Put This Piece of Crap Down...He's Been a Detriment to Society His Whole Life

The problem with the Death Penalty, at the end of the day, is that you can never be sure.

We have released 156 individuals from Death Row when it was discovered they had not committed the crimes they were convicted of. Of the 1500 or so people we have executed, some of them probably also didn't do what they were accused of.

The thing is, the guys you complain about, the ones with no conscience. They usually don't get the death penalty. Their lawyers are smart enough to plead them down to three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. It's often the poor fool who thinks that the system will prove their innocence that ends up on Death Row.
156 common pieces of shit who all had police records thick as NYC telephone book and were violent criminals before death row. Would be doing society a favor by executing them. Now other than that...how many guilty scumbags were put down over the years? 1,000? I'll take those odds.

You mind would change if you were one of those 1000. It's easy when it is someone else.
You don't have to worry about me committing a violent crime against society pal.

There are folks on Death Row who didn't commit a violent crime against society either, pal.

All of the folks on Death Row however, were found to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of violent crime by a jury of their peers.

Yep and then every year there are folks found to be not guilty of anything and not just those on Death Row.
I certainly hope you stay out of drug houses and among violent rabid dogs. Seems like an easy way to bring a world of trouble for an "innocent" person who just likes hanging out in drug houses where they murder cops.

I'd like us to stop treating addiction as a criminal issue and as a medical issue. That's what I'd like to see.

If he wasn't guilty he wouldn't have been there

156 people have been released from death row... for crimes they didn't commit.
A jury of their peers.I always wondered why the jury wasn't all convicted killers too.

The accused wasn't a convicted killer either, before the trial was held.
If he wasn't guilty he wouldn't have been there

So why are innocent people released from prison every year.

Not everyone who is released is really "innocent', in the sense they didn't do it.

Most of the time, their lawyers were just able to get certain damning evidence excluded for technical reasons, making it impossible to prove the case.
A jury of their peers.I always wondered why the jury wasn't all convicted killers too.

The accused wasn't a convicted killer either, before the trial was held.
If he wasn't guilty he wouldn't have been there

So why are innocent people released from prison every year.

Not everyone who is released is really "innocent', in the sense they didn't do it.

Most of the time, their lawyers were just able to get certain damning evidence excluded for technical reasons, making it impossible to prove the case.

Bullshit, DNA has exonerated many people who were TOTALLY innocent.
The standard in U.S. justice is that an accessory to the commission of a murder is just as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger. In other words the driver of the getaway car is just as guilty as the guy who killed the teller in a bank robbery. That's the way the system has worked for a hundred years. The lame defense of this Woods guy centers around the fact that he didn't actually pull the trigger even though he willingly participated in the murders of three Police Officers. The system works and the sentence was carried out.

Wait a minute, how was he an "accessory" exactly? He was there. That was it.

So congrats, you guys finally managed to execute an innocent person.
They ran a drug house together. Are you really this dumb?
The standard in U.S. justice is that an accessory to the commission of a murder is just as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger. In other words the driver of the getaway car is just as guilty as the guy who killed the teller in a bank robbery. That's the way the system has worked for a hundred years. The lame defense of this Woods guy centers around the fact that he didn't actually pull the trigger even though he willingly participated in the murders of three Police Officers. The system works and the sentence was carried out.

Wait a minute, how was he an "accessory" exactly? He was there. That was it.

So congrats, you guys finally managed to execute an innocent person.
That's what an "accessory" is.
The death sentence is only for premeditated murder, not just a murder, but a premeditated murder, and it doesn't seem like the charge of accessory to murder, would qualify?
It qualifies in that state, clearly.
They ran a drug house together. Are you really this dumb?

Running a drug house isn't a capital offense.

Also, the cops who were shot were in cahoots with Woods in dealing drugs.

The Spectacular Assassination of Nathaniel Woods

According to court records, locals and a mountain of evidence, Woods was a drug dealer who was in cahoots with crooked cops. Or, as NBC reports more professionally: “Two of the officers who were killed were later accused by another drug dealer at Woods’ home of being involved in a corrupt scheme that protected dealers in exchange for money…”

Until Woods allegedly stopped paying them.

On June 17, 2004, police officers obtained a misdemeanor warrant for Woods’ arrest. Four police officers went to Woods’ apartment to take him into custody. When they arrived, they found Kerry Spencer, who would also be convicted of capital murder
The death sentence is only for premeditated murder, not just a murder, but a premeditated murder, and it doesn't seem like the charge of accessory to murder, would qualify?
BS. The death penalty is also for murder in the commission of a felony whether the murder was premeditated or not.

WTF would you mouth off without knowing wtf you're talking about?
Nathaniel Woods execution stayed by US Supreme Court - CNN
This is ridiculous. Give him the juice. He will never positively contribute to society in any way. Fuck him.

So we can execute you if you happen to be standing next to a gun nut who shoots some cops?

Because it looks like that was all this guy was guilty of.
Hitler didn't kill anyone either I guess.
What a stupid example. Hitler was the one giving orders.
That's too bad.
He had a job offer to be BONOBO's new 'poolboy' when Biden released him.
Apparently there is credible evidence that he did not commit the crime he was accused of. If so then he shouldn't be executed.
One 25 cent bullet behind the ear. Justice would be done and it would only cost them a quarter.
You must be using .22 caliber rounds. I can't find any 9mm, .45, .357, 5.56, 2.23, 45/70, .308, or 30-06 rounds for .25 cents anywhere. I guess the prisons will just have to spend more money on their firing squads (after all, we must have proper decorum and use firing squads and a firing squad using .22 caliber rifles isn't impressive enough).
The law should be...
Carjacking = death
Armed Robbery = death
Shooting at a law enforcement officer= death
Primping runaway girls = death
Pedophiles = death
Pushing hard drugs = death
Member of a drug cartel = death
Gang assault = death
We need to clean-up our society. The reason these crimes happen is because we are soft and weak. I'll give Iran one thing...they don't fuck around with detriments to society.
that would be YOU calling on your govt to MURDER someone else.....

We are not soft and weak on crime, we have more people per capita in prison than any other country in the world, or close to it.

Death penalty States, do NOT have less crime or less homicides than States that do not have the Death Penalty.

No murderer, rationalizes before they pull the trigger, that "Oh my gosh, this will be the death penalty".... the death penalty stops no murderer, from murdering.... if anything, logic hints it would encourage MORE being murdered, so there are not witnesses....
One 25 cent bullet behind the ear. Justice would be done and it would only cost them a quarter.
You must be using .22 caliber rounds. I can't find any 9mm, .45, .357, 5.56, 2.23, 45/70, .308, or 30-06 rounds for .25 cents anywhere. I guess the prisons will just have to spend more money on their firing squads (after all, we must have proper decorum and use firing squads and a firing squad using .22 caliber rifles isn't impressive enough).

Where you shopping Budapest? 9mm $12 for 50 here, 22 lr less than $25 for 500

Once baby blackl jesus left the oral office ammo dropped 400% and became available again.

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