
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

Jake wants Russia to aid Hillary in 2020

The Russians tried in 2016, and failed. Why should she trust them now?
Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Tell THAT to eastern Ukrainians.............You fuckheads NOW see Russia as the world's "peacemakers" and "peace-seekers".....ALL because of your desire to protect YOUR orange clown.....Go figure !!!...........LOL
I don't understand why the dems and libs, now that Trump is president, want war with Russia.
I don't think they actually want war with Russia. They just want anything that will make Trump and the GOP look bad.

The standard "party over country" psychosis that afflicts hardcore partisan ideologues.

One of the dangers of this kind of thinking, though, is that it blinds the ideologue to any number of unintended consequences.

That is most of it, but there is also quite a bit of thinking that Russia is a defeated power and should be, and CAN BE treated like a small defeated power.

They fully expect to be able to bluff and bluster and have putin cave to our demands.

The obvious danger is that he would not, and that we would have a formal War.
And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

Hey, moron........Do you wonder WHY Putin hated Obama and Clinton?....It was NOT because Putin was "enjoying" kicking sand in the US face..........

You morons are too fucking easy to smack down......LOL
He hated them because he considered them weak and unworthy. He hated them because there was nothing about them that he could personally respect.

Yes he enjoyed kicking sand in the US face.

The fact is, you have absolutely no way of knowing what these two men discussed or what was said.
Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Tell THAT to eastern Ukrainians.............You fuckheads NOW see Russia as the world's "peacemakers" and "peace-seekers".....ALL because of your desire to protect YOUR orange clown.....Go figure !!!...........LOL

Trump is succeeding beyond anyone's expectations, both domestically and internationally, and you Hillary/obozo lovers cannot deal with. it is driving you completely insane. I find it extremely entertaining watching you fool implode.
Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Tell THAT to eastern Ukrainians.............You fuckheads NOW see Russia as the world's "peacemakers" and "peace-seekers".....ALL because of your desire to protect YOUR orange clown.....Go figure !!!...........LOL

The Eastern Ukraine, even ALL OF THE Ukraine, is not a justification for a new Cold War.

Everything else in your post was between you and the voices in your head, nothing to do with me.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

And this kneeling to Putin by Trump has to be viewed in the long run. Just as with Kim Jong Un and George W Bush, not forcing harsh consequences on Putin will lead to far greater attacks on our elections and military computer networks. US intelligence agencies have already confirmed this. So Trump is making the future dealings with Putin on Russia's interference with elections in the West far more dangerous. We'll have to deal with perpetual escalations by the Russians in the future. Just as we have to now deal with North Korea because W Bush and Dickh Cheney simply ignored North Korea and allowed them to develop and test the first North Korea atomic bomb during Bush's time in office.

Republicans have no concept on how to conduct foreign policy. And with Trump's collusion with Russia to hack US elections he is giving them the greenlight to do this over and over and far more overtly in the future.
1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

No, we are bein set up for War and it would have happened no matter WHO "won" the election.

set up by who? Where does that crap come from?

Why history of course. Do you actually think it's a coincidence that we are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria? Do you think it's a coincidence that Russia and Iran are aligned against us in Syria? Do you think the NORKS are being this belligerent for no reason? Do you think we are essentially playing chicken with both China and Russia globally for no reason? You/we are watching a Global Chess Match, it's quite the dangerous game and it will end badly.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

And this kneeling to Putin by Trump has to be viewed in the long run. Just as with Kim Jong Un and George W Bush, not forcing harsh consequences on Putin will lead to far greater attacks on our elections and military computer networks. US intelligence agencies have already confirmed this. So Trump is making the future dealings with Putin on Russia's interference with elections in the West far more dangerous. We'll have to deal with perpetual escalations by the Russians in the future. Just as we have to now deal with North Korea because W Bush and Dickh Cheney simply ignored North Korea and allowed them to develop and test the first North Korea atomic bomb during Bush's time in office.

Republicans have no concept on how to conduct foreign policy. And with Trump's collusion with Russia to hack US elections he is giving them the greenlight to do this over and over and far more overtly in the future.

1. North Korea is outside of our control and thus not our responsibility.

2. Your red baiting in noted and dismissed. Hopefully the dems have learned an important lesson in security.

3. I do not want to see Seoul in ruins. Hundreds of thousands could die. Give peace a chance.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Lying again, huh gnat?
You have yet to provide anything beyond your personal uninformed opinion to support your claim.

Of course I post MY OPINIONS......unlike most right wingers who post FOX or Rush opinions......See the difference?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

No, we are bein set up for War and it would have happened no matter WHO "won" the election.

set up by who? Where does that crap come from?

Why history of course. Do you actually think it's a coincidence that we are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria? Do you think it's a coincidence that Russia and Iran are aligned against us in Syria? Do you think the NORKS are being this belligerent for no reason? Do you think we are essentially playing chicken with both China and Russia globally for no reason? You/we are watching a Global Chess Match, it's quite the dangerous game and it will end badly.

I understand all that. But you said "we are being set up". By who? Who, by name, wants a world war? Who would benefit? Who are the members of this imaginary global conspiracy?
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

So what should Trump have done, y'all were screaming before the election, he wasn't man enough to have control of the button, now y'all must want him to us it for something we do to other country elections also.
Trump sounds smart to me!

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You have yet to provide anything beyond your personal uninformed opinion to support your claim.

Of course I post MY OPINIONS......unlike most right wingers who post FOX or Rush opinions......See the difference?

pot meet kettle. Gnat posts nothing but left wing bullshit and talking points all day every day and then accuses others of doing the same thing. Insanity exemplified.

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