Punishing Children for "Child Pornography"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Some of you know, I'm a special education teacher who works with student who have behavioral issues. One of my 8th graders, a female, was reported for taking a picture of a male student's butt crack, i.e. plumber's cleavage. He was a chubby kid wearing gym shorts and they were pulled down in the back as he sat in his chair. She took the picture with (of course) the tablet the school provides students to do assignments on.

The principal consulted me about what consequence she should get. I considered this to be bullying, assuming that she would be showing the pictures to other students, subjecting the chubby kids to ridicule. It does not seem to be part her disability, so no break for that. I recommended three days In School Suspension.

The principal said that this has to be treated as a case of child pornography, so it would be three weeks in Disciplinary Alternative School.


Child pornography? Was this intended to arouse and/or gratify herself or any other person sexually? No? Then it is not pornography. Plus, how we gonna clamp down on kids taking a picture of plumbers' cleavage, when our library carries books depicting children explicitly having oral sex with each other and with adults? This girl can literally sit in DAEP for taking that picture while openly reading a library book with these pictures:


I censored it for a site intended for grownups primarily. The libraries stock the uncensored version. Both characters depicted are minors, and this is a school library book. Somebody tell me how this makes sense?
Somebody tell me how this makes sense?

I couldn't tell you even if offered bags of money. It does not makes sense. Just one more glimpse into our messed up world.

Ask a lefty. They'll probably have an answer if it makes sense or not.
That's nothing. Hell, kids today can be charged with producing child pornography for taking pictures of themselves!
It's absurd. My oldest son did not have a phone/camera when he started being interested in girls. He and the neighbor girl who lived on the other end of the apartment complex dared each other into walking out of their homes naked into the vacant lot adjoining and look at each other from about a hundred yards away. I suppose today, my son and the girl would be charged for promoting a sexual performance by a child.
I've always read a great deal. I love it still, though reading the internet world has slowed down my book reading lately.

Anyway- in 7th grade I went to the library and headed to the "young adult" section I was currently burning through. I picked 4 or 5 and headed home to steal one of my brother's candy bars before he got home.

I left the books on the table and headed out to waste a little time. Playing outside is a lost art for today's youth- a shame.

Apparently one of my parents checked out my books and found one called "Candy". The paper cover was a pale pink with a candycane on it. Pretty unremarkable compared to the likes of Judy Blume and other books.

Turns out it was hard porn and I nearly got a swift ass kickin, but I protested and I guess after their shock, they knew better.

Nowadays, it would be considered required reading, but the howls of indignation and outrage were swift and heard in China. Parents were concerned and pissed and a bunch even came in the school library the next Saturday to comb the stacks for any other smut.

Times have changed.
Some of you know, I'm a special education teacher who works with student who have behavioral issues. One of my 8th graders, a female, was reported for taking a picture of a male student's butt crack, i.e. plumber's cleavage. He was a chubby kid wearing gym shorts and they were pulled down in the back as he sat in his chair. She took the picture with (of course) the tablet the school provides students to do assignments on.

The principal consulted me about what consequence she should get. I considered this to be bullying, assuming that she would be showing the pictures to other students, subjecting the chubby kids to ridicule. It does not seem to be part her disability, so no break for that. I recommended three days In School Suspension.

The principal said that this has to be treated as a case of child pornography, so it would be three weeks in Disciplinary Alternative School.


Child pornography? Was this intended to arouse and/or gratify herself or any other person sexually? No? Then it is not pornography. Plus, how we gonna clamp down on kids taking a picture of plumbers' cleavage, when our library carries books depicting children explicitly having oral sex with each other and with adults? This girl can literally sit in DAEP for taking that picture while openly reading a library book with these pictures:

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I censored it for a site intended for grownups primarily. The libraries stock the uncensored version. Both characters depicted are minors, and this is a school library book. Somebody tell me how this makes sense?
I certainly agree that the ounishment was too harsh. What she did was not pornographic.

Having said that, I have to question the existence of the books as you describle. There has to be more to that story. What is the purpose of these books? Are they being presented as literature? As biology or sex ed.?? How does the school justify them and is there not a parent outcry over it? What is the age range of the kids that have access to it? What are the tittles? Admittedly I have not ben in a school in quite some time, but I just find the whole thing a bit strange
I couldn't tell you even if offered bags of money. It does not makes sense. Just one more glimpse into our messed up world.

