"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

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i cant believe how badly this is going...do you think zimmerman will get on the stand?

ooooooooo a 'fucking punk'

I doubt it seriously. Zimmerman is just not a sympathetic character, especially with this opening volley from the prosecution. I wonder how many of the female juries are black women. If there are at least three you can safely say Zimmerman is

So you think black women will apply a different standard for justice than a non-black woman?

Isn't that a bit racist? Justice is justice regardless of who is hearing the case. One is either guilty or innocent.

The O.J. case proved that black people do have a different standard of justice. Sad, but true.
Wow. You are glad because an unarmed kid making a trip to the store for some candy and iced tea was provoked into some kind of encounter by a fucker with a gun and then shot dead. And you think that's a good thing.


The facts do not support that story line. Zimmerman stopped following him and was returning to his car. Martin Confronted him not the other way around. Further the evidence shows that if martin had just gone home he would have been inside his house when the confrontation occurred further supporting the contention that martin confronted Zimmerman.

The evidence will show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground which supports Zimmerman's contention that martin threatened his life not the other way around.

Can we stop with the "pounding his head into the ground"? His injuries weren't severe enough to support his head being "POUNDED into the ground."

They're going to have to prove that Martin attacked Zimmerman. And I don't think that's what happened. He may have confronted him, yeah, like 'why are you following me,' but what happened next. I suspect Zimmerman, convinced in his own mind that this was a fucking punk, became aggressive or reached for his gun, and Martin reacted defensively.

That makes the most sense to me.

Actually, the defense doesn't "have to prove" diddly squat. The prosecution has to prove ITS case beyond a reasonable doubt, ie. your little unsupported imagining that Zimmerman was the aggressor, and Martin was just being defensive.
i cant believe how badly this is going...do you think zimmerman will get on the stand?

ooooooooo a 'fucking punk'

I doubt it seriously. Zimmerman is just not a sympathetic character, especially with this opening volley from the prosecution. I wonder how many of the female juries are black women. If there are at least three you can safely say Zimmerman is

<snipped toast pic>

Did he have gunshot residue on him? I am speaking of Zimmerman. Honest question since here. Not his hands, on his clothes since he was at "close range" as you say. If he wasnt at close range, was his life still in danger?


gun shot residue is pretty darn useless in proving anything other than a gun was fired his presence, which isn't really disputed here.

And I would think having someone on top of you hitting your head into the ground is close range.

the autopsy reported the shot was close range

while the lab that examined martins clothes

said it was a contact shot

cant get much closer then that
Other should have been "too early to tell" since the trial just started. But I voted anyway.
Did he have gunshot residue on him? I am speaking of Zimmerman. Honest question since here. Not his hands, on his clothes since he was at "close range" as you say. If he wasnt at close range, was his life still in danger?


gun shot residue is pretty darn useless in proving anything other than a gun was fired his presence, which isn't really disputed here.

And I would think having someone on top of you hitting your head into the ground is close range.

the autopsy reported the shot was close range

while the lab that examined martins clothes

said it was a contact shot

cant get much closer then that

That may be so. If so, it's consistant with what we know happen.

But that doesnt change the fact that it's not really useful in determining anything. Anyone at the scene could get gun shot residue on them. It can transfer easily if anyone handled anything in the crime scene.

It's not the smoking gun it's made out to be on tv.
I doubt it seriously. Zimmerman is just not a sympathetic character, especially with this opening volley from the prosecution. I wonder how many of the female juries are black women. If there are at least three you can safely say Zimmerman is

So you think black women will apply a different standard for justice than a non-black woman?

Isn't that a bit racist? Justice is justice regardless of who is hearing the case. One is either guilty or innocent.

The O.J. case proved that black people do have a different standard of justice. Sad, but true.

It did?
Show me the rule where it explicitly states you cannot carry a concealed weapon when on watch. From my reading it is that you are not supposed to apprhend someone.

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford | Tampa Bay Times
Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford
"""In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain. ( Fucking cop wannabe. They are the most dangerous kind.)

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

For the first two months of this year, at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the Sanford police logged 51 calls for service. Half were just people requesting information. The others included eight burglaries, two bike thefts and three simple assaults.

Zimmerman's last 911 call came on Feb. 26, at 7:11 p.m. "Black male, late teens, dark gray hoodie, jeans or sweatpants walking around area," the dispatcher recorded. A minute later: "Subject now running towards back entrance of complex."

On a recording of the call, you can hear Zimmerman say, "He's got his hand in his waistband. Something is wrong with him." Then, "He's running toward the back entrance."

