Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Putin Rose To Power, Too

I can't believe anyone would quote Pussy Riot.
If they were bashing Obama, I believe you'd be first in line to quote them, that is if the rest of the wingnuts in this thread didn't beat you to it. The hypocrisy is thick today. If Obama and Putin were having good relations, Pussy Riot would undoubtedly be hailed as heroes of freedom.
I can't believe anyone would quote Pussy Riot.
If they were bashing Obama, I believe you'd be first in line to quote them, that is if the rest of the wingnuts in this thread didn't beat you to it. The hypocrisy is thick today. If Obama and Putin were having good relations, Pussy Riot would undoubtedly be hailed as heroes of freedom.
Your heroes of freedom vandalize churches. Mine don't.
I can't believe anyone would quote Pussy Riot.
If they were bashing Obama, I believe you'd be first in line to quote them, that is if the rest of the wingnuts in this thread didn't beat you to it. The hypocrisy is thick today. If Obama and Putin were having good relations, Pussy Riot would undoubtedly be hailed as heroes of freedom.

Only to someone that takes an obscure band serious. Please, they are nothing
Your heroes of freedom vandalize churches. Mine don't.
Pussy Riot never vandalized any churches. It's in the title of the article you posted. Don't you even bother to read the titles? In the future doing so might make you look like less of a fool.
Only to someone that takes an obscure band serious. Please, they are nothing
They're important because they show what kind of a man Putin is and who Trump is befriending. When Obama told Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, conservatives were up in arms. What's the difference now? It's the same Putin that's being courted by Trump.
Only to someone that takes an obscure band serious. Please, they are nothing
They're important because they show what kind of a man Putin is and who Trump is befriending. When Obama told Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, conservatives were up in arms. What's the difference now? It's the same Putin that's being courted by Trump.

You mean the difference between actually giving a murderous thug like putin help vs. saying something polite on a news show.....can you see the difference between the two actions.?
Only to someone that takes an obscure band serious. Please, they are nothing
They're important because they show what kind of a man Putin is and who Trump is befriending. When Obama told Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, conservatives were up in arms. What's the difference now? It's the same Putin that's being courted by Trump.

Trump is befriending? Putin made a comment about Trump, that doesn't mean Trump is befriending him. You idiots read too much shit into this shit.
You mean the difference between actually giving a murderous thug like putin help vs. saying something polite on a news show.....can you see the difference between the two actions.?
What help? As far I know he SAID something to Putin before the election, but since they've been at odds over Ukraine, Syria, etc. If you have some info about the "help" Obama gave Putin, let us know. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. What I see is: Obama-Putin, animosity; Trump-Putin, buddy-buddy.
They're important because they show what kind of a man Putin is and who Trump is befriending. When Obama told Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, conservatives were up in arms. What's the difference now? It's the same Putin that's being courted by Trump.
Trump is befriending? Putin made a comment about Trump, that doesn't mean Trump is befriending him. You idiots read too much shit into this shit.
You don't read enough. You ignored the fact that PR didn't go to jail for vandalism, so your opinion on Trump-Putin isn't what I would call reliable.
They're important because they show what kind of a man Putin is and who Trump is befriending. When Obama told Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, conservatives were up in arms. What's the difference now? It's the same Putin that's being courted by Trump.
Trump is befriending? Putin made a comment about Trump, that doesn't mean Trump is befriending him. You idiots read too much shit into this shit.
You don't read enough. You ignored the fact that PR didn't go to jail for vandalism, so your opinion on Trump-Putin isn't what I would call reliable.

I could care less what some loud mouth "musicians" went to jail for. If you take the musings of them as valid political thought I'd watch telling someone they don't read enough
I could care less what some loud mouth "musicians" went to jail for. If you take the musings of them as valid political thought I'd watch telling someone they don't read enough
Caring is one thing. Why did you tell such a transparent lie about them?
Only Liberals would take the ramblings of obscure, foreign. pseudo celebrities seriously.
They went to jail for their ramblings, sent there by the guy Trump seems to be having a bromance with. THAT'S why it's important, not what was said.
Only Liberals would take the ramblings of obscure, foreign. pseudo celebrities seriously.
They state that no one took Putin seriously, they argue that Trump should be taken seriously. I would think conservatives would like that.

If the U.S. wants "a really crazy president" like Putin, vote Trump.

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump's candidacy for president of the United States may be a joke to some, but no one will be laughing if he is actually elected.

Just ask Maria Alekhina, aka Masha of Pussy Riot.

When informed that her country's president, Vladimir Putin, had called Trump "brilliant," she told The Huffington Post, "When Putin came to his first term or second term, nobody [in Russia] actually thought that this is serious. Everybody was joking about it. And nobody could imagine that after five, six years, we would have a war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, and these problems in Syria," in which Russia has become involved.

"Everybody [is] joking about Donald Trump now, but it's a very short way from joke to sad reality when you have a really crazy president speaking about breaking every moral and logic norm. So I hope that he will not be president. That's very simple."

She also challenged the media for how much coverage it's given to the questionable ideas and strategies Trump has offered on the campaign trail.

"You have to seriously think about giving a microphone and opportunity of public speaking to persons like Donald Trump. Because we have so many serious problems, and to follow and comment [on] every word of this man is really not the best idea."

Alekhina, who as a member of Pussy Riot is currently taking part in the "Recycling Religion" group art show at SoHo's WhiteBox Art Center, offered this advice to American voters: "If you want in your country to have your own Putin, you can vote for Donald Trump."

Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Vladimir Putin Rose To Power, Too

I agree! Pussy Riot knows all about Putin and how he operates. I take their warning about Trump very seriously.

Russians warning the Americans on who is running for president. During the cold war you couldn't imagine such a thing. Now it is reality thanks to the absolute freakshow that is the Republican party today.

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