Ask a lefty. They'll probably have an answer if it makes sense or not.
See post 7. It does not make sense to this lefty. You people need to learn how to have an adult conversation instead of just throwing jabs.
Huh? There are girls in their school restrooms and locker rooms who have to deal with seeing a boy with his privates exposed and they're worried about something like this? That should be the least of their worries.
I certainly agree that the ounishment was too harsh. What she did was not pornographic.

Having said that, I have to question the existence of the books as you describle. There has to be more to that story. What is the purpose of these books? Are they being presented as literature? As biology or sex ed.?? How does the school justify them and is there not a parent outcry over it? What is the age range of the kids that have access to it? What are the tittles? Admittedly I have not ben in a school in quite some time, but I just find the whole thing a bit strange
Oh, it's a real book that is really available in school libraries, I'm sorry to say. It was celebrated during "banned book" week in many of them. It is recommended for YA, i.e. "Young Adults" which is age 13 - 17.

“OMG, OMG, this book,” her friend said, alerting May to a book found by another parent in the library catalogue of Keller Independent School District, where their kids go, called “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” by Maia Kobabe.

“I felt sick and disgusted,” May said, recalling text messages her friend sent her showing sexually explicit illustrations from the book. She was angry that any kid could access that kind of book in a public high school without their parents’ knowledge.

Yes, there is a parent outcry, and of course the parents are being attacked as "book burners."

The justification? I'll let the books many defenders here on USMB explain that. You can probably guess, it has to do with tolerance of the LGBT-Q community. I suppose the "G" in this case stands for "Groomer."
If I have not mentioned this to you before, here it is: in my 30 years in education I have seen Spec Ed students in straight jackets. Yes. Read that again. And I have seen them bite, hit, kick and beat kids and staff with zero consequences. Zero, because they can't help it so everyone else can be physically assaulted, it's fine.

What education is WORST at is any kind of common sense or sensible middle ground. We veer from "zero tolerance" to "restorative circles" like drunks on a week-long bender.
I've always read a great deal. I love it still, though reading the internet world has slowed down my book reading lately.

Anyway- in 7th grade I went to the library and headed to the "young adult" section I was currently burning through. I picked 4 or 5 and headed home to steal one of my brother's candy bars before he got home.

I left the books on the table and headed out to waste a little time. Playing outside is a lost art for today's youth- a shame.

Apparently one of my parents checked out my books and found one called "Candy". The paper cover was a pale pink with a candycane on it. Pretty unremarkable compared to the likes of Judy Blume and other books.

Turns out it was hard porn and I nearly got a swift ass kickin, but I protested and I guess after their shock, they knew better.

Nowadays, it would be considered required reading, but the howls of indignation and outrage were swift and heard in China. Parents were concerned and pissed and a bunch even came in the school library the next Saturday to comb the stacks for any other smut.

Times have changed.
So, porn was in the library back when you were a kid too?

This is not something new happening now?
If I have not mentioned this to you before, here it is: in my 30 years in education I have seen Spec Ed students in straight jackets. Yes. Read that again. And I have seen them bite, hit, kick and beat kids and staff with zero consequences. Zero, because they can't help it so everyone else can be physically assaulted, it's fine.
Never seen a straight jacket, but I've seen kids in handcuffs. That happened after they were allowed to act out over and over, until the admins got frustrated enough to let the police handle it. Teaching elementary, I was kicked several times before I learned to keep my distance. My wife has had a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder.

I took a masters in Special Education hoping to learn how best to educate children with disabilities. It turned out that the bulk of the program was intended to indoctrinate in the sacredness of inclusion, and in advocacy. "Inclusion" means that kids with disabilities are educated with their peers, and "advocacy" means demanding that they be educated with their peers, whether they or their peers then learn anything or not.

