
So Americans not dying in Syria is a bad thing now?

Not all arrangements are win-lose deals. In fact, we should avoid those when possible. Some are win-win. I don't mind Russians winning if we do too

All we really got regarding Syria.....is a continuation of the Assad crooked and deadly regime....AND, agreed to give Russia a foothold in that region.....THINK, moron.

Assad is better than ISIS, and if Putin wants to spend russian lives and money killing radical islamic assholes, I wish him well.

Bush43 and Obama both removed leaders that kept those people in check, with no gain for the United States. Obama's open and vocal support of the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak in Egypt was the most obvious in intent.

Makes one wonder.
Russia is aligned against us in Syria because of obama's alliance and support of Isis in Syria.
So, you Nazis spew slander and libel over Russia, but it is the HILLARY side that was actually in bed with Russia...

You lying scum are such fucking hypocrites. This alone proves beyond all doubt that you Nazis have no principles, you say shit ONLY to attack those you hate, the Americans.

Go have an enema.........."Nazis"?????........LOL
So Americans not dying in Syria is a bad thing now?

Not all arrangements are win-lose deals. In fact, we should avoid those when possible. Some are win-win. I don't mind Russians winning if we do too

All we really got regarding Syria.....is a continuation of the Assad crooked and deadly regime....AND, agreed to give Russia a foothold in that region.....THINK, moron.

Russia already has a foothold in the region.. And as terrible as Assad is, its not our responsibility to take him down. We get nothing staying in Syria. Just death
Bush43 and Obama both removed leaders that kept those people in check, with no gain for the United States. Obama's open and vocal support of the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak in Egypt was the most obvious in intent.

Makes one wonder.

Well, you may be correct.......It is BETTER to have brutal dictators in the ME for us to sell weaponry to them.....Just ask the Saudis.
Assad is better than ISIS, and if Putin wants to spend russian lives and money killing radical islamic assholes, I wish him well.

Sure.......Assad is "better" than ISIS......Have you wondered WHY Assad is so "beloved" by Syrians themselves allowing ISIS a foothold in that country???

You may not realize it, but you are actually backing Obama's policies of not fully committing our troops in Syria.

1. Yes, Assad is better, from our perspective.

2. No, I don't care why the syrians don't like him and/or do like ISIS. The reasons are not relevant to my position.

3. By mentioning Obama is seems that you think that will affect my position, as though I base my position on partisan politics. IN that, you are mistaken and likely projecting.
Russia already has a foothold in the region.. And as terrible as Assad is, its not our responsibility to take him down. We get nothing staying in Syria. Just death

Our "interest" is Syria boils down to the urging of Europe that had to deal with the millions of Syrian refugees....
Bush43 and Obama both removed leaders that kept those people in check, with no gain for the United States. Obama's open and vocal support of the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak in Egypt was the most obvious in intent.

Makes one wonder.

Well, you may be correct.......It is BETTER to have brutal dictators in the ME for us to sell weaponry to them.....Just ask the Saudis.

Do you/did you support the invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam?
So, you Nazis spew slander and libel over Russia, but it is the HILLARY side that was actually in bed with Russia...

You lying scum are such fucking hypocrites. This alone proves beyond all doubt that you Nazis have no principles, you say shit ONLY to attack those you hate, the Americans.

Go have an enema.........."Nazis"?????........LOL

Quick gnat, name 3 things that distinguish the fascist democrats of 2017 from the Nazi party of 1925?

Hate Jews?

Violent Brown Shirts?

Use of demagoguery?

Yes, you are Nazis - in every meaning of the word.
Russia already has a foothold in the region.. And as terrible as Assad is, its not our responsibility to take him down. We get nothing staying in Syria. Just death

Our "interest" is Syria boils down to the urging of Europe that had to deal with the millions of Syrian refugees....

That is not good enough, not by a long shot.

1. They could just NOT let them in.

2. They could help them else where.

3. They could fucking invade Syria themselves. They are bigger than we are, and certainly bigger than syria and or russia.
Do you/did you support the invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam?

NO........never supported our invasion, occupation and colonization of Iraq to help Haliburton, cheney and Rumsfeld, et al....
You have yet to provide anything beyond your personal uninformed opinion to support your claim.

Of course I post MY OPINIONS......unlike most right wingers who post FOX or Rush opinions......See the difference?

pot meet kettle. Gnat posts nothing but left wing bullshit and talking points all day every day and then accuses others of doing the same thing. Insanity exemplified.

Posting a link to Faux News is like posting a link to the National Enquirer. It's fake and of no value. Posting a link to Dimbaugh or any of the other talk-show screamers is even worse. That's the equivalent to posting a link to Alex Jones or David Duke. All to be ignored unless you have the education of a 9 year old.

Fox didn't have to fire 3 "reporters" for lying, Herr Himmler.


Hilarious. Fox News is founded on lying. In the first year of them being on air they had two actual journalists who worked up a story and then were told to change it because it didn't git the lies Fox News wanted to tell. The journalists said they would not lie and change their story and were fired. They sued and in court Fox News argued that a 'news' organization is not required to tell the truth. They won the court case.

THAT is the foundation of Fox News. They are literally built on lying and the do it with outright lying zeal.
Bush43 and Obama both removed leaders that kept those people in check, with no gain for the United States. Obama's open and vocal support of the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak in Egypt was the most obvious in intent.

Makes one wonder.

Well, you may be correct.......It is BETTER to have brutal dictators in the ME for us to sell weaponry to them.....Just ask the Saudis.

How does toppling Assad for Isis change the fact that Syria is ruled by a brutal dictatorship?
Russia already has a foothold in the region.. And as terrible as Assad is, its not our responsibility to take him down. We get nothing staying in Syria. Just death

Our "interest" is Syria boils down to the urging of Europe that had to deal with the millions of Syrian refugees....

No that's European interests
Hilarious. Fox News is founded on lying.


Yeah, right...

In the first year of them being on air they had two actual journalists who worked up a story and then were told to change it because it didn't git the lies Fox News wanted to tell. The journalists said they would not lie and change their story and were fired. They sued and in court Fox News argued that a 'news' organization is not required to tell the truth. They won the court case.

THAT is the foundation of Fox News. They are literally built on lying and the do it with outright lying zeal.


You're such a fucking skeezy liar, Herr Goebbls.

Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie - Snopes.com
Claim: Fox News won a 2004 court case allowing the cable channel to lie to viewers. See Example(s)
Fact check by Snopes.com: FALSE
Hilarious. Fox News is founded on lying.


Yeah, right...

In the first year of them being on air they had two actual journalists who worked up a story and then were told to change it because it didn't git the lies Fox News wanted to tell. The journalists said they would not lie and change their story and were fired. They sued and in court Fox News argued that a 'news' organization is not required to tell the truth. They won the court case.

THAT is the foundation of Fox News. They are literally built on lying and the do it with outright lying zeal.


You're such a fucking skeezy liar, Herr Goebbls.

Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie - Snopes.com
Claim: Fox News won a 2004 court case allowing the cable channel to lie to viewers. See Example(s)
Fact check by Snopes.com: FALSE

So you lie through your teeth. Another that has no viable argument and is too lazy to think one up.

Yes you do represent Fox News well. Their DNA is lying. They are the original and still champion fake news outlet.
No that's European interests

Well, fuck....tell that to trump who just told Europeans how much he backs NATO's article 5.................You morons flip-flop like a flounder out of water.

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