Putin goes full jingoistic

Oh stop bitching wuuserman. Putin is only stopping the Euros from raping the natural resources of that region. You don't actually think they want to spread democracy do you?
Oh stop being an asshole, offal. Putin is starting the process of trying to put the Soviet Union back together. He can call it mother Russia. He can pretend that the Ukraine is historically a part of the former Russia. He can act all outraged that anybody in Europe sees Ukraine as also part of Europe. He can suck ass.

For every person who claims that the Ukraine Russia conflict is none of our business, I’ll show you a person who laps up Putin’s propaganda. Ukraine is as independent of Russia as the United States is of Great Britain. And ought to be.
Honestly? Given the history of the area?


It is none of our business.

The two break away republics have majority population ethnic Russians. To put that in perspective, this goes back to a place in time, which reminds me of the Mexican State of Texas, which at one time, had a majority population of ethnic Americans.

. . . so? When that was a breakaway state? How would America have felt if Spain or England had decided it was in their interest to intervene?


Perfectly put. Thank you! :thup:

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