Over and over, the analogy was made that putting a student with a disability in a special class is no better than segregating students by race. So, that is the goal of special educators: keeping special ed kids in regular classes no matter what. That's when you end up with student who are the three D's as I call it: Disrespectful, Disobedient, and Disruptive. For some of our kids, we can also add Destructive and Dangerous.
What education is WORST at is any kind of common sense or sensible middle ground. We veer from "zero tolerance" to "restorative circles" like drunks on a week-long bender.
Yes. Not only in the field of special education, but all public school education. During the first full COVID school year, 2020 - 2021, when students were not in school enough to learn a dang thing, the emphasis from district was higher level thinking. In math class, students who had not yet memorized times tables, nor learned how to subtract with regrouping (borrowing), we were told to have them write complete sentences explaining how a two step pre-algebra problem could relate to a real life problem. This emphais higher level thinking for kids who were far behind went on through 2021 - 2022, and 2022 - 2023. This year they announced that the them is "back to basics."


But what they are telling us to do in classes is not at all back to basics. It's more of the same.
So, porn was in the library back when you were a kid too?

This is not something new happening now?

Don't get up on your hind legs and bark just yet.

We lived in a small village with poor folks and a poor library that welcomed and even depended on donated books from the people that lived there.

Whether by mistake or on purpose, it was the only one, it was removed and it wasn't anything the school would have provided or included in the curriculum.

There was a sex ed class, but it didn't include graphic instructions and illustrations of blow jobs and we never had Monica Lewinsky in as an expert guest speaker.
Never seen a straight jacket, but I've seen kids in handcuffs. That happened after they were allowed to act out over and over, until the admins got frustrated enough to let the police handle it. Teaching elementary, I was kicked several times before I learned to keep my distance. My wife has had a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder.

I took a masters in Special Education hoping to learn how best to educate children with disabilities. It turned out that the bulk of the program was intended to indoctrinate in the sacredness of inclusion, and in advocacy. "Inclusion" means that kids with disabilities are educated with their peers, and "advocacy" means demanding that they be educated with their peers, whether they or their peers then learn anything or not.

Over and over, the analogy was made that putting a student with a disability in a special class is no better than segregating students by race. So, that is the goal of special educators: keeping special ed kids in regular classes no matter what. That's when you end up with student who are the three D's as I call it: Disrespectful, Disobedient, and Disruptive. For some of our kids, we can also add Destructive and Dangerous.

Yes. Not only in the field of special education, but all public school education. During the first full COVID school year, 2020 - 2021, when students were not in school enough to learn a dang thing, the emphasis from district was higher level thinking. In math class, students who had not yet memorized times tables, nor learned how to subtract with regrouping (borrowing), we were told to have them write complete sentences explaining how a two step pre-algebra problem could relate to a real life problem. This emphais higher level thinking for kids who were far behind went on through 2021 - 2022, and 2022 - 2023. This year they announced that the them is "back to basics."


But what they are telling us to do in classes is not at all back to basics. It's more of the same.

Exactly what you describe here is destroying my school at the moment. Destructiveness that is defended by special ed and admin. Interesting that it's indoctrinated into special ed teachers at university--because of course it is.

Only when parents tire of having their gen ed kids beat down will this stop. No one cares about teacher/staff injuries.
Exactly what you describe here is destroying my school at the moment. Destructiveness that is defended by special ed and admin. Interesting that it's indoctrinated into special ed teachers at university--because of course it is.

Only when parents tire of having their gen ed kids beat down will this stop. No one cares about teacher/staff injuries.
There are advocacy groups for special education kids as well as individual advocates who come to meetings. Unfortunately, there's no one at such meetings to advocate for the needs of non-disabled kids.
I certainly agree that the ounishment was too harsh. What she did was not pornographic.

Having said that, I have to question the existence of the books as you describle. There has to be more to that story. What is the purpose of these books? Are they being presented as literature? As biology or sex ed.?? How does the school justify them and is there not a parent outcry over it? What is the age range of the kids that have access to it? What are the tittles? Admittedly I have not ben in a school in quite some time, but I just find the whole thing a bit strange
Too funny. It's all part of the leftist plan to groom children and destroy families. But you knew that.
There are advocacy groups for special education kids as well as individual advocates who come to meetings. Unfortunately, there's no one at such meetings to advocate for the needs of non-disabled kids.

These advocates always, always, at as if the supply of teachers/paras/staff is unending. If they chase someone out, oh well, certainly there's a line out the door to teach their child, right?

The principal said that this has to be treated as a case of child pornography

WRONG. Once again, some idiot is giving an adult interpretation to the acts of minors. Schools are not even acting on the rights nor protection of the kids, this is another case motivated purely from legal liability.

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