ass kicked?
Whiny jerky cry babies have all the power.
American men are less like men and more like little boys, effeminate little boys stuck in a state of arrested development
my hubby has been in construction for over 40 years.....ass kicking was a daily thing....i remember the day he came home and announced there would be no more fist fights on his jobs....he has held to that...regardless of the number of times he wanted to kick he is older and wiser....
What America needs is less guns and more punching :D

Why use wimpy pistols when you can use your manly fistols?
The best argument against gun I`ve ever seen :lol:

Unfortunately guns are for permanent killing, while your fists are for dealing with arrogant assholes that need to be put in their place

Somehow, I don't see an epidemic of drive by punching happening any time soon.

I'll stick to my .40
ya never had to break up a fist fight now days.....i can remember when they were nearly daily....either the kids were in them or the adults....

when is the last time an adult had to stop at a school yard or play ground and break up a fist fight
So you do not remember the old days when someone acted like an asshole and they got their ass kicked?
Whiny jerky cry babies have all the power.
American men are less like men and more like little boys, effeminate little boys stuck in a state of arrested development
Yea .. yea ... so you know all about little boys and what they do. Do you travel a lot and witness this? Have you studied the behavior of boys all across this country? Or, is your knowledge of the subject confined to your location? Are you assuming this to be correct, and that kids don't fight any longer? What exactly are you basing your opinion on?
Good arguments. All are alive, no one was crippled, the conflict is settled

Maybe this dude has some training, not average man. But here is another example

Aggressive bully knocked out with one punch.
Once again, he is alive. He was wrong. He was punished
i am not as bad as my father who was never out of reach of a gun....i did not realize that was not 'normal' till i was in my mid twenties....hubby is kinda anti gun but outnumbered....son takes after my side...getting his concealed carry...i was joking about him wanting to be a hero....more cause they spend a lot of time in the woods and are bored with bears following taking their stuff...what does a bear want with one sandal and yet that is what it opted to waddle away with....mostly warning shots for black bears who venture in to see what is going on....
i am not as bad as my father who was never out of reach of a gun....i did not realize that was not 'normal' till i was in my mid twenties....hubby is kinda anti gun but outnumbered....son takes after my side...getting his concealed carry...i was joking about him wanting to be a hero....more cause they spend a lot of time in the woods and are bored with bears following taking their stuff...what does a bear want with one sandal and yet that is what it opted to waddle away with....mostly warning shots for black bears who venture in to see what is going on....

Do you know why bears don't wear shoes?????

Because they have bear feet......

Tell your grandchildren they will love it.
i am not as bad as my father who was never out of reach of a gun....i did not realize that was not 'normal' till i was in my mid twenties....hubby is kinda anti gun but outnumbered....son takes after my side...getting his concealed carry...i was joking about him wanting to be a hero....more cause they spend a lot of time in the woods and are bored with bears following taking their stuff...what does a bear want with one sandal and yet that is what it opted to waddle away with....mostly warning shots for black bears who venture in to see what is going on....

Do you know why bears don't wear shoes?????

Because they have bear feet......

Tell your grandchildren they will love it.
And all of this time I thought it was because they stomp out forest fires. ... geez
i am not as bad as my father who was never out of reach of a gun....i did not realize that was not 'normal' till i was in my mid twenties....hubby is kinda anti gun but outnumbered....son takes after my side...getting his concealed carry...i was joking about him wanting to be a hero....more cause they spend a lot of time in the woods and are bored with bears following taking their stuff...what does a bear want with one sandal and yet that is what it opted to waddle away with....mostly warning shots for black bears who venture in to see what is going on....

Do you know why bears don't wear shoes?????

Because they have bear feet......

Tell your grandchildren they will love it.
And all of this time I thought it was because they stomp out forest fires. ... geez

No, that's why they have flat feet
i am not as bad as my father who was never out of reach of a gun....i did not realize that was not 'normal' till i was in my mid twenties....hubby is kinda anti gun but outnumbered....son takes after my side...getting his concealed carry...i was joking about him wanting to be a hero....more cause they spend a lot of time in the woods and are bored with bears following taking their stuff...what does a bear want with one sandal and yet that is what it opted to waddle away with....mostly warning shots for black bears who venture in to see what is going on....

Do you know why bears don't wear shoes?????

Because they have bear feet......

Tell your grandchildren they will love it.
And all of this time I thought it was because they stomp out forest fires. ... geez

No, that's why they have flat feet
Oh, OK .. I stand corrected ... thanks
Assault is a crime irregardless of whether a gun or a fist is used and can get you killed. Taking a fist to a gunfight is a bad idea.
What America needs is less guns and more punching :D

Why use wimpy pistols when you can use your manly fistols?
The best argument against gun I`ve ever seen :lol:

Unfortunately guns are for permanent killing, while your fists are for dealing with arrogant assholes that need to be put in their place

I remember when fighting was rarely broken up. Just let em fight it out.
Then, right around 78-79 you had to be careful somebody might pull a knife.
Nowadays ya gotta be careful who you flip the finger at they could pull a gun

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