The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow him. A patrol officer was on the way."""

NPR interview with Carmen Caldwell:

"""The executive director is an irrepressible, 30-year veteran of neighborhood watch programs, Carmen Caldwell. She got involved as a volunteer in the '80s. When she heard about the events in Sanford, Caldwell says her first reaction was, that's not how neighborhood watch operates. Caldwell says her office is adamant about the rules - and they're simple.

CALDWELL: No intervening, no carrying weapons, no patrolling the area - and your only job is to call the police when you see something suspicious.

ALLEN: Miami-Dade's neighborhood watch program is more closely supervised than many. Caldwell gets much of her funding from the county government, and works to register all her groups with the National Sheriff's Association. This week, at a city commission meeting attended by several hundred people in Sanford, congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee quoted from the sheriff's association guidelines for neighborhood watch programs.

ALLEN: That was supposed to be the case at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the townhome community where George Zimmerman was neighborhood watch captain. In the homeowner's association newsletter, residents were urged to keep their eyes open and if they saw anything suspicious, to call the police. Although the events that led to Trayvon Martin's shooting are still not clear, it appears Zimmerman went far beyond that."""

Two opinions of people in the watch, not actual written regulations.

Where are the written regulations stating you cannot carry weapons? The truth is they cannot bar a person from carrying if the state allows a person to do so.

A person is not allowed to stalk, menace and murder another person.
So you think black women will apply a different standard for justice than a non-black woman?

Isn't that a bit racist? Justice is justice regardless of who is hearing the case. One is either guilty or innocent.

The O.J. case proved that black people do have a different standard of justice. Sad, but true.

It did?


Although it was clear that Ron Goldman fought with his murderer NO ONE questioned his character or motives.

Funny that.
NoTea wants Zimmerman to lose so bad. It's written in all of his/her comments. According to proper court procedure, neither attorney is able to make any objections during opening statements. That can only happen during the questioning phase. Opening statements are meant to introduce both sides of the case to the jury for further consideration during questioning. Also, opinions of the OP do not override legal precedent.

Well, it probably didn't helped that Zimmerman's attorney implied the jurors were ignorant in his opening statement with a lame Knock-knock joke.
The left seems to have a lot resting on the Zimmerman case. Will we expect another Rodney King riot if he is found not guilty? The defense needs to call McGruff the crime dog to the stand. Zimmerman was doing exactly what the government sponsored "neighborhood watchdog" ads suggest.

I missed the part where McGruff was packing heat and shot an unarmed black kid with a bag of Skittles.

Maybe you can point that one out to me.

Frankly, if you have an all-white jury give a pass to Zimmerman for shooting a black kid, riots can kind of be expected.

Which is the problem when a racial minority ONLY gets attention paid to their problems WHEN they riot.
Yes, HOAs can determine if one can carry a gun while on Neighborhood Watch. Why? Obvious. They can't handle the liability:

Trayvon Martin's parents settle suit with subdivision's HOA

Trayvon Martin's parents settle suit with subdivision's HOA | Bay News 9

Additionally, I heard one attorney say today on CNN that the reason the dispatcher said, "We don't need you to that." in reference to Zimmerman admitting that he was following Martin, is because police dispatchers are not allowed to direct or give orders to individuals calling in for police assistance.

Hmmm, I think a lot of things will start to become clear as the next few weeks unfold. ONe thing is for sure, the SYG law needs to be repealed.

Once again he is not using stand your ground.

That was his first lame excuse for shooting a black kid armed with a bag of Skittles. But his attorneys will invoke the SYG if his trial goes poorly, and it already is. That knock-knock joke went overly badly. I bet Zimmerman's attorneys hate this case.

The defense already passed on Stand Your Ground, they waived the judicial hearing. Go ask your husband to read this link for clarification.

George Zimmerman Waives 'Stand Your Ground' Hearing and Heads to Trial - ABC News
gun shot residue is pretty darn useless in proving anything other than a gun was fired his presence, which isn't really disputed here.

And I would think having someone on top of you hitting your head into the ground is close range.

the autopsy reported the shot was close range

while the lab that examined martins clothes

said it was a contact shot

cant get much closer then that

That may be so. If so, it's consistant with what we know happen.

But that doesnt change the fact that it's not really useful in determining anything. Anyone at the scene could get gun shot residue on them. It can transfer easily if anyone handled anything in the crime scene.

It's not the smoking gun it's made out to be on tv.

yes agreed

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