Putin goes full jingoistic

I can’t stand Biden. I really see him as an incompetent asshole at best. Nonetheless:

if any one of us had the job of giving him some sound advice: what advice would you offer to the President at this juncture?
To admit that supporting the fascist coup in Kiev in 2014 was a mistake and to offer Russia a diplomatic way to resolve the contradictions.
Putin is spending a lot of money on his troops. Can Russia afford this? Where's the benefit?
I think I mentioned that earlier. His economy is supposed to be in dire straits. Made me wonder why he's doing this if he isn't serious. On top of that, he will look like he failed back home.
I think I mentioned that earlier. His economy is supposed to be in dire straits. Made me wonder why he's doing this if he isn't serious. On top of that, he will look like he failed back home.
I am very ignorant about Russia and the Ukraine, but this looks like idiocy to me?
I would advise Biden to resign and appoint Trump to be the president. ... :cool-45:
I was talking about what advice you’d give him concerning the Ukraine. If Brandon did choose to retire, sadly, Kamala Heels-Up Harris would become President. Brandon couldn’t appoint Trump even if he wanted to.
No way to know what advice Biden is getting from his generals and from his Defense minister.
Biden has nothing to do with it. Biden or Trump, but for the first time in history, Russia has a force that, albeit temporarily (for 10 years), makes it the strongest in the world.
I'm talking about hypersonic missiles. Now all US aircraft carriers are useless, expensive junk that is guaranteed to be destroyed in the event of war. Poseidon nuclear missiles are guaranteed to destroy the entire east coast of the United States, and even if the United States launches the first nuclear strike, the Russian retaliatory missiles will arrive before the American ones reach their goal... But Russia does not want war, it does not need it. And therefore, it does not need a growing threat from NATO on its borders, especially after the United States declared Russia an enemy. And the entire аmerican foreign policy of the United States for 30 years is saturated with war and constant aggression. How can I be trusted ?

I can't for the life of me figure out why this forum allows those like you to use this board as a vehicle for your obvious Russian propaganda and misinformation. At the same time, leftists on here falsely accuse God-fearing American conservative Republican patriots as being "Russian assets."

That is just fucked up. How the hell have we come to this?
The shelling went unreported in U.S. media.
So by their standards, it didn't happen.
Read that has been going on for some time, not just recently. Wondered why MSM reported it like the war started. Probably those regions Putin's recognized today.

This is not Russian propaganda. This is advice for a decent person. That is, there is no one in WH to advise it.
No. It’s Russian propaganda. It may be true that nobody in the Brandon White House is decent, though.
My free articles are used up, here, this is the news w/o having to be registered & tracked;

Putin recognises Ukraine rebel regions as independent​

Extracts from Putin's speech on Ukraine​

Analysis: U.S., allies united if Russia invades, at odds over other scenarios​

Rouble sinks, stocks plunge as Russia weighs fate of east Ukraine breakaway regions​

I can’t stand Biden. I really see him as an incompetent asshole at best. Nonetheless:

if any one of us had the job of giving him some sound advice: what advice would you offer to the President at this juncture?
Honestly? Given the history of the area?


It is none of our business.

The two break away republics have majority population ethnic Russians. To put that in perspective, this goes back to a place in time, which reminds me of the Mexican State of Texas, which at one time, had a majority population of ethnic Americans.

. . . so? When that was a breakaway state? How would America have felt if Spain or England had decided it was in their interest to intervene?


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