Putin goes full jingoistic

Putin is spending a lot of money on his troops. Can Russia afford this? Where's the benefit?
I read an article from the AP, that initially? The pressure to recognize these republics is coming from the Duma, and that Putin and Lavrov didn't think it very wise. IMO? There are probably a lot of forces, both populist and other oligarchs that have a say in pressuring for this.

I read a lot of other Western propaganda that make it seem that Putin controls everyone and everything, and that nothing happens without his say so. IMO? If that were true, this would not be happening. Because, as you say, the cost/benefit does not seem to be worth these two small republics.
Honestly? Given the history of the area?


It is none of our business.

The two break away republics have majority population ethnic Russians. To put that in perspective, this goes back to a place in time, which reminds me of the Mexican State of Texas, which at one time, had a majority population of ethnic Americans.

. . . so? When that was a breakaway state? How would America have felt if Spain or England had decided it was in their interest to intervene?

I don’t necessarily disagree. The concern I harbor about that advice is the impact it has on how we are perceived. Actions have consequences. We all know that. I guess the thing is: so do inactions.
I don’t necessarily disagree. The concern I harbor about that advice is the impact it has on how we are perceived. Actions have consequences. We all know that. I guess the thing is: so do inactions.
I understand. And I agree.

To that? I would say, sit down with Russia, and negotiate in good faith, and let them protect ethnic Russians, in the same way we strengthen and secure NATO.

I did not see anything in Putin's desires, which seemed unreasonable. Everything which he has proposed, go back to the security guarantee which the west gave to Gorbachev.

If Russia were deploying missiles in nation's boarding the U.S., or having navel exercises in the Caribbean? I have an idea how our establishment would react. :rolleyes:

These are the items that Moscow desires, for a long-lasting and permanent peace. I honestly don't see what the problem is. . . do you? :dunno:

+ NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow)
+ NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.
+ Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.
+ the West and Russia to sign a binding East-West security pact.
+ the landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The US abandoned it in 2019)
It could very well just be a case that Putin is protecting his sovereign borders from Fascist Globalists that desire Russia's raw material wealth for the next 100 year's, or so.
Among other things. . . :rolleyes:

(One of Putin's Staunchest Allies)

I can't for the life of me figure out why this forum allows those like you to use this board as a vehicle for your obvious Russian propaganda and misinformation. At the same time, leftists on here falsely accuse God-fearing American conservative Republican patriots as being "Russian assets."

That is just fucked up. How the hell have we come to this?
Aren't you bragging nonstop of your freedom of speech and accusing Russia of the lack thereof?
Aren't you bragging nonstop of your freedom of speech and accusing Russia of the lack thereof?
You don't have the same freedoms we do. Post this video of Putin's favorite band in your country and see what happens.


Can you go to any gun shop in your country and five minutes later, walk out something like I own?


Can you legally carry one of these any time you leave the house?


How about ammunition? What would happen to you if your Полиция России found this in your home?


No big deal here in the US, so whatever "freedoms" you have are nothing compared to ours. You're only free to say and do as you want outside of your own country's borders.
You don't have the same freedoms we do. Post this video of Putin's favorite band in your country and see what happens.


Can you go to any gun shop in your country and five minutes later, walk out something like I own?


Can you legally carry one of these any time you leave the house?

View attachment 604633

How about ammunition? What would happen to you if your Полиция России found this in your home?

View attachment 604635

No big deal here in the US, so whatever "freedoms" you have are nothing compared to ours. You're only free to say and do as you want outside of your own country's borders.

It's the freedom of arms makers to get rich off of you idiots. You can't use those arms if you're law abiding but those who are not so much are free to shoot you morons without you ever having a chance to resist. Not much to pride yourself on.
It's the freedom of arms makers to get rich off of you idiots. You can't use those arms if you're law abiding but those who are not so much are free to shoot you morons without you ever having a chance to resist. Not much to pride yourself on.

Would you like to buy back a 1943-dated Russian Mosin-Nagant M38 rifle with Izhevk arsenal markings? It's a genuine piece of World War Two Russian history, and more than likely sent several German soldiers to their graves. It might have been owned by your own Grandfather. It was exported here back in the 1980's when you Ivan's couldn't even find groceries at the stores.

Ooops, never mind. You can't even own one, unarmed loser. It sucks to be you, doesn't it? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:
. . . and what if the breakaway regions want to join Russia? Don't these people have any say?

That is the whole point. They can't stand alone, so joining Russia is their best option. Only Ukrainian aggression can stop this now. Expect a vote to join Russia soon. Putin won't be invading, he will be fortifying and defending these provinces. Biden got played, this is Crimea 2.0.
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The Putin declaration recognizing the separatist independence of eastern Ukraine regions is a very bold and dangerous risky move. We may now see Russia doing what has been predicted. Invasion is likelier now than ever before.

Oh stop bitching wuuserman. Putin is only stopping the Euros from raping the natural resources of that region. You don't actually think they want to spread democracy do you?

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