Put Uk Workers First: Nigel Farage Says British Businesses Should Be Able To Discriminate


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Put UK workers FIRST: Nigel Farage says British businesses should be able to discriminate
BRITISH businesses should be able to discriminate against foreign workers in favour of out-of-work Britons, the UK Independence Party believes.

Nigel Farage will use his party’s annual conference in Doncaster this week to call for a change in the law in order to ensure “British jobs for British workers.”

The Ukip leader will put pressure on the Tories and Labour to back his plan, which will be officially announced at the conference in Doncaster.

It is believed Ukip are not calling for a law forcing employers to pick British applicants ahead of foreign nationals, but want anti-discrimination legislation withdrawn in such cases.

Nigel Farage Ukip wan t british jobs for british workers law change UK News Daily Express

THE NEXT PRIME MINISTER OF THE UK!!! America should consider this as the illegals are also taking our jobs. Go Nigel!!! GO!
British "mainstream" parties decline to take UKIP seriously at their own risk. Excessive sucking up Scotland after this past week's vote will result in a backlash that could sweep UKIP not into leadership but at first into a position to force all but Labor (who are beyond all hope) to shift considerably rightward unless they prefer to fade away entirely.
British "mainstream" parties decline to take UKIP seriously at their own risk. Excessive sucking up Scotland after this past week's vote will result in a backlash that could sweep UKIP not into leadership but at first into a position to force all but Labor (who are beyond all hope) to shift considerably rightward unless they prefer to fade away entirely.

One of the benefits of Scottish secession would have been to decimate the Labour Party for Scotland is responsible for electing many of those kooks.

Farange could be the agent for overturning many liberal ground rules that are now accepted even by conservatives. Why is it so outlandish to favor your countrymen before outsiders?
Discrimination is a recipe for disaster for any society. It is wrong and immoral.

You're just saying that because you're sick of women rejecting (discriminating) you. Forcing them to associate with you allows you to have some semblance of a social life.
Discrimination is a recipe for disaster for any society. It is wrong and immoral.

You're just saying that because you're sick of women rejecting (discriminating) you. Forcing them to associate with you allows you to have some semblance of a social life.

Are you an idiot?

I'm just taking the idiot at his word. "Discrimination is a recipe for disaster" you wrote. Well, discrimination is how people run their lives. To discriminate is a fundamental human right.
Discrimination is a recipe for disaster for any society. It is wrong and immoral.

You're just saying that because you're sick of women rejecting (discriminating) you. Forcing them to associate with you allows you to have some semblance of a social life.

Are you an idiot?

I'm just taking the idiot at his word. "Discrimination is a recipe for disaster" you wrote. Well, discrimination is how people run their lives. To discriminate is a fundamental human right.

Are you an idiot?
Discrimination is a recipe for disaster for any society. It is wrong and immoral.

Yet they are allowed when it is whitey being discriminated against, isn't that true. Like the law Labour tried to pass that gave migrants more rights to jobs, homes, welfare and protection while putting whitey on the scrap heap.
Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity. It is sad to see there is so much hate in this world.
Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity. It is sad to see there is so much hate in this world.

If their efforts at bettering the UK are not being appreciated then they should deny the citizens of the UK the benefits of this betterment and take it back to their homeland and bestow their favors there.
Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity..

Yes, of course they should provided this is what they are actually doing.

Considering the large number who are loyal only to their supremacist ideology, however, it seems an increasingly difficult task to find such people. In a land where over 40% want to be ruled by Sharia law, and over 2/3 hate the notion of free speech with such passion that they want criticism of Islam to be an offense punishable by law, it appears that a sizable number are actually waging cultural war upon Britain instead of contributing towards its betterment.
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Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity. It is sad to see there is so much hate in this world.

If their efforts at bettering the UK are not being appreciated then they should deny the citizens of the UK the benefits of this betterment and take it back to their homeland and bestow their favors there.

It does not work that way. Do you remember what happened to Nazis during World War II? This is what will happen to you guys again.
British "mainstream" parties decline to take UKIP seriously at their own risk. Excessive sucking up Scotland after this past week's vote will result in a backlash that could sweep UKIP not into leadership but at first into a position to force all but Labor (who are beyond all hope) to shift considerably rightward unless they prefer to fade away entirely.

One of the benefits of Scottish secession would have been to decimate the Labour Party for Scotland is responsible for electing many of those kooks.

Farange could be the agent for overturning many liberal ground rules that are now accepted even by conservatives. Why is it so outlandish to favor your countrymen before outsiders?

So there are people without a pot to pee in that vote for the right-wing in the UK too. I thought the useful idiots were only in the U.S.
Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity. It is sad to see there is so much hate in this world.

If their efforts at bettering the UK are not being appreciated then they should deny the citizens of the UK the benefits of this betterment and take it back to their homeland and bestow their favors there.

