Zone1 Punishment for Racism?

What should be the punishment for racism?

  • At least something.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No punishment necessary.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Racism would disappear from the face of the earth if everyone quit talking about it and just lived their lives in a somewhat cooperative fashion.

It's not that easy, prejudice is ingrained in since birth. Newborns are wired to discriminate between their mothers face and anyone elses, among other discriminatory biases which famous developmental psychologist Jean Piaget studied and identified.

What does amplify such biases, is media and profiteers who point to racism as a lazy excuse for far too many ills in society. This is why capitalism in theory should eliminate these disparities since people risking capital will only choose successful workers, their race or religion doesn't matter, just results.

Unfortunately, big government interference has hampered this concept and harmed relations.
People CANNOT be forced to not be racist. Attempting to do so will only serve to reinforce and further entrench someone's racist leanings.

It's also intensely irritating to listen to soft-hearted, self-righteous weinies who have convinced themselves that THEY have the right to look down on anyone who doesn't behave exactly as the weinies dictate they should.

Finally, engaging in rioting, commiting crimes, looting, smash and grabs, destroying stores etc., and then trying to claim these things are a "protest" against racism is ridiculous.

Behaving like brainless savages will only serve to greatly intensify any racist feelings felt by law abiding, productive citizens - and that's easy to understand.
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Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?
Unless you go around beating up black folks I do not think there should be any punishment at all.
Unless you go around beating up black folks I do not think there should be any punishment at all.

That would be assault whether they are black or not. Race wouldn’t even be a factor even if the motives were pure racist. The crime would be assault not racism.

We need to be able to punish people for their thoughts and feelings.
We need to be able to punish people for their thoughts and feelings.
Sounds kind of like those bullshit "microaggressions."

Isn't the whole point of them to allow weak-minded fools to get pissed off about some tiny thing they "think" -- might have / could have / should have -- been offensive?

Then they can go on their merry way, pissed off at whitey, again, and assured that their loud claims to victimhood are still very much intact.
That would be assault whether they are black or not. Race wouldn’t even be a factor even if the motives were pure racist. The crime would be assault not racism.

We need to be able to punish people for their thoughts and feelings.
I believe, on the basis of the available evidence, that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. Should expressing those opinions be illegal? Should thinking that way privately be illegal?
I believe, on the basis of the available evidence, that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. Should expressing those opinions be illegal? Should thinking that way privately be illegal?
No thoughts should be illegal--how would you enforce such ridiculous shyte anyway?

As for expressing your Bigotry out loud in public, go for it. There should be no laws forbidding such. Of course, Free Speech does not mean speech without consequences.
Those who hear you may well take offense--and act out accordingly.
If you are inciting a crowd to illegal action I do believe that you should be shut-down. But that's a rule for everyone..whether or not they're speaking truth or racist BS.
Nothing. In truth your 'punishment' would living in your own head, I'd expect. But you are free..inside your own be whatever you wish and you are free to put whatever conditions you wish on who you choose to associate with.

Now--if you acted out as a racist..the law already employs penalties.

I'm not a believer in criminal laws sanctioning hate speech. Civil laws such as libel, slander and those against denying someone their civil rights should work quite well.
RIght, the Left is for destroying people in terms of their ability to make money via boycotts, ostracizing them from society, and destroying their reputations till the end of time, even if they are repentant.
Racism would disappear from the face of the earth if everyone quit talking about it and just lived their lives in a somewhat cooperative fashion.
Historically speaking, racism is the human condition, much like genocide seems to be

And when the two join forces, it's like nirvana.
RIght, the Left is for destroying people in terms of their ability to make money via boycotts, ostracizing them from society, and destroying their reputations till the end of time, even if they are repentant.
...and they are as free to do that as you are to do it in return. Again, free speech does not mean speech free of consequences~
You might wonder why the Left is far more successful in these tactics than the Right? Perhaps it's that there is a majority of people who feel strongly about some issues..and they simply outnumber their opposite numbers on the Right?
...and they are as free to do that as you are to do it in return. Again, free speech does not mean speech free of consequences~
You might wonder why the Left is far more successful in these tactics than the Right? Perhaps it's that there is a majority of people who feel strongly about some issues..and they simply outnumber their opposite numbers on the Right?
I'll give you another example of what I'm talking about

An ESPN reporter was covering a tennis match between two players, one of whom was black. The reporter said that the black player successfully employed guerrilla tactics, but a viewer thought he meant gorilla tactics, which would have been racist.

Later on, social media blew up about it and ESPN fired the reporter over it, despite him saying he meant "guerrila" and not "gorilla". And they fired him despite have zero racist inclinations in the past. So then once fired, he was black balled and could not find work. It was then he had a heart attack and almost died.

No one defended him, not even the black tennis player

But he recovered, sued ESPN, and won.

