Punch Them Hard Where It Hurts: NFL Backlash for Going Political Is Growing

Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"
"8 years of me shredding the Constitution and Rule of Law".......and the indictments are coming any day now...any day now...any day now......
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"
"8 years of me shredding the Constitution and Rule of Law".......and the indictments are coming any day now...any day now...any day now......
still waiting on that impeachment. when's that coming?
Everything the left does blows up in their face. Then they sit there stunned and scratching their asses wondering why
and blame the russians.

We're going to bring Chik Fil La to their knees!!!!!!!

Well ...no
Chick-fil-A CEO Cathy: Gay Marriage Still Wrong, But I'll Shut Up About It And Sell Chicken
Indeed.........well said. And....?
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States. His is abusing the power of the Presidency to defame and injure a proud and successful American business. Flag burning is a Constitutional right in this country and so is kneeling in the presence of the National Anthem.
Typical leftist wants to censor free speech.

It not about free speech. It's about the duty of the President to the Constitution and abuse of power.

This is a joke, right?
"8 years of me shredding the Constitution and Rule of Law".......and the indictments are coming any day now...any day now...any day now......
...right after the snowflakes hand over all that evidence of 'Russian Collusion'... :p
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States. His is abusing the power of the Presidency to defame and injure a proud and successful American business. Flag burning is a Constitutional right in this country and so is kneeling in the presence of the National Anthem.
Typical leftist wants to censor free speech.

It not about free speech. It's about the duty of the President to the Constitution and abuse of power.
Thank Obama for weaponizing the government and handing it over to Trump.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"

Demanding fealty to a flag or a song is not Constitutional. He has intentionally caused harm to the NFL and it's players. He has also sown more discord among Americans. Divided we fall.

Fuck him. Get him out of there.

Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests


Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests | American Military News
Showing respect and quiet......much better than some of those tourists I have seen talking and laughing when visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the many times I've gone there.

Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests


Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests | American Military News
Now THAT is a douchebag showing disrespect to our dead and the military. He should have been escorted out.

Completely different from what's happening in the NFL.
Yeah, the NFL is 1%ers disrespecting America with an act that accomplished nothing positive.
It's got you nutjobs losing your minds. That's one positive.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States. His is abusing the power of the Presidency to defame and injure a proud and successful American business. Flag burning is a Constitutional right in this country and so is kneeling in the presence of the National Anthem.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"

Demanding fealty to a flag or a song is not Constitutional. He has intentionally caused harm to the NFL and it's players. He has also sown more discord among Americans. Divided we fall.

Fuck him. Get him out of there.

He's not going anywhere. Deal with it.
Demanding fealty to a flag or a song is not Constitutional. He has intentionally caused harm to the NFL and it's players. He has also sown more discord among Americans. Divided we fall.
Trump, as President, has stood up for this nation against those who seek to disrespect it. He has voiced his opinion - his right. He has CALLED ON the NFL to ban player from kneeling during the anthem, not ORDERED the NFL to do so. Pull the panties that are wedged up your crack out, take a breath, and try not so hard to focus on one man you hate so much but instead look around and see MILLIONS of Americans who are also in opposition to the disrespectful practices of the NFL's players.
Everything the left does blows up in their face. Then they sit there stunned and scratching their asses wondering why
and blame the russians.

We're going to bring Chik Fil La to their knees!!!!!!!

Well ...no
Chick-fil-A CEO Cathy: Gay Marriage Still Wrong, But I'll Shut Up About It And Sell Chicken
Indeed.........well said. And....?
your post you finish

Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests


Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests | American Military News
Showing respect and quiet......much better than some of those tourists I have seen talking and laughing when visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the many times I've gone there.
yes it is sad. isn't it? no honor to country in many americans.

Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests


Picture of man kneeling during taps at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is sparking outrage following NFL protests | American Military News
Showing respect and quiet......much better than some of those tourists I have seen talking and laughing when visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the many times I've gone there.

You don't really think I'm buying your BS do you? LMAO You're such an idiot
So....back to the thread topic.....knowing how trumpanzees are so junk-food and cheap entertainment oriented (panem et circenses)....anyone really believe this so-called boycott is going to last?
Restaurants Are Turning Their TVs OFF To The NFL.

DirecTV is offering an unprecedented refund of its ‘NFL Sunday ticket’ package over national anthem protests.

Either DirecTV thinks that few customers will take advantage, or that the NFL has become so toxic that they’re willing to issue a lot of refunds in exchange for good PR. The restaurant move makes me think it might be the latter.

CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks.

Yup. All the bars around here had "NOTFOOTBALL" on. I so far know 6 folks who dropped their Sunday sports package.
Definitely places I would not go.

You are right. Not hipster at all really. The clientele are of the type who would view sports in bars though. We just don't want to watch the press flayed cry for four hours on TV. We get enough of that on the news.
So....back to the thread topic.....knowing how trumpanzees are so junk-food and cheap entertainment oriented (panem et circenses)....anyone really believe this so-called boycott is going to last?

Going by the trend before the kerfuffle yes. The NFL has been in decline since Roger Godell took over. If anything this stunt was nothing more then a plea for attention. It worked for stephen colbert and it's a template many waning stars have used.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"
"8 years of me shredding the Constitution and Rule of Law".......and the indictments are coming any day now...any day now...any day now......
still waiting on that impeachment. when's that coming?

Not any time soon.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States. His is abusing the power of the Presidency to defame and injure a proud and successful American business. Flag burning is a Constitutional right in this country and so is kneeling in the presence of the National Anthem.
Typical leftist wants to censor free speech.

It not about free speech. It's about the duty of the President to the Constitution and abuse of power.

This is a joke, right?

He is abusing his power as President to persecute the NFL for allowing it's player to exercise their Constitutional right to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem. Buy not upholding the US Constitution he is betraying his sworn duty.

Kick him out.

"You're Fired"
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.
View attachment 151804
'Yes, yes, by all means Impeach TRUMP
for HIS not upholding the Constitution and
Rule of Law. G*d-Damn Gruber was right -
Liberals are stupid as hell. 8 Years of me
shredding the Constitution and Rule of law,
Ignoring / breaking laws, Un-Constitutional
Wars...and Trump stands up for America and
the National Anthem and my loyal sheep
want to Impeach him. Bwuhahaha! I love
this country!"
"8 years of me shredding the Constitution and Rule of Law".......and the indictments are coming any day now...any day now...any day now......
still waiting on that impeachment. when's that coming?

Not any time soon.
Impeach Trump for not upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States. His is abusing the power of the Presidency to defame and injure a proud and successful American business. Flag burning is a Constitutional right in this country and so is kneeling in the presence of the National Anthem.
Typical leftist wants to censor free speech.

It not about free speech. It's about the duty of the President to the Constitution and abuse of power.

This is a joke, right?

He is abusing his power as President to persecute the NFL for allowing it's player to exercise their Constitutional right to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem. Buy not upholding the US Constitution he is betraying his sworn duty.

Kick him out.

"You're Fired"

Good gawd what moon bat leftist site gave you that incredibly stupid idea...oh wait it was an incredibly stupid dem lawmaker

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