It does not work that way. Do you remember what happened to Nazis during World War II? This is what will happen to you guys again.

No it wont as we will use the law and not violence to sort out the mess. Simply put if the majority elect say UKIP on their promises of halting immigration, leaving the EU and repatriating immigrants then you can bet that these measures will be implemented in full. If the migrants start violence then they will be arrested and deported saving the country money. Any criminal activity like say incitement on an internet message board would grounds enough to deport the culprit and leave the country better for it. The only way you could possibly win is if you managed to gain a majority before the above measures could be implemented, and the chances of that are NIL
British "mainstream" parties decline to take UKIP seriously at their own risk. Excessive sucking up Scotland after this past week's vote will result in a backlash that could sweep UKIP not into leadership but at first into a position to force all but Labor (who are beyond all hope) to shift considerably rightward unless they prefer to fade away entirely.

One of the benefits of Scottish secession would have been to decimate the Labour Party for Scotland is responsible for electing many of those kooks.

Farange could be the agent for overturning many liberal ground rules that are now accepted even by conservatives. Why is it so outlandish to favor your countrymen before outsiders?

So there are people without a pot to pee in that vote for the right-wing in the UK too. I thought the useful idiots were only in the U.S.

Yes because they are sick of the mess the left wing neo Marxists leave us in. When they enable Pakistani muslim men to rape 1400 under age girls in one northern town alone then the people will turn against them. And have the people turned against Labour and its sucking up to islam and the muslims. Under their rule muslim crime increased 100 fold and the police were powerless to take any action against them. The only useful idiots are those like you who deny the facts about islam and the muslims because you are too stupid to understand what is happening.
Those brown folks who have made UK their country and dedicated their lives for its betterment should be treated with dignity. It is sad to see there is so much hate in this world.

If their efforts at bettering the UK are not being appreciated then they should deny the citizens of the UK the benefits of this betterment and take it back to their homeland and bestow their favors there.

It does not work that way. Do you remember what happened to Nazis during World War II? This is what will happen to you guys again.

No it wont as we will use the law and not violence to sort out the mess. Simply put if the majority elect say UKIP on their promises of halting immigration, leaving the EU and repatriating immigrants then you can bet that these measures will be implemented in full. If the migrants start violence then they will be arrested and deported saving the country money. Any criminal activity like say incitement on an internet message board would grounds enough to deport the culprit and leave the country better for it. The only way you could possibly win is if you managed to gain a majority before the above measures could be implemented, and the chances of that are NIL

If your life is in a shamble, it is you who is responsible for it. You need to improve yourself and challenge yourself to make your life better. Blaming brown folks for your ills is not going to do squat to improve your life.

It seems like majority of German folks put Nazis in power. Do you know how that worked out?

Based on what I know about UK, I think the people there will reject Nazis like you. If you keep inciting violence against brown folks on the internet, one day UK police will lock you up. I am not kidding. They have laws against hate speech even if its just on the internet. So quit it while you are ahead.
Yes because they are sick of the mess the left wing neo Marxists leave us in. When they enable Pakistani muslim men to rape 1400 under age girls in one northern town alone then the people will turn against them. And have the people turned against Labour and its sucking up to islam and the muslims. Under their rule muslim crime increased 100 fold and the police were powerless to take any action against them. The only useful idiots are those like you who deny the facts about islam and the muslims because you are too stupid to understand what is happening.

I'm not British, but if I were, I might be tempted to vote UKIP out of sheer desperation.

I would prefer a party that supported actual liberal values instead of this knee-jerk deference for the very least liberal group imaginable, but until such a party arises, what is a person to do, anyway? Why so many seem hell bent on destroying all the things that made the U.K. great by turning it into a medieval hell hole is beyond me.
Yes because they are sick of the mess the left wing neo Marxists leave us in. When they enable Pakistani muslim men to rape 1400 under age girls in one northern town alone then the people will turn against them. And have the people turned against Labour and its sucking up to islam and the muslims. Under their rule muslim crime increased 100 fold and the police were powerless to take any action against them. The only useful idiots are those like you who deny the facts about islam and the muslims because you are too stupid to understand what is happening.

I'm not British, but if I were, I might be tempted to vote UKIP out of sheer desperation.

I would prefer a party that supported actual liberal values instead of this knee-jerk deference for the very least liberal group imaginable, but until such a party arises, what is a person to do, anyway? Why so many seem hell bent on destroying all the things that made the U.K. great by turning it into a medieval hell hole is beyond me.

If I'm dealing with a cancer, I'd rather suffer the trauma of surgery/chemo/radiation and be done with it and then recuperate and life a pleasant life thereafter rather than doing nothing to avoid the trauma of surgery/chemo/radiation and watch as my body withers away.

Multiculturalism = cancer.

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