But at what cost? And how many are wronged like this and unable to successfully sue to defend themselves, for whatever reason?
I believe, on the basis of the available evidence, that blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. Should expressing those opinions be illegal? Should thinking that way privately be illegal?
No. Thoughts are not illegal, nor is expression of them. Only actions can be illegal.
I'll give you another example of what I'm talking about

An ESPN reporter was covering a tennis match between two players, one of whom was black. The reporter said that the black player successfully employed guerrilla tactics, but a viewer thought he meant gorilla tactics, which would have been racist.

Later on, social media blew up about it and ESPN fired the reporter over it, despite him saying he meant "guerrila" and not "gorilla". And they fired him despite have zero racist inclinations in the past. So then once fired, he was black balled and could not find work. It was then he had a heart attack and almost died.

No one defended him, not even the black tennis player

But he recovered, sued ESPN, and won.

But at what cost? And how many are wronged like this and unable to successfully sue to defend themselves, for whatever reason? adults, we know life ain't fair, right? I remember the Adler case..he was screwed over...took it to court and won. Best you can do in those circumstances.
I believe that the cancel culture shyte is absurd..usually. Sometimes, however, the behavior is egregious--and warrants a response. Many caught up in the #metoo scandals deserved everything they got. To the topic..racism is going out of style--as is sexism. You can be on the right side of history..or you can get run over by it.

As always, and especially now...our culture is in flux.
As with so many other things, the Left has re-defined "racist" and "racism" into meaninglessness so that they can accuse anyone they don't like of being a "racist," and there is no defense to the charge.

Louis Farrakhan once famously said, "'Anti-Semite' used to mean someone who doesn't like jews; now it means someone that jews don't like." Good point.

And the same is true of "racist." Now it means, anyone that Leftists (or Blacks) don't like...with Exhibit A being Donald Trump.

"Racist" used to describe someone who actively tried to oppress "Negroes," or perhaps someone who would do so if they had the power. Today it appears to mean that a "racist" is anyone who ascribes (or even observes) any trait whatsoever to people of a certain race, even if that trait is obviously present. It is racist to note that 70% of Black births are to single women...even though it's true. It is racist to point out that the disproportion of Blacks in jails and prisons is entirely justified by the available crime statistics - particularly crimes against persons and property. And so on.

Exalting certain personal behavioral traits - hard work, punctuality, monogamy - is racist.

And to reiterate, Leftists love to call people they don't like "racists" because there is no defense to the charge. You can cite a lifetime of virtuous behavior to all people, regardless of race, a total dearth of evidence of doesn't matter. Once the charge has been made, that's the end of the discussion. Everything else you say, or that is said by others about you, is just confirmation of the slander.
No thoughts should be illegal--how would you enforce such ridiculous shyte anyway?

As for expressing your Bigotry out loud in public, go for it. There should be no laws forbidding such. Of course, Free Speech does not mean speech without consequences.
Those who hear you may well take offense--and act out accordingly.
If you are inciting a crowd to illegal action I do believe that you should be shut-down. But that's a rule for everyone..whether or not they're speaking truth or racist BS.
Your comment implies that if I publicly post statistics, drawn from credible sources, about the high rate of black violent crime, several Negroes will beat me up in order to convince me that I am mistaken. o_O
Your comment implies that if I publicly post statistics, drawn from credible sources, about the high rate of black violent crime, several Negroes will beat me up in order to convince me that I am mistaken. o_O
Nah....could be several white dudes~

But really..posting is one go downtown, stand on a corner, and start shouted N****r and N****r that--yeah..might catch a beatdown.

But you have the right to do that..if you wish.
Nah....could be several white dudes~

But really..posting is one go downtown, stand on a corner, and start shouted N****r and N****r that--yeah..might catch a beatdown.

But you have the right to do that..if you wish.
The question was whether it is illegal to do so. It is not. That’s not saying there won’t be consequences.
I'll give you another example of what I'm talking about

An ESPN reporter was covering a tennis match between two players, one of whom was black. The reporter said that the black player successfully employed guerrilla tactics, but a viewer thought he meant gorilla tactics, which would have been racist.

Later on, social media blew up about it and ESPN fired the reporter over it, despite him saying he meant "guerrila" and not "gorilla". And they fired him despite have zero racist inclinations in the past. So then once fired, he was black balled and could not find work. It was then he had a heart attack and almost died.

No one defended him, not even the black tennis player

But he recovered, sued ESPN, and won.

But at what cost? And how many are wronged like this and unable to successfully sue to defend themselves, for whatever reason?

I’m ok with that unless the government was involved in the smear campaign. For all we know he could have been a pain in the butt to his boss before he made the guerrila tactic comment. Nobody ever knows why they are fire or why their employee quit. Besides if a misquote or misunderstanding hurts their business it is totally justified to respond in a mean way to an employee for the benefit of your company.
Many people have accused me of being racist. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. For the sake of this discussion let’s assume I am a super duper quadruple racist.

What should my punishment be for being so so racist deep down in my spirit?
That's a very good question and I have to say quite frankly, I don't think racism should be legislated as a crime.

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