Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Putin Rose To Power, Too

Only a fool would take political advice from some obscure band called Pussy Riot

Why not? After all, Putin had them imprisoned for a couple years for speaking out against him. They should know.

Grow up, fool. You find this garbage on left loon sites and think you have a winner, it's a wiener. Oh gasp a band called Pussy Riot doesn't like Trump....Yawn
Must attack Trump, no matter how stupid the article is, must attack Trump....as his numbers keep climbing. Priceless

If the U.S. wants "a really crazy president" like Putin, vote Trump.

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump's candidacy for president of the United States may be a joke to some, but no one will be laughing if he is actually elected.

Just ask Maria Alekhina, aka Masha of Pussy Riot.

When informed that her country's president, Vladimir Putin, had called Trump "brilliant," she told The Huffington Post, "When Putin came to his first term or second term, nobody [in Russia] actually thought that this is serious. Everybody was joking about it. And nobody could imagine that after five, six years, we would have a war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, and these problems in Syria," in which Russia has become involved.

"Everybody [is] joking about Donald Trump now, but it's a very short way from joke to sad reality when you have a really crazy president speaking about breaking every moral and logic norm. So I hope that he will not be president. That's very simple."

She also challenged the media for how much coverage it's given to the questionable ideas and strategies Trump has offered on the campaign trail.

"You have to seriously think about giving a microphone and opportunity of public speaking to persons like Donald Trump. Because we have so many serious problems, and to follow and comment [on] every word of this man is really not the best idea."

Alekhina, who as a member of Pussy Riot is currently taking part in the "Recycling Religion" group art show at SoHo's WhiteBox Art Center, offered this advice to American voters: "If you want in your country to have your own Putin, you can vote for Donald Trump."

Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Vladimir Putin Rose To Power, Too

I agree! Pussy Riot knows all about Putin and how he operates. I take their warning about Trump very seriously.

Yeah....i'm going to get my political views from some second rate bimbo leftist who plays for a band called pussy riot.
She just has to be intelligent......

If the U.S. wants "a really crazy president" like Putin, vote Trump.

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump's candidacy for president of the United States may be a joke to some, but no one will be laughing if he is actually elected.

Just ask Maria Alekhina, aka Masha of Pussy Riot.

When informed that her country's president, Vladimir Putin, had called Trump "brilliant," she told The Huffington Post, "When Putin came to his first term or second term, nobody [in Russia] actually thought that this is serious. Everybody was joking about it. And nobody could imagine that after five, six years, we would have a war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, and these problems in Syria," in which Russia has become involved.

"Everybody [is] joking about Donald Trump now, but it's a very short way from joke to sad reality when you have a really crazy president speaking about breaking every moral and logic norm. So I hope that he will not be president. That's very simple."

She also challenged the media for how much coverage it's given to the questionable ideas and strategies Trump has offered on the campaign trail.

"You have to seriously think about giving a microphone and opportunity of public speaking to persons like Donald Trump. Because we have so many serious problems, and to follow and comment [on] every word of this man is really not the best idea."

Alekhina, who as a member of Pussy Riot is currently taking part in the "Recycling Religion" group art show at SoHo's WhiteBox Art Center, offered this advice to American voters: "If you want in your country to have your own Putin, you can vote for Donald Trump."

Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Vladimir Putin Rose To Power, Too

I agree! Pussy Riot knows all about Putin and how he operates. I take their warning about Trump very seriously.

No...Putin was a kgb thug who belieives in the supremacy of the state....Trump isn't a thug killer like putin and doesn't belieive in the centralization of power in the state.....that would be our democrat friends...they worship centralized government and refuse to believe it gives rise to men like putin...and then are shocked, just like this musician, when they get a putin......

Centralizing power in the state is always a bad idea...you make it far too easy for the bad people to get control and keep it...that is why our country was created with a clear separation of powers and checks and balances to keep power from being concentrated....and democrats fight tooth and nail to concentrate that power more and more.....and they will be shocked, shocked when a putin comes to power here...but it won't be trump.
Only a fool would take political advice from some obscure band called Pussy Riot

Why not? After all, Putin had them imprisoned for a couple years for speaking out against him. They should know.

How much do you want to bet that Pussy Riot believes in everything that created putin......they will believe in a centralized government that hands out freebies to the citizens, keeps guns out of the hands of the people, believes the rich are evil, and that government is good.....and then they wonder why putin gets in charge...
Only a fool would take political advice from some obscure band called Pussy Riot

Why not? After all, Putin had them imprisoned for a couple years for speaking out against him. They should know.
That's not why they went to prison. They went to prison because they refused to stop desecrating religious sites.

They only got two years. They should have gotten longer.

‘Jail for sacrilege’: Vandalism by Pussy Riot supporters angers MPs
I can't believe anyone would quote Pussy Riot.
He just wants to be able to type "pussy"... Since he has never seen one.

He is one
Okay so... The only pussy he has ever seen in the one in his mirror. :)

The majority of left loon males are. It's strange, leftist males are feminine and females are masculine.

It is the "Reality Dyslexia," of the left......everything is reversed for them.......
Only a fool would take political advice from some obscure band called Pussy Riot

Why not? After all, Putin had them imprisoned for a couple years for speaking out against him. They should know.
That's not why they went to prison. They went to prison because they refused to stop desecrating religious sites.

They only got two years. They should have gotten longer.

‘Jail for sacrilege’: Vandalism by Pussy Riot supporters angers MPs

So Lakooka is getting political advice from criminals? Go figure
I can't believe anyone would quote Pussy Riot.
He just wants to be able to type "pussy"... Since he has never seen one.

He is one
Okay so... The only pussy he has ever seen in the one in his mirror. :)

The majority of left loon males are. It's strange, leftist males are feminine and females are masculine.

It is the "Reality Dyslexia," of the left......everything is reversed for them.......

Some of those lefty females are scary...and can grow better mustaches than some men

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