Put This Piece of Crap Down...He's Been a Detriment to Society His Whole Life

That's what an "accessory" is.
The death sentence is only for premeditated murder, not just a murder, but a premeditated murder, and it doesn't seem like the charge of accessory to murder, would qualify?
Did he not know they were going commit crimes that day? Of course he did! He didn't do shit to stop it. This fuckhead is a common trash piece of shit criminal.
And like all criminals, he belongs in prison. Only those who commit premeditated murder, should face the death sentence.... killing someone who did not murder anyone, is YOU and the State, murdering the someone.

Good luck, on judgement day.
Like all violent criminals he deserves death. Bring back hanging I say. Cheap and effective. Let's clear all the nations death rows in a week. We could call it "Victims Justice Week."

What I like about Hanging is how Earth-Friendly it is. Doesn't take any fossil fuels like electrocution or burning at the stake. The rope can be reused for the next criminal.
They can be buried in an ergonomic sack made by other prisoners from recycled material and have a tree planted over them. :auiqs.jpg:
1. A big shoutout to those Southern states that still actually use capital punishment.

2. This country is full of people who have absolutely no conscience. They will murder without a moment's hesitation.

3. So if an individual is actually guilty of murder, s/he should -- at the very least -- be removed from the face of this earth.

4. The other day an individual robbed a store and then decided to murder the clerk. He may join the other 700+ inmates on California's death row, but he won't be worried: Our new governor has publicly declared that he will not allow any executions. He does not care a whit about the victim or the victim's family.

The problem with the Death Penalty, at the end of the day, is that you can never be sure.

We have released 156 individuals from Death Row when it was discovered they had not committed the crimes they were convicted of. Of the 1500 or so people we have executed, some of them probably also didn't do what they were accused of.

The thing is, the guys you complain about, the ones with no conscience. They usually don't get the death penalty. Their lawyers are smart enough to plead them down to three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. It's often the poor fool who thinks that the system will prove their innocence that ends up on Death Row.
156 common pieces of shit who all had police records thick as NYC telephone book and were violent criminals before death row. Would be doing society a favor by executing them. Now other than that...how many guilty scumbags were put down over the years? 1,000? I'll take those odds.

You mind would change if you were one of those 1000. It's easy when it is someone else.
1. A big shoutout to those Southern states that still actually use capital punishment.

2. This country is full of people who have absolutely no conscience. They will murder without a moment's hesitation.

3. So if an individual is actually guilty of murder, s/he should -- at the very least -- be removed from the face of this earth.

4. The other day an individual robbed a store and then decided to murder the clerk. He may join the other 700+ inmates on California's death row, but he won't be worried: Our new governor has publicly declared that he will not allow any executions. He does not care a whit about the victim or the victim's family.

The problem with the Death Penalty, at the end of the day, is that you can never be sure.

We have released 156 individuals from Death Row when it was discovered they had not committed the crimes they were convicted of. Of the 1500 or so people we have executed, some of them probably also didn't do what they were accused of.

The thing is, the guys you complain about, the ones with no conscience. They usually don't get the death penalty. Their lawyers are smart enough to plead them down to three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. It's often the poor fool who thinks that the system will prove their innocence that ends up on Death Row.
156 common pieces of shit who all had police records thick as NYC telephone book and were violent criminals before death row. Would be doing society a favor by executing them. Now other than that...how many guilty scumbags were put down over the years? 1,000? I'll take those odds.

You mind would change if you were one of those 1000. It's easy when it is someone else.
You don't have to worry about me committing a violent crime against society pal.
That's what an "accessory" is.

No, an accessory is someone who facilitates the crime. There's no real evidence he did that. Even the guy who actually SHOT these cops said he had nothing to do with it, he was just there. (That guy, by the way, has yet to be executed.)

State laws are actually very clear on this. I'm not an expert in Alabama law, but in many if not most states, you have the "Felony Murder" statutes. If a group goes out to commit a Felony , like knocking over liquor stores or mugging citizens, and someone gets killed, the whole group is liable to be executed as they are all guilty of Felony Murder. It really doesn't matter if they even knew their fellow crook was even packing, or if things went "wrong" and the victim fought back killing one of the crooks. The surviving criminals can all be sent to the gallows
Death penalty is just societies way of quality control. Sometimes you have bad people that can't pass inspection and must be rejected.
Understanding Quality Control

Fair enough. However what I don't understand is how long it takes to get the criminal to the Electric Chair. 16 years in this Alabama case, and there have been guys spending twice as long, still waiting to be punished for crimes they committed during the Reagan Administration.

BTW, I think that environmentalists should invent an electric chair powered by wind and solar , renewable sources
1. A big shoutout to those Southern states that still actually use capital punishment.

2. This country is full of people who have absolutely no conscience. They will murder without a moment's hesitation.

3. So if an individual is actually guilty of murder, s/he should -- at the very least -- be removed from the face of this earth.

4. The other day an individual robbed a store and then decided to murder the clerk. He may join the other 700+ inmates on California's death row, but he won't be worried: Our new governor has publicly declared that he will not allow any executions. He does not care a whit about the victim or the victim's family.

