Putin Ain’t Errol Flynn


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyqcZMsBOU4&feature=player_detailpage]The Charge of The Light Brigade - YouTube[/ame]​

I doubt if anybody will write a poem about what the Russians are doing:

KIEV/BALACLAVA, Ukraine - Ukraine mobilized on Sunday for war and called up its reserves, after Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to invade in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.

Ukraine calls up reserves, readies for potential combat with Russia
03/02/2014 12:58

Ukraine calls up reserves, readies for potential combat with Russia | JPost | Israel News
In his address to parliament, Putin said the "extraordinary situation in Ukraine" was putting at risk the lives of Russian citizens . . .

Russian troops take over Ukraine's Crimea region
Mar 1st 2014 4:56PM

AOL.com Article - Russian troops take over Ukraine's Crimea region

The only difference I can see is that Putin did not bother to seek permission from our Chamberlain.

The Sudeten Crisis

Before 1938, Britain had already given way to Hitler on a number of occasions, but it was the events of the Sudeten crisis which showed appeasement in action – trying to buy off Hitler by giving way to his demands.

On 11 March 1938, Hitler invaded Austria. It was clear he wanted to do the same in the Sudetenland.

On 7 September 1938, the German Sudeten Party demanded union with Germany.

There were riots.

German newsreels showed ‘evidence’ of Czech ‘atrocities’ against the Sudeten Germans.

Hitler threatened to support the Sudeten Germans with military force.​

Then Chamberlain intervened.

1. Chamberlain met Hitler at Berchtesgaden (15 September).

Hitler promised him that this was the ‘last problem to be solved’.

Chamberlain decided Hitler was ‘a man who can be relied upon’.

Chamberlain persuaded the Czechs to hand over the Sudetenland.​

You'd be surprised what people write poems about. I mean who would have thought the War of 1812 would inspire poetry. but we got our national anthem from it.

BTW does it bother anyone else that there seems to be a major global conflict between the **10-**20 dates in the last several centuries?
I don't particularly care for Bill O'Reilly, Flanders, but the message is there. Putin has behaved like Hitler and he will again. It is only a matter of time before we really see the mask come off and understand just what level of monster we're dealing with here.
I don't particularly care for Bill O'Reilly, Flanders, but the message is there. Putin has behaved like Hitler and he will again. It is only a matter of time before we really see the mask come off and understand just what level of monster we're dealing with here.

To Jeremiah: I agree.

The danger is in who benefits the most when the monster is dealt with. Frankly, I see the benefits heading towards the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) rather than the American people.
We have to get out of the United Nations. No question about it. It's killing us. The UN is no good for Israel either. I believe both Russia & China are tiring of the UN and are going to breakout on their own soon. They have no intention of following a new world order crafted by the UN. They've got their own plans.
Have you noticed the developments between China and Japan? I believe China is fully prepared and in position to invade Taiwan. It can't be too far off now.
Good lord! Hillary jumped on the Hitler bandwagon:

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday compared Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest actions to those made by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s, according to the Long Beach Press Telegram.

“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s,” she said, according to the report. “All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”

March 05, 2014, 07:31 am
Report: Hillary compares Putin's actions to Hitler's
By Rebecca Shabad

Report: Hillary compares Putin's actions to Hitler's | TheHill

I have to laugh whenever a top Democrat cites Hitler for any reason. Hitler is the one guy no liberal should ever bring up. Hitler, more than any other historical figure —— including Marx and Lenin —— speaks for American Socialists posing as Democrats. The following two quotes encapsulate everything liberals believe. Tragically, American liberalism succeeded where Hitler’s fascism failed.

The first quote defines the Democrat party’s collectivism (my emphasis):

"Of what importance is all that, if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the Party, is supreme over them regardless of whether they are owners or workers. All that is unessential; our socialism goes far deeper. It establishes a relationship of the individual to the State, the national community. Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings. " Adolf Hitler

And who would dare deny what Democrats have been doing to America’s children for longer than most Americans have been alive:

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Adolf Hitler
Can you tell me what you mean, Avatar? What ** 10 and ** 20... are you speaking of?

1810-1820, 1910-1920. etc.

Those are decades of major wars and it goes back like that several centuries at least.
We have to get out of the United Nations. No question about it. It's killing us. The UN is no good for Israel either. I believe both Russia & China are tiring of the UN and are going to breakout on their own soon. They have no intention of following a new world order crafted by the UN. They've got their own plans.
Have you noticed the developments between China and Japan? I believe China is fully prepared and in position to invade Taiwan. It can't be too far off now.

The UNs days are numbered if Russia keeps up their aggression.
The UNs days are numbered if Russia keeps up their aggression.

