Zone1 Punishment for Racism?

What should be the punishment for racism?

  • At least something.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No punishment necessary.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?
A punch on the arm and a giggle maybe?

I just think racism is so bad that people should be punished for it. I just can’t think of the appropriate punishment. It’s tricky.

People should receive the cruelest punishment possible for their unverifiable private thoughts. Doesn’t anybody else agree?

Give them racists exactly what they deserve. Maybe they deserve a nasty newspaper article written about them without any verification whatsoever? Surely someone knows what to do about this obvious problem in our society of racism.
Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?

A lifetime of ignorance and inability to connect to fellow humans, nor to enjoy what variety is offered in the world culturally and otherwise.
A lifetime of ignorance and inability to connect to fellow humans, nor to enjoy what variety is offered in the world culturally and otherwise.

We need better technology to verify racist thoughts too. This is a huge problem. Sometimes you can easily spot a racist and say, “you are a racist”. Then they quip back and say, “no I’m not.” If they aren’t willing to admit it then they continue to get away with being racist af.

We certainly need better technology to prove these racist feelings and racist thoughts so we can nail these jerks with harsh punishments for thinking and feeling inappropriate things. I just hate racist so so bad. They are so terrible for our society.
Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?
That depends

If you are Joe Biden and comparing black children to roaches, you get elected President

But if you are influential and oppose the DNC for any reason, they will attack your ability to make a living, whether that be boycotting you or taking your sports team away or something far worse.

All of this will be done in the "private sector" so that the government can glibly watch in enjoyment and with impunity.
Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?
Nothing. In truth your 'punishment' would living in your own head, I'd expect. But you are free..inside your own be whatever you wish and you are free to put whatever conditions you wish on who you choose to associate with.

Now--if you acted out as a racist..the law already employs penalties.

I'm not a believer in criminal laws sanctioning hate speech. Civil laws such as libel, slander and those against denying someone their civil rights should work quite well.
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Nothing. In truth your 'punishment' would living in your own head, I'd expect. But you are free..inside your own be whatever you wish and you are free to put whatever conditions you wish on who you choose to associate with.

Now--if you acted out as a racist..the law already employs penalties.

I'm not a believer in criminal laws sanctioning hate speech. Civil laws such as libel, slander and denying someone their civil rights should work quite well.

So basically racists will always get off the hook? Is that what you are saying? Are you saying people are utterly and complete liars when they say racism can be punished? Some people are so so dumb. Maybe we shouldn’t worry about what other people think and say but should instead focus on what people do.

With that being said. What kind of bad racist acts should be punished?

It just seems like to me people can be super duper racist for all of eternity and nobody could ever stop it no matter how hard they tried. The racism could grow grow and grow 200 times bigger and it would never stop. Why can’t people just accept the reality that racism will never ever ever be stopped? People are just going to have to learn how to enjoy it. I guess that is where we are. We all enjoy racism in one way or the other.

Real racism has been gone for over 70 years but the kind of racism we have today cannot be eradicated. We are stuck with it until we have mind reading technologies.
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We need better technology to verify racist thoughts too. This is a huge problem. Sometimes you can easily spot a racist and say, “you are a racist”. Then they quip back and say, “no I’m not.” If they aren’t willing to admit it then they continue to get away with being racist af.

We certainly need better technology to prove these racist feelings and racist thoughts so we can nail these jerks with harsh punishments for thinking and feeling inappropriate things. I just hate racist so so bad. They are so terrible for our society.

I don't subscribe to your weaksauce trolling.

The punishment you believe is fitting you can surely make a reality, no? Go to the middle of a crowded street, find a person of a different persuasion from you that you irrationally hate, call them a derogatory name, hand them a stick and ask them to strike you.

99% Will refuse, so you will have to take it a step further and seek out OTHER racists like yourself, but only those of a different persuasion who are racist against YOU. Then, whatever punishment you see fit, demand they do it. They are far more likely to indulge.

Or, if you are a civilized person who doesn't condone violence, simply take yourself off the grid or pursue whatever punishment you accept.

Rather than all of this however, try to tell yourself that race is uncontrollable and therefore you shall judge men "by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!" Problem solved.

An A-hole is an A-hole, regardless of creed, religion, sex, race etc. Focus on that rather than just their demographic.
I don't subscribe to your weaksauce trolling.

The punishment you believe is fitting you can surely make a reality, no? Go to the middle of a crowded street, find a person of a different persuasion from you that you irrationally hate, call them a derogatory name, hand them a stick and ask them to strike you.

