Pussy Riot gets whipped by Cossacks

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Lol...I enjoyed them immensely. Not letting trash run amok in your country is awesome.
Crack that whip
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack*
Break your momma's back

When Pussy Riot comes along
You must whip them
Before they scream out too long*
You must whip them
When something's going down
You must whip them
Now whip them
Into shape*
Shape them up
Get them straight*
Go hetero
Make them give head
Try to detect it*
It's not too late
To whip them
Whip them good !

When the Pussy's come around
You must whip them
You will never live it down
Unless you whip them
No Pussy gets away
Until you've whipped them

I say whip them
Whip them good
I say whip them
Whip them good

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