Putin Blasts Criminal Charges Against Trump as Political Persecution, Says They Show "Rottenness" of American System

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

My apologies if there is another thread on this. I looked but did not see one.

Obviously, what Putin thinks does not matter. However, I do believe that this can be used as a "teaching moment", to quote the late Rush Limbaugh. In making this comment, Putin shows that he is far more in tune with what is going on here than is the American left. Moreover, it weirdly shows that Putin would make a far better American patriot than any Democrat today.

Am I embracing Putin? Of course not. What I am saying is that it is quite clear that the Trump indictments are nothing more than political persecution. Some Democrats even admit this when they say that the trials must occur prior to the 2024 election to prevent Trump from being elected again. (emphasis added). Real American patriots like the Founders would frown upon these silly indictments. They are trying to disenfranchise nearly half of American voters by getting Trump out of the electoral process. There is nothing less democratic than this. Further, if this was not political, then why not wait until after the 2024 election, or after Trumps leaves office in 2028, to put Trump on trial? The insincere answer is because "Trump is a criminal and criminals should not be president". However, Trump is not a criminal. He has been convicted of nothing. Forcing him to defend himself in FOUR different prosecutions in the year leading up to the election is going to put Trump at a distinct disadvantage in the election. This is undeniable. It is also definitive proof that the prosecutions (4 of them) are intended to have a political effect.
The astute Democrat (relatively speaking, one with an IQ of at least room temperature) will argue that Trump needs to be tried to determine if he is a criminal and, therefore, fit to hold office. OK, then such must apply to everyone, even Joe Biden. Let's put Biden on trial for bribery and influence peddling, among other things to see if he is fit to hold office. But no, they will not support this because "tHar iz nO evIdenSe BidEnd comITteD kRimeS". However, there is evidence that Biden has engaged in criminal acts and acts of moral turpitude.

You cannot have it both ways, Democrats. Just be honest. You support these prosecutions because you hope it will prevent Trump from winning again in 2023.
Republicans should be ashamed that their candidate is endorsed by Putin
I don't think Putin has endorsed anyone. However, I think we all know he loved Biden, as America's international standing has diminished with Jopedo in office.

My apologies if there is another thread on this. I looked but did not see one.

Obviously, what Putin thinks does not matter. However, I do believe that this can be used as a "teaching moment", to quote the late Rush Limbaugh. In making this comment, Putin shows that he is far more in tune with what is going on here than is the American left. Moreover, it weirdly shows that Putin would make a far better American patriot than any Democrat today.

Am I embracing Putin? Of course not. What I am saying is that it is quite clear that the Trump indictments are nothing more than political persecution. Some Democrats even admit this when they say that the trials must occur prior to the 2024 election to prevent Trump from being elected again. (emphasis added). Real American patriots like the Founders would frown upon these silly indictments. They are trying to disenfranchise nearly half of American voters by getting Trump out of the electoral process. There is nothing less democratic than this. Further, if this was not political, then why not wait until after the 2024 election, or after Trumps leaves office in 2028, to put Trump on trial? The insincere answer is because "Trump is a criminal and criminals should not be president". However, Trump is not a criminal. He has been convicted of nothing. Forcing him to defend himself in FOUR different prosecutions in the year leading up to the election is going to put Trump at a distinct disadvantage in the election. This is undeniable. It is also definitive proof that the prosecutions (4 of them) are intended to have a political effect.
The astute Democrat (relatively speaking, one with an IQ of at least room temperature) will argue that Trump needs to be tried to determine if he is a criminal and, therefore, fit to hold office. OK, then such must apply to everyone, even Joe Biden. Let's put Biden on trial for bribery and influence peddling, among other things to see if he is fit to hold office. But no, they will not support this because "tHar iz nO evIdenSe BidEnd comITteD kRimeS". However, there is evidence that Biden has engaged in criminal acts and acts of moral turpitude.

You cannot have it both ways, Democrats. Just be honest. You support these prosecutions because you hope it will prevent Trump from winning again in 2023.
Trump is lucky Biden isn’t like Putin. That big plane with his name on it would make a tempting target. Of course, that’s the MO of the guy defending Trump!
Secure borders are necessary to national security and preserving the nation-state. Putin know this. Why do American Democrats not know this?
Trump is lucky Biden isn’t like Putin. That big plane with his name on it would make a tempting target. Of course, that’s the MO of the guy defending Trump!
Right. Trump may fall out a window or accidentally order a drink containing highly radioactive material.

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