99% Will refuse, so you will have to take it a step further and seek out OTHER racists like yourself, but only those of a different persuasion who are racist against YOU. Then, whatever punishment you see fit, demand they do it. They are far more likely to indulge.

Or, if you are a civilized person who doesn't condone violence, simply take yourself off the grid or pursue whatever punishment you accept.

Rather than all of this however, try to tell yourself that race is uncontrollable and therefore you shall judge men "by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!" Problem solved.

An A-hole is an A-hole, regardless of creed, religion, sex, race etc. Focus on that rather than just their demographic.

I would demand that they think as badly about me as I do about them. I just don’t have the technology to measure their thoughts. So I wouldn’t even know if they were punishing me or not.

It would be really hard to suffer those consequences especially if I was one of those personalities that doesn’t care what other people think of me. If that were the case I would suffer no consequences.

In the meantime someone can inaccurately estimate that they are hated by another person and feel great pain even if the person doesn’t hate them even in the least. What an unfair world. We really need some thought verifiers. Any engineers out there that want to help with race relations?

We could really punish those racists if we could read their minds instead of just relying on dishonesty to point out racists.
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A lifetime of ignorance and inability to connect to fellow humans, nor to enjoy what variety is offered in the world culturally and otherwise.
Are you a French Canadian? Were your ancestors some of those who abused Canadian First Peoples? Seems to me that Canadians have little room to stand on that pin head of virtue that they signal.
It depends on how you define racism. We have had posters here who have suggested that having racist thoughts or attitudes be a crime.

People are free to think whatever they want. Where it becomes PUNISHABLE is if and when that moves to ACTION. If it’s an action that does not result in personal injury or worse, such as hiring a lesser-qualified white over a better-qualified black, and it could be established that race was the major factor in that choice, I’d be for a fine - and rectification.

If it’s a violent hate crime, such as a black person attacking an Orthodox Jew, then of course that should be prosecuted. But we already have laws for that on the books.

But to circle back, NO. Being a racist, if not acted upon, is not criminal and should carry no punishment.
Being a racist, if not acted upon, is not criminal and should carry no punishment.

I think as a society we have silently come to that consensus on all sides of the discussion. Racism is neither verifiable or punishable. The noise is just for entertainment effect and boy does it entertain. You should listen to the pure stupidity people say just to get on tv.
Are you a French Canadian? Were your ancestors some of those who abused Canadian First Peoples? Seems to me that Canadians have little room to stand on that pin head of virtue that they signal.

No I am not, though I am a mutt of a variety of ancestral backgrounds including Acadian, Church of England etc. As I tell people "I'm human".

And factually speaking, in my experiences it is the Irish and multi-generational Canadians who have been the most racist. Especially our police officers of Irish and Asian decent who I knew before they were cops. They were definitely the most hateful of people who tried really hard to spread their vitriol. I couldn't even repeat the type of language they used against many different people, it was that offensive.
No I am not, though I am a mutt of a variety of ancestral backgrounds including Acadian, Church of England etc. As I tell people "I'm human".

And factually speaking, in my experiences it is the Irish and multi-generational Canadians who have been the most racist. Especially our police officers of Irish and Asian decent who I knew before they were cops. They were definitely the most hateful of people who tried really hard to spread their vitriol. I couldn't even repeat the type of language they used against many different people, it was that offensive.
And yet any discussion of the issue seems to be focused on the US. I will grant you, we have our problems, but I find it extremely insulting when citizens of other countries who have records as bad and in many cases worse that the US, start pointing fingers.
And yet any discussion of the issue seems to be focused on the US. I will grant you, we have our problems, but I find it extremely insulting when citizens of other countries who have records as bad and in many cases worse that the US, start pointing fingers.

Who is pointing fingers? America is one of the least racist nations on earth. He said himself, I quote: "let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist". So I based my recommendations on this premise. Also, I provided some advice on how to assure he is punished according to what he deems suitable.

Racism is not that difficult to shift away from as long as you apply some logic and separate yourself from other racists in your community.
Who is pointing fingers? America is one of the least racist nations on earth. He said himself, I quote: "let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist". So I based my recommendations on this premise. Also, I provided some advice on how to assure he is punished according to what he deems suitable.

Racism is not that difficult to shift away from as long as you apply some logic and separate yourself from other racists in your community.
Racism would disappear from the face of the earth if everyone quit talking about it and just lived their lives in a somewhat cooperative fashion.

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