The problem with the Death Penalty, at the end of the day, is that you can never be sure.

We have released 156 individuals from Death Row when it was discovered they had not committed the crimes they were convicted of. Of the 1500 or so people we have executed, some of them probably also didn't do what they were accused of.

The thing is, the guys you complain about, the ones with no conscience. They usually don't get the death penalty. Their lawyers are smart enough to plead them down to three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. It's often the poor fool who thinks that the system will prove their innocence that ends up on Death Row.
156 common pieces of shit who all had police records thick as NYC telephone book and were violent criminals before death row. Would be doing society a favor by executing them. Now other than that...how many guilty scumbags were put down over the years? 1,000? I'll take those odds.

You mind would change if you were one of those 1000. It's easy when it is someone else.
You don't have to worry about me committing a violent crime against society pal.

There are folks on Death Row who didn't commit a violent crime against society either, pal.
Really? I think we can be pretty goddamn sure about Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and that little bastard that shot up the school in Florida.

Okay, so that's two. (The kid in Florida will probably never be executed.)

We also have 156 who didn't do what they were accused of, went to death row, almost got executed until someone actually did their jobs.

This guy didn't kill anyone. His participation in the crime seems to have consisted of, "Well, he was there."
The philosophy that accessories are equally guilty with the "gunman" is fading fast in the States. While it is a principle with a long history, most people reject it today as patently unfair.

But seriously, wouldn't life be a whole lot better if "we" just stopped executing people? LWOP is the best solution. Maybe the poor souls who come out trying to fight every execution will have to get a real job.
Really? I think we can be pretty goddamn sure about Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and that little bastard that shot up the school in Florida.

Okay, so that's two. (The kid in Florida will probably never be executed.)

We also have 156 who didn't do what they were accused of, went to death row, almost got executed until someone actually did their jobs.

This guy didn't kill anyone. His participation in the crime seems to have consisted of, "Well, he was there."
I certainly hope you stay out of drug houses and among violent rabid dogs. Seems like an easy way to bring a world of trouble for an "innocent" person who just likes hanging out in drug houses where they murder cops.
1. A big shoutout to those Southern states that still actually use capital punishment.

2. This country is full of people who have absolutely no conscience. They will murder without a moment's hesitation.

3. So if an individual is actually guilty of murder, s/he should -- at the very least -- be removed from the face of this earth.

4. The other day an individual robbed a store and then decided to murder the clerk. He may join the other 700+ inmates on California's death row, but he won't be worried: Our new governor has publicly declared that he will not allow any executions. He does not care a whit about the victim or the victim's family.

The problem with the Death Penalty, at the end of the day, is that you can never be sure.

We have released 156 individuals from Death Row when it was discovered they had not committed the crimes they were convicted of. Of the 1500 or so people we have executed, some of them probably also didn't do what they were accused of.

The thing is, the guys you complain about, the ones with no conscience. They usually don't get the death penalty. Their lawyers are smart enough to plead them down to three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. It's often the poor fool who thinks that the system will prove their innocence that ends up on Death Row.
156 common pieces of shit who all had police records thick as NYC telephone book and were violent criminals before death row. Would be doing society a favor by executing them. Now other than that...how many guilty scumbags were put down over the years? 1,000? I'll take those odds.

You mind would change if you were one of those 1000. It's easy when it is someone else.
You don't have to worry about me committing a violent crime against society pal.

There are folks on Death Row who didn't commit a violent crime against society either, pal.

All of the folks on Death Row however, were found to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of violent crime by a jury of their peers.
The philosophy that accessories are equally guilty with the "gunman" is fading fast in the States. While it is a principle with a long history, most people reject it today as patently unfair.

But seriously, wouldn't life be a whole lot better if "we" just stopped executing people? LWOP is the best solution. Maybe the poor souls who come out trying to fight every execution will have to get a real job.
They still have their LIFE. Even after they took one from an innocent person.

It's not justice if someone steals a life and THEIR punishment is to simply RESTRICT THEIR FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT
A jury of their peers.I always wondered why the jury wasn't all convicted killers too.
Wait a minute, how was he an "accessory" exactly? He was there. That was it.

So congrats, you guys finally managed to execute an innocent person.
That's what an "accessory" is.
The death sentence is only for premeditated murder, not just a murder, but a premeditated murder, and it doesn't seem like the charge of accessory to murder, would qualify?
Did he not know they were going commit crimes that day? Of course he did! He didn't do shit to stop it. This fuckhead is a common trash piece of shit criminal.
And like all criminals, he belongs in prison. Only those who commit premeditated murder, should face the death sentence.... killing someone who did not murder anyone, is YOU and the State, murdering the someone.

Good luck, on judgement day.
Luck has nothing to do with it. I'm not worried. Criminals and abortion doctors should be.
Why would God want someone like you, filled to the brim with hatred, living in His house of pure love? :dunno: of course it is up to Him.....

Thou shall not kill.

What do you think the scripture for an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, etc., a life for a life means or was about?

The Israelites were OVER punishing, this passage is about tamping that down.. not cranking it up.

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