To Avatar4321: By all means let’s encourage Putin.

Withdrawing from the UN won’t be easy. HR 1146 has been in the hopper since the late ‘90s and it couldn’t get out of committee; not even when Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency (2003, 2004, 2005).

Maybe a Senate bill duplicating HR 1146 coming from a truly conservative Senate will fare better. There’s not a chance so long as Democrats have the majority. It would be interesting to see what John Boehner would do if the Senate did send over such a bill.
Good lord! Hillary jumped on the Hitler bandwagon:

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday compared Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest actions to those made by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s, according to the Long Beach Press Telegram.

“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s,” she said, according to the report. “All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”

March 05, 2014, 07:31 am
Report: Hillary compares Putin's actions to Hitler's
By Rebecca Shabad

Report: Hillary compares Putin's actions to Hitler's | TheHill

I have to laugh whenever a top Democrat cites Hitler for any reason. Hitler is the one guy no liberal should ever bring up. Hitler, more than any other historical figure —— including Marx and Lenin —— speaks for American Socialists posing as Democrats. The following two quotes encapsulate everything liberals believe. Tragically, American liberalism succeeded where Hitler’s fascism failed.

The first quote defines the Democrat party’s collectivism (my emphasis):

"Of what importance is all that, if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the Party, is supreme over them regardless of whether they are owners or workers. All that is unessential; our socialism goes far deeper. It establishes a relationship of the individual to the State, the national community. Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings. " Adolf Hitler

And who would dare deny what Democrats have been doing to America’s children for longer than most Americans have been alive:

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Adolf Hitler

Was thinking it's more like what Saddam Hussein did annexing Kuwait. Then threatening ther much larger Saudi Arabia. Here, Putin's annexed Crimea and is eyeing the larger Ukraine. That there's oil and natgas in the mix makes it much more like the first Gulf War than WWII.
Was thinking it's more like what Saddam Hussein did annexing Kuwait. Then threatening ther much larger Saudi Arabia. Here, Putin's annexed Crimea and is eyeing the larger Ukraine. That there's oil and natgas in the mix makes it much more like the first Gulf War than WWII.

To Delta4Embassey: That’s not much of a comparison. The problem is that the United Nations had veto power over the US military in Desert Storm. Had the US gone all the way to Bagdad there would have been no Iraq War a decade or so later. The UN does not have authority of any kind in Crimea although Kerry is probably angling to give it some. He knows the US military cannot go all the way to Moscow, but he would like to give the UN authority in any future military intervention.

Note that everyone in the Administration is double-speaking Crimea’s sovereignty. What they mean is sovereign nations within the United Nations the same way our 50 states are sovereign within the federal government. I’ll leave it you to decide how much that is worth.

Happily, this turn of events should send chills up John Kerry’s UN-loving spine:

UNITED NATIONS — A senior United Nations diplomat who was sent to the Crimea region of southern Ukraine to assess the Russian military takeover there was threatened by armed men at gunpoint on Wednesday, and aborted his visit a day after it had begun.


. . . the gunmen confronted Mr. Serry and demanded that he go straight to the city airport and leave Crimea.

It gets even better if the gunmen are Ukranian, but Russians will do just as well:

The identities of the gunmen were not clear.

Senior U.N. Envoy Threatened at Gunpoint in Crimea


After the dust settles I’d like to see “Screw the United Nations” become official government policy in the Ukraine.
Putin is a fraud. A scared little bully who admitted he faked his macho photo ops. Sadly, rw's idolize him for his fake manliness.

The fact that he's not a real man, that he's a scared little bully is what makes him dangerous. Its also why we must keep the rw nutters from power.
Putin is a fraud. A scared little bully who admitted he faked his macho photo ops. Sadly, rw's idolize him for his fake manliness.

The fact that he's not a real man, that he's a scared little bully is what makes him dangerous. Its also why we must keep the rw nutters from power.

To Luddly Neddite: It was your guy who begged the bully for a little more flexibility:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE&feature=player_detailpage]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]​

As to your charge of idolizing Putin here’s an excerpt from another thread:

The worst aspect of Kerry and his kind is that they are driving freedom-loving Americans to root for Russia. The choice they offer Americans is uncomplicated. Go with the traitors who have been selling out this country to the United Nations for decades, or write-off the Ukraine by siding with Putin. I personally choose Putin for the following reasons:

Kerry Goes Century-shopping - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And I see you latched on to the Left’s new talking point. Make the Ukraine about conservatives hating Barack Taqiyya so much they are backing Putin. That one won’t wash. An attempt to stampede Americans into blaming Putin for everything is nothing more than a ploy to hide yet another betrayal involving the United Nations.

