Pussification of America

Colbert Calls Obama a ‘Pussy’ for ‘Limp Leadership’ on Syria: It’s Time to ‘Blow Some Sh*t Up!’

by Matt Wilstein | 2:23 pm, September 5th, 2013



Colbert translated Obama’s most recent speech on his decision as, “We don’t know what we want to do. We won’t do much and it doesn’t matter when we want to do it. Now, who’s with me?!” With a pitch like that, all Colbert’s “crack graphics department” could come up with is ““Cris-Ish in Syri-Eh.”

“C’mon you pussy,” Colbert said to Obama, “Slap some AndroGel on your coin purse and grow a pair!” This led Colbert to compare the war-selling styles of Obama and Bush. “That man knew how to sell a war,” Colbert said of Bush. “I love being lied to by a professional.” He then delivered the terrifying speech Obama should have given, which you’ll have to see to believe.


Colbert Calls Obama a 'Pussy' for 'Limp Leadership' on Syria | Mediaite


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Elementary school outlaws playing tag, 'running in packs'

11 hrs ago

New Groningen kindergarten teachers in Grand Rapids, Michigan caused some consternation amongst parents recently with a letter they sent home that banned the game of tag and other chase-oriented games. The letter described the problem of children, "running in packs, pushing, knocking other children over, and making the game dangerous," which as we recall, was half the fun of the game. "We want our children to treat each other with respect, kindness, and with safety in mind," said Ginger Smith, community relationship manager for Zeeland Public Schools, on Friday, in an attempt to clarify the situation.


Zeeland public school in outlaws tag, chasing, 'running in packs'

Washington Redskins Name Change is the Right Thing to Do

Rashaad Mubarakin
Politics2 days ago

While the Washington Redskins lost their first game of the season on Monday to the Philadelphia Eagles, they gained more attention because of their team name, which journalists and certain media outlets consider offensive to Native Americans.


In May, Congress issued a letter and requested the team's owner Daniel Snyder to change the moniker. Snyder refused and voiced his reason for the moniker to remain the same: "As a lifelong Redskins fan, I think that the Redskins fans understand the great tradition and what's it about and what it means," said Snyder. "So we feel pretty fortunate to be just working on next season. We'll never change the name. It's that simple. NEVER — you can use caps."

I understand Snyder's sentiments. As the team's owner, he does not want to ruin tradition. However, he should realize that his team's name is highly offensive to an important demographic in the U.S. Snyder should reconsider his decision and change the team's moniker to something less racist and meaningful to himself and the players.

Washington Redskins Name Change is the Right Thing to Do
The 'Washington Politically-Correct Pussies' football team?

The ‘wussification’ of America: MLB to ban home plate collisions

Thursday, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:03 PM EST

Glenn is not a sports aficionado… by any stretch of the imagination… but even he could not get over a new rule that came out of Major League Baseball winter meetings yesterday.

“Can I ask you something? Nothing makes sense anymore. And I don’t know anything about sports, but the home plate collision thing – that seems ridiculously stupid,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Again, I don’t know anything about it, but is this the wussification of America again?”

“Thank you,” Pat said. “You’re exactly right.”

The AP reports:

Pete Rose sounded bowled over.

Charlie Hustle, who famously flattened Ray Fosse to score the winning run in the 1970 All-Star game, couldn’t believe Major League Baseball intends to eliminate home-plate collisions by 2015 at the latest.


The ?wussification? of America: MLB to ban home plate collisions ? Glenn Beck
When you're the only one responding to your thread...it may be a sign that you're not very interesting.

Hardly uninteresting. It has spread to baseball now. You have to just let everyone run by home plate and score now.
Go back to Storm Front, nutter.

Or go jack off to Matt's picture.

Lot of pussies on repub side when it comes to war. georgie bush got herself a billet in the air national guard. dick cheney said she had other priorities.
and now MLB is banning home plate collisions. Is the catcher supposed to stand aside and let the runner score or is the runner to ask permission to touch home plate?

we have lost our minds in this country. I agree with the earlier poster who said that the libs in both parties want all boys to be fags and all girls to be lesbians. sick, sick, sick.
Go back to Storm Front, nutter.

Or go jack off to Matt's picture.

Lot of pussies on repub side when it comes to war. georgie bush got herself a billet in the air national guard. dick cheney said she had other priorities.

Let us see Clinton never put on uniform and fled the country.

Obama has never wore a uniform and fights multiple "illegal" wars with the wuss far left saying nothing.
Torre: Total ban on collisions futile

February 25, 2014

PEORIA, Ariz. -- Joe Torre says Major League Baseball's playing rules committee leaned toward banning all home plate collisions but concluded it would be unrealistic because contact between catchers and baserunners is sometimes unavoidable.

Torre, MLB's executive vice president for baseball operations, spoke Tuesday at San Diego's spring training facility before meeting with representatives from eight clubs training in Arizona. Torre was there to answer questions and address concerns regarding the collision rule, which was announced Monday, and expanded instant replay for umpires.

Torre said when it came to the collisions rule, he had to "put the uniform back on" because there is never a perfect play at the plate and throws can make contact unavoidable. Any rule change for 2014 required approval from the players' union, which negotiated under new head Tony Clark.

