"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

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I am not voting because I frankly have no idea what the jury will credit and what they will reject.

If Zimmerman was not acting under the impetus of being pounded and in fear for his life or long term health, then it is certainly possible that he deserves to be convicted.

But, if he was taking a beat down (as his nose and the back of his head suggest) and then shot Trayvon at close range (as the forensics suggest) in order to fend off his attacker, then he deserves to be acquitted.

But the verdict may not reveal what DID happen. It may reveal only what six women "find" happened based on some peculiar prosecutorial decisions (if the Court allows it). Assuming the prosecutors end up being persuasive, Zimmerman COULD go down. That will not resolve the real question which is whether he DESERVES to be convicted.

I harbor suspicions that he does not. But I don't pretend to know for sure. So, although my inclination is to lean toward the prospect of an acquittal, I don't have a ton of faith in that ultimately being the outcome.

Meanwhile, it does look like the prosecutors' case is foundering a bit.
NoTea wants Zimmerman to lose so bad. It's written in all of his/her comments. According to proper court procedure, neither attorney is able to make any objections during opening statements. That can only happen during the questioning phase. Opening statements are meant to introduce both sides of the case to the jury for further consideration during questioning. Also, opinions of the OP do not override legal precedent.

That is certainly proper ettiquette, though I've seen attorney's ignore that.
Judges are sort of like hall monitors when you were in high school. They do not run the show, they merely try to maintain order. Remember, this is a JURIED trial, not a trial by a judge. Made all the difference in OJ's trial, if you recall.

The jury will hear the tape without expert testimony as to who is doing the screaming. They will make up their own minds as to who is doing the screaming. And yes, judges do run the show.

No, they don't. Not if it's a juried trial. If judges ran the show then both defense and prosecution would not spend months in voir dire. I think you are clueless about this process. Have you ever served on a jury? How about a murder trial?

Voir Dire usually isn't that long. It's only long in this case because it was a high publicity cases. In most cases, vior dire is only half a day long.
Hold on, it hasn't even started yet.

Before start interpreting a trial, you might want to thing about going to law school.

Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

I seriously dislike Philadelphia trial attornies. They are so full of crap most of the time and have no clue how to behave professionally.
Only morons think those words are incriminating.

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

Only about 95% of the population. We are not all racist punks like you.
WTF? You just said 'it hasn't started yet.' Sounds to me like it has started. And I don't believe the judge said 'damn.'

I was not quoting the judge. You do understand what these mean: " "?

Opening statements, no witnesses called yet. That's what I mean about not starting yet.
But the defense did get on with it after apologizing to the judge.

You seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You should shut up before you REALLY embarrass yourself. If you could any worse than you already have.

Considering how many times she embarasses herself on this board, i doubt that warning is going to reach her.

I could care less if it ever got started, where it stops or if it ends. It's an internet message board. But I know from being on them for almost 20 years that for some, it's their life.


AOL maybe, but not forums. Haha, forums since 1993? lmao. You're funny.

I started posting on CompuServe about 1994, but that was before he internet actually existed.

And you are still an idiot.
the vigilante was on a mission. He also sounds like he has ADHD on the tape

Essential or irrelevant? Zimmerman prosecutor fights to reveal previous calls to cops - U.S. News
“These a------- always get away,” he quoted Zimmerman as saying.
On the call, Zimmerman reports that Martin is walking around in the rain and looks like “he’s up to no good,” then says the teen is staring at him and approaching with his hand in his waistband.

And, with no witnesses in sight, what a wonderful way to set up an alibi for committing murder.
Husband is a trial attorney in Philadelphia. For over 25 years. Graduated from Georgetown with JD and LLM. I get my info from all the craziest sources, don't I?

You don't get a JD by osmosis. You know nothing.

I guess you would let your doctor's wife do surgery on you.

I doubt you even understand what an LLM is, but after living with him for 30 years, I have picked up a few pointers and attended more than a few trials, too. One was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Google this::::: Marion Hammer was the first NRA prez who singularly rammed the Stand Your Ground law through Florida legislation in 2005 based on a lie: that she was "stalked in a parking garage by six men, one of whom wielded a "long-necked beer bottle" before she pulled out her .38 and aimed".

The rednecks in Florida ate it up like trained seals with fresh fish thrown at them. The SYG law is fatally flawed, it gives the person shooting the gun the convenient opportunity of firing first and asking questions later. And ironically it was drafted to protect white people from blacks, but looks like the law has backfired, no pun intended.

You keep claiming to have legal knowledge and yet you cant seem to figure out that stand your ground is completely irrelevant to this case.
Zimmerman was a self proclaimed neighborhood watch captain not belonging to any neighborhood watch organization. Neighbor watch member not allowed to carry guns.

The Second Amendment allows anyone carry a gun. though states have required licensing and critiera such as not being a felon or crazy.
So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

You dont want people watching to make sure crimes arent occured in your community?
I guess some people aren't getting that Zimmerman was the "punk" in this story. I sure don't want the likes of him running around my neighborhood at night.

What liberals don't seem to fathom is that lots of people have had encounters with punks like Treyvon and they are rooting for Zimmerman's acquittal.

I recall a news story when I lived in Tampa that described how the driver of a car reached into his glovebox, pulled out his Glock and blew away some punk who was trying to highjack his car. Everyone in my office cheered when they learned about that.

