
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?
Trump is as unprepared and as incompetent with regard to foreign policy as he is domestic policy.
It's no accident that American terrorist groups are celebrating today. They're all calling trump's speech a "14HH" speech.

Russia is all but broke and trump wants the US to be the same.

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Hilarious. Fox News is founded on lying.


Yeah, right...

In the first year of them being on air they had two actual journalists who worked up a story and then were told to change it because it didn't git the lies Fox News wanted to tell. The journalists said they would not lie and change their story and were fired. They sued and in court Fox News argued that a 'news' organization is not required to tell the truth. They won the court case.

THAT is the foundation of Fox News. They are literally built on lying and the do it with outright lying zeal.


You're such a fucking skeezy liar, Herr Goebbls.

Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie - Snopes.com
Claim: Fox News won a 2004 court case allowing the cable channel to lie to viewers. See Example(s)
Fact check by Snopes.com: FALSE

So you lie through your teeth. Another that has no viable argument and is too lazy to think one up.

Yes you do represent Fox News well. Their DNA is lying. They are the original and still champion fake news outlet.

LOL, textbook projection. Do you ever back anything that you say up with facts?
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

You make idiotic post like this and then you wonder why we ridicule you stupid Moon Bats for being so damn delusional.

Of course the sonofabitch was going to lie.

At least Trump confronted him with it. Unlike that worthless piece of affirmative action shit Obama who knew the Russians were hacking but didn't do a damn thing about it.

Trump had the balls to confront Putin with it. That pussy Obama was afraid that if he said anything Putin would beat him up or something.
You make idiotic post like this and then you wonder why we ridicule you stupid Moon Bats for being so damn delusional.

You may not believe this (after all, you are an idiot) but your "ridicule" is a badge of courage for me and the rest of us.......Keep those accolades (and thread bumps) coming...LOL
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?
Since when hasn't Russia been a world power.....................

dramatic thread.....

At least Trump confronted him with it. Unlike that worthless piece of affirmative action shit Obama who knew the Russians were hacking but didn't do a damn thing about it.

Do you morons like a LISt of what Obama did that pissed Putin so much as to back a stooge for the Kremlin.......YOU idiots are too easy to smack down(and expose your innate racism.).
And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like

Hey, moron........Do you wonder WHY Putin hated Obama and Clinton?....It was NOT because Putin was "enjoying" kicking sand in the US face..........

You morons are too fucking easy to smack down......LOL

Hillary wanted to start a nuclear war with Russia to punish them for abandoning Communism, labeling it a gigantic failure and mocking American Progressives for embracing failure as their preferred system
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Since when hasn't Russia been a world power.....................

Since the complete breakup of the SOVIET UNION.........You morons should at least keep up with the 1990s.
They didn't lose their Navy, their military....................They took a nose dive after they collapsed under Reagan....yes......but the military didn't go away...........Only a fool would think that.

Suddenly they have a talk and NOW THEY ARE SUPREME POWER...........Where the hell do you come up with your talking points.
Suddenly they have a talk and NOW THEY ARE SUPREME POWER...........Where the hell do you come up with your talking points.

Thanks to Trump, Putin has fully regained super-power status....After all, Putin now has a stooge in the oval office to do his bidding......
Suddenly they have a talk and NOW THEY ARE SUPREME POWER...........Where the hell do you come up with your talking points.

Here's something for you morons to contemplate about Putin's Russia as a superpower.........

California’s GDP is almost twice as large as Russian GDP.

California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion.

Russia’s GDP is $1.267 trillion.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?
Since when hasn't Russia been a world power.....................

dramatic thread.....


Since a long time.

They have an outdated military and no money to modernize it and a GDP less than a good sized US state. They're economy depends on oil. Why do you think their economy is failing?

Putin and his puppy were there for one reason - to work an oil deal that will benefit Russia.

If you want to know how unimportant this was to trump, ask yourself why he sent a failed shoe salesman to the leaders meeting.

Ask yourself why the US is no longer the undisputed leader of the free world.

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Suddenly they have a talk and NOW THEY ARE SUPREME POWER...........Where the hell do you come up with your talking points.

Here's something for you morons to contemplate about Putin's Russia as a superpower.........

California’s GDP is almost twice as large as Russian GDP.

California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion.

Russia’s GDP is $1.267 trillion.

How much debt do they each owe?
And Putin could honestly ask America to stop interfering in foreign elections world wide and stop overthrowing other countries leaders under the pretense that the US is bringing democracies to countries.

For crying out loud trying to overthrow Assad has resulted in mass migration and given the world fucking ISIS . In Libya they have slave markets in the streets now. Fucking asshole Obama and Hillary fucked up the mid east more than GW did.

I didn't think anyone could top that.

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