"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
NoTea wants Zimmerman to lose so bad. It's written in all of his/her comments. According to proper court procedure, neither attorney is able to make any objections during opening statements. That can only happen during the questioning phase. Opening statements are meant to introduce both sides of the case to the jury for further consideration during questioning. Also, opinions of the OP do not override legal precedent.

Well, it probably didn't helped that Zimmerman's attorney implied the jurors were ignorant in his opening statement with a lame Knock-knock joke.

It was an incredibly stupid joke, but only a hack would try to portray the joke as calling the jurors ignorant.
Given the discussions I've witnessed on this board, I'm surprised the poll is not far more to the "Not Guilty" end.

A hung jury wouldn't surprise me, but I expect a guilty. The case is pretty ironclad.

Seeing whats publicly available and expecting an acquittal makes me question not only ones intellect, but ones motives as well.

From my perspective, it is just the opposite.

Zimmerman called the police, complied with the police, was attacked by Martin, and defended himself.

The ONLY argument I've heard that remotely caused me any doubt was that MARTIN was defending himself with force...BUT that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

Martin had a cellphone, lost contact with Zimmerman...but never called the police, or his home number to get his dad...two things that a reasonable person in fear would have done.

Zimmerman innocent.

I voted hung jury because I almost positive someone on the jury will be unable to see reason.
There was stippling on the victim. There was gsr on the victim.

The approximation of the distance between the victim and the muzzle at the moment the gun was fired is maybe 3 inches or so.
Here's an idea. let Noteapartyplease act as the prosecution. Zimmerman will walk for sure
Interesting testimony today..."It is NOT within the purview of 911 dispatchers to give orders to callers."

There goes that talking point right out the window...
I bet the police don't like having to sort through the wreckage after these vigilante attacks.
Witness recalls efforts to save wounded Trayvon Martin - U.S. News
The jury in the George Zimmerman trial was shown photos Tuesday of Trayvon Martin’s body and a closeup of a chest wound as a police sergeant testified about his attempts to save the teenager’s life.
“I breathed for Mr. Martin -- or I tried to,” Raimondo said, adding that the other officer performed the chest compressions.
That other thread was way too long anyway...this thread is now open for Zimmerman Trial discussion.
That other thread was way too long anyway...this thread is now open for Zimmerman Trial discussion.

Just make sure Sarah G doesn't come in with her two cents... she's why the other thread was closed.

Sarah is extremely anti-gun...IMO that anti-gun bias has clouded the judgement of many as it relates to this case.

But Sarah is good people. We hardly agree on anything but I still like her.
That other thread was way too long anyway...this thread is now open for Zimmerman Trial discussion.

Just make sure Sarah G doesn't come in with her two cents... she's why the other thread was closed.

Sarah is extremely anti-gun...IMO that anti-gun bias has clouded the judgement of many as it relates to this case.

But Sarah is good people. We hardly agree on anything but I still like her.

Yes indeed. But she is purposefully distorting the trial and passing off what she sees as fact! She has done nothing to contribute, or verify her statements. That level of preclusive bias is overwhelming.
He should be Acquitted but there is so much media bias, jury of women instead of his peers, he gave 5 hour taped interview. So I believe it will be a hung jury.

"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

Um, no. If the prosecution is going with "he went in there intending to shoot someone" theory, which use of this statement implies, then thier case is actually WEAKER than we think.

This is a quote, Einstein. Not an opinion or conjecture.

This opening statement combined with the fact that Zimmerman's HOA rules forbade him from carrying a gun while on Neighborhood Watch is enough.

Except Zimmerman is not on trial for violating HOA rules and disobeying those rules does not mean his intent was to murder. Try again. Was he actually on watch duty at that particular time? No, he wasn't. It was his own private time and he is allowed to legally carry his weapon, while on watch duty or off watch duty. If you are the president of the neighborhood watch you can 'fire' Zimmerman from his post if and only if he was on watch duty at the time of the shooting, that's about it. Guilty of murder for violating HOA rules? You're making up ludicrious imaginary laws that aren't even on the books.
looks like another slam dunk for the prosecution:

Jurors see photos of Trayvon Martin?s body | HLNtv.com
Prosecutor John Guy had a crime scene technician show jurors the gun Zimmerman used to shoot Martin. The technician, Diana Smith, also showed them the soft drink and Skittles Martin bought that night, along with photos of Zimmerman’s head, hands and clothing taken after he arrived at the police station.

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