Yes, but Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to hijack anyone's car or do anything else but run to the store for some refreshments and go back home.

But the way, I'm not a "liberal." Don't call me a liberal, it pisses me off. I am totally in favor of the right to carry a gun and the right to defend yourself. What I am not in favor of is someone provoking a situation against an unarmed person and then trying to call it self-defense. That's bullshit.

Sure. Zimmernman just made Travyon jump him from behind and start beating him against the ground.
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.

I think he will be found guilty. I can't imagine a jury of six women will look at this bloat and think, "this guy really was in fear of his life" from a child.

It doesn't help he's gained 100 lbs since the incident.

This is true.
I am not voting because I frankly have no idea what the jury will credit and what they will reject.

If Zimmerman was not acting under the impetus of being pounded and in fear for his life or long term health, then it is certainly possible that he deserves to be convicted.

But, if he was taking a beat down (as his nose and the back of his head suggest) and then shot Trayvon at close range (as the forensics suggest) in order to fend off his attacker, then he deserves to be acquitted.

But the verdict may not reveal what DID happen. It may reveal only what six women "find" happened based on some peculiar prosecutorial decisions (if the Court allows it). Assuming the prosecutors end up being persuasive, Zimmerman COULD go down. That will not resolve the real question which is whether he DESERVES to be convicted.

I harbor suspicions that he does not. But I don't pretend to know for sure. So, although my inclination is to lean toward the prospect of an acquittal, I don't have a ton of faith in that ultimately being the outcome.

Meanwhile, it does look like the prosecutors' case is foundering a bit.

Did he have gunshot residue on him? I am speaking of Zimmerman. Honest question since here. Not his hands, on his clothes since he was at "close range" as you say. If he wasnt at close range, was his life still in danger?

So tell us what smart people are to surmise from those comments. I'll be waiting to hear your brilliant explanation.

They surmise that Zimmerman doesn't like getting robbed by ghetto punks, and that judges always let them off with a slap on the wrist.

What rational person would disagree?

Only about 95% of the population. We are not all racist punks like you.

and yet, you are the one assuming a ghetto punk can only be from a single race...
the vigilante was on a mission. He also sounds like he has ADHD on the tape

Essential or irrelevant? Zimmerman prosecutor fights to reveal previous calls to cops - U.S. News
“These a------- always get away,” he quoted Zimmerman as saying.
On the call, Zimmerman reports that Martin is walking around in the rain and looks like “he’s up to no good,” then says the teen is staring at him and approaching with his hand in his waistband.

And, with no witnesses in sight, what a wonderful way to set up an alibi for committing murder.

No witnesses? What did all the witnesses disappear?
Show me the rule where it explicitly states you cannot carry a concealed weapon when on watch. From my reading it is that you are not supposed to apprhend someone.

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford | Tampa Bay Times
Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford
"""In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain. ( Fucking cop wannabe. They are the most dangerous kind.)

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

For the first two months of this year, at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the Sanford police logged 51 calls for service. Half were just people requesting information. The others included eight burglaries, two bike thefts and three simple assaults.

Zimmerman's last 911 call came on Feb. 26, at 7:11 p.m. "Black male, late teens, dark gray hoodie, jeans or sweatpants walking around area," the dispatcher recorded. A minute later: "Subject now running towards back entrance of complex."

On a recording of the call, you can hear Zimmerman say, "He's got his hand in his waistband. Something is wrong with him." Then, "He's running toward the back entrance."

The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow him. A patrol officer was on the way."""

NPR interview with Carmen Caldwell:

"""The executive director is an irrepressible, 30-year veteran of neighborhood watch programs, Carmen Caldwell. She got involved as a volunteer in the '80s. When she heard about the events in Sanford, Caldwell says her first reaction was, that's not how neighborhood watch operates. Caldwell says her office is adamant about the rules - and they're simple.

CALDWELL: No intervening, no carrying weapons, no patrolling the area - and your only job is to call the police when you see something suspicious.

ALLEN: Miami-Dade's neighborhood watch program is more closely supervised than many. Caldwell gets much of her funding from the county government, and works to register all her groups with the National Sheriff's Association. This week, at a city commission meeting attended by several hundred people in Sanford, congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee quoted from the sheriff's association guidelines for neighborhood watch programs.

ALLEN: That was supposed to be the case at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the townhome community where George Zimmerman was neighborhood watch captain. In the homeowner's association newsletter, residents were urged to keep their eyes open and if they saw anything suspicious, to call the police. Although the events that led to Trayvon Martin's shooting are still not clear, it appears Zimmerman went far beyond that."""

You said the HOA rules don't allow you to carry a weapon. You haven't posted any HOA rule that says so. What you have posted is simply an opinion of someone, who for all we know may be a partisan member of the Zimmerman lynch mob.

How could a Home Owners Association rule book deprive one of their Second Amendment rights?

I don't get it.

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Um, no. If the prosecution is going with "he went in there intending to shoot someone" theory, which use of this statement implies, then thier case is actually WEAKER than we think.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

I am going to have t o look that one up...that HOA said he couldnt carry? Why, were they wrorried about a over zealous cop wanna be shooting someone?
Zimmerman being around my family playing in the yard would not have felt right to me, I can tell you that.

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