The Ukraine is not about hating Taqiyya the Liar or idolizing Putin. It’s about giving another piece of America’s sovereignty to the UN.

I can only speak for myself, but I would embrace the Devil if it would shutdown the United Nations and silence all of the bullshit International law talk. I’ve yet to hear a talking head mention the UN’s part in the game Kerry is playing, nor have I ever heard a talking head cite a specific “International law” the US Congress legislated.

Incidentally, even without Putin in the mix you and your kind idolize traitors like John Kerry; whereas, loyal Americans have no use Kerry under any circumstance. Here’s a taste of your guy AFTER he committed treason during the Vietnam War:

Kerry rode into the U.S. Senate on a sled called the Nuclear Freeze.


After it was pummeled for a decade by the “Peace through Strength” policies of Ronald Reagan, the USSR collapsed in 1991. Then, briefly, the archives of the Kremlin opened just a crack. Thus, we learned that the Nuclear Freeze movement in Europe had been secretly pushed and stealthily funded by the Soviet secret police, the KGB.

Serenely cooing on his dove’s perch in the Senate, Mr. Kerry was never called upon to respond to these disclosures or to account for his dupery. In time, he was confirmed as Secretary of State in 2013 by a lopsided vote of 94-3. The Republicans, once termed “the Daddy party” by Chris Matthews, rolled over for seatmate John Kerry.

So now we have a Secretary of State who made his career being heroically wrong about the premier foreign policy issue of a half century -- the U.S.-Soviet clash. We may have to rename the Peter Principle for one who actually uses his disastrous misjudgments in the past to shinny up the greasy pole to the top of the foreign policy elite.

Today, Mr. Kerry is lecturing Vladimir Putin about being “on the wrong side of history.” There’s a delicious irony here. Putin, the KGB operative has heard all that before.

March 6, 2014
Climate Change, Mr. Secretary?
By Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison

Articles: Climate Change, Mr. Secretary?
Putin is a fraud. A scared little bully who admitted he faked his macho photo ops. Sadly, rw's idolize him for his fake manliness.

The fact that he's not a real man, that he's a scared little bully is what makes him dangerous. Its also why we must keep the rw nutters from power.

To Luddly Neddite: I think I traced the foundation for your “. . . rw's idolize him. . .” talking point. Sally Kohn started the ball rolling with this:

SALLY KOHN, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Republicans are practically cheering for Vladimir Putin today. He's given them a new excuse to bash President Obama. Republicans are out in droves suggesting that if the President weren't such a weak leader Putin wouldn't be threatening the Ukraine.

First of all, did the same Republicans call George W. Bush weak when Putin invaded Georgia in 2008? No.

You took it to the absurdity of “. . . his fake manliness.”

There’s more in this video:

Note that Kirsten Powers runs with Kohn’s theme:

POWERS: This is a regional conflict, Bill. This isn't a regional conflict. He didn't sit around and think about oh, if the United States is going to do something I'm not going to do it. And if that's true, then Sally raises a point that I've been raising. Why wasn't George Bush blamed for what happened in Georgia? I mean it's -- and I'm not saying and I don't think he should have been.

Whether or not Barack Taqiyya is weak is unimportant when you reduce the question to the Ukraine issue only. Journalists should be asking exactly what he did with the flexibility his reelection provided?

POWERS: But I'm just saying that's if that's true then it has to be true that that was the case with Bush. And I don't remember Republicans blaming Bush.

I believe that I’ve debated Kirsten Powers a 1,001 times on message boards. She, like all liberals, demand that Republicans, or conservatives, make their case for them. I wish Kate Obenshain had said “Republicans brought down President Nixon for nothing more than political dirty tricks in addition to criticizing Bush. Can you give some examples of Democrats blaming their presidents for anything?”

And here comes the war:

POWERS: And you know I just -- I can't handle it anymore listening being lectured by people who supported the Iraq war and all these genius decisions that George Bush made, you know claiming that they're the experts.

I mean, why are Lindsey Graham and John McCain the experts? They have led us down these trails into these horrific -- the Iraq war is going to go down in history as one of the stupidest things that this country has ever done. And they have the nerve to go on television and lecture people.

And I can’t stand liberals moralizing about a war Muslim fundamentalists declared. Bush the Younger took the war to Muslim territory. There’s nothing dumb about that. The only dumb thing about the Iraq War is Democrats snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

What’s even dumber is people like Kirsten Powers acting as though the war is over. Somebody should inform her that Muslims have not surrendered, nor will they ever surrender so long as they have liberal talking heads like her naively fighting a public relations battle for Islam’s jihad.
So...killing over 100,000 citizens in a nation that didn't attack us..and expecting them to greet us as saviors ...isn't DUMB?

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