Joe Torre says banning all home plate collisions not realistic - ESPN



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NFL may throw flag on N-word, but what about the 'R-word'?

By Simon Moya-Smith
Tue February 25, 2014

(CNN) -- This week, the elite owners of the National Football League are considering instituting a 15-yard penalty for any NFL player caught using the N-word on the field.
Noble gesture? Sure. Clueless? Absolutely.

Why is it bad to demean a player of African descent, but the pejorative "Redskins" is still just fine for use as the name of the Washington football team? Makes no sense.

As a Native American, a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation and someone who participates in the Native American community and doesn't just claim to be Native American because I have a picture somewhere of a great-grandma who had high cheekbones, I wonder: Hey NFL, why aren't you just as pissed about the R-word?


Opinion: NFL may throw flag on N-word, but what about the 'R-word'? - CNN.com

Ninth Circuit Turns First Amendment Inside Out

March 5, 2014 by Lloyd Billingsley

On May 5, 2010, Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill California celebrated Cinco de Mayo supposedly a Mexican holiday. That day five Live Oak students wore T-shirts bearing imagery of the American flag. School officials told the students they had to turn their shirts inside out, otherwise they would send the students home, which they did. Last week the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that action, a ruling with profound implications for freedom of speech.

In 2010 the students’ parents duly sued the district charging violation of First Amendment rights and discrimination. The school took no action against those who wore imagery of the Mexican flag. In 2011, Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware, an appointee of George H.W. Bush, sided against the students and their parents, and for the school. Ware ruled that school students have the right to engage in non-disruptive free speech, but that “does not require that school officials wait until disruption occurs before they act.” Now the Ninth Circuit has sided against the students and for the school.

Judge M. Margaret McKeown, an appointee of Bill Clinton, wrote that past events, presumably disturbances at previous Cinco de Mayo celebrations, “made it reasonable for school officials to proceed as though the threat of potentially violent disturbance was real.”


The 9th Circuit is the most liberal appeal court and frequently overturned. The parents will ask the 9th Circuit to reconsider the case with an 11-judge panel. If they have to, the parents will take their case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ninth Circuit Turns First Amendment Inside Out | FrontPage Magazine
Beyonce's bid to ban the word 'bossy' for girls is as stupid and misguided as it is ironic

Mar 15, 2014 18:00

Sunday People columnist Carol McGiffin slams a campaign by Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg and backed by Beyonce and Victoria Beckham

Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg, backed by the likes of Beyoncé and Victoria Beckham, is campaigning to ban the word bossy as it stops girls becoming leaders.

The campaign video says: “Girls are less interested in leadership than boys because they worry about being called bossy.” Really? I thought it was because they’re often more interested in becoming mums and nurturers than boardroom bullies.

And, in my experience, those girls who have or who want to become bosses or leaders will and would have anyway. A silly, arguably inoffensive word wouldn’t have stopped them.

Another of its claims is that “when a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a leader. Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded bossy.”

For God’s sake, SO WHAT?


Beyonce's bid to ban the word 'bossy' for girls is as stupid and misguided as it is ironic - Carol McGiffin - Mirror Online
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Top Ten New “Offensive” Words You Can’t Use Anymore

By Robert Gehl on March 13, 2014



1. Ghetto. As in “That neighborhood is so ghetto.”

2. Crazy. “You’re crazy”

3. Girl. Apparently if referring to adult women.

4. Gypped. This comes from the word “Gypsy.”

5. Wuss. Since this means the person is effeminate or doing something effeminate, it’s verboten.

6. Lame. Originally it meant crippled, er … handicapped … or “Differently Abled.”

7. Derp (this appears to be a term to mean something dumb, from “South Park”)

8. Spaz. I guess people who twitch a lot, or are spastic, might be offended.

9. Handicapped. The PC Police made up this term, now we can’t use it anymore.

10. “You guys.” This is especially sexist. As above, so is “you gals,” so maybe pointing is best.

All This comes from Macalester College’s “More Than Words” website. The school in St. Paul, Minn., has an entire public campaign to keep people from saying literally anything that might offend anyone, anywhere.

Best just to smile and nod. Until nodding is considered offensive by people with narcolepsy.


Top Ten New ?Offensive? Words You Can?t Use Anymore - Downtrend.com
Thanks progressive/liberals...
September 25, 2015
Seattle-area school bans game of 'tag'
By Rick Moran

American schools have banned dodgeball because it's too "aggressive" and made competitive sports uncompetitive by giving all involved "participation trophies" so no one's feelings are hurt.

The latest outrage against childhood is occurring in a Seattle-area school that has banned the game of "tag" because school officials think it affects the "emotional well-being" of students.
As editor Lifson notes, we are becoming a "nation of delicate flowers," where the game of "tag" is banned, but they teach about homosexual sex in the early grades. There is never any consistency in their actions because they are reactive and the result of hysteria. In other words, they appear to sit around trying to dream up new ways to "protect" the kids without giving any thought to how stupid it looks to any sane, rational person.

I suppose eventually, they will come to the conclusion that school itself is dangerous to kids and shut themselves down. Then perhaps parents can breathe a sigh of relief and homeschool their kids anyway.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/09/seattle_area_school_bans_game_of_tag_.html#ixzz3mmqMaDjf

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