Putin Interview Did you watch?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Did you watch the interview?
What was your take on things after watching it?

What did you think was right, wrong, or indifferent?

If you haven't seen it....
The "history lesson" Putin gave was very important to listen to....The Russians are not going to go away so the sooner the west makes the Uke midget sue for peace the better and depriving him of funds is the way to get there.
The "history lesson" Putin gave was very important to listen to....The Russians are not going to go away so the sooner the west makes the Uke midget sue for peace the better and depriving him of funds is the way to get there.
I thought it was telling by the way Putin summed up what he was saying with "Ukraine is mine".

Not "Ukraine is Russia"....it's mine.

Not gonna be an easy thing to accept for Putin.
One other little thing....
Tucker got owned and massively outclassed by Putin.

Tucker was way beyond his depth in this "interview"
All western journalists have had their ass handed to them by Putin.....He might be a asshole but he's usually the most crafty asshole in the room.
One other little thing....
Tucker got owned and massively outclassed by Putin.

Tucker was way beyond his depth in this "interview"

This wasn't a debate, it was an interview.

Putin got exposed as a bullshitter, pure and simple. That he wrapped it up in questionable interpretations of history just shows he is a well educated bullshitter.
All western journalists have had their ass handed to them by Putin.....He might be a asshole but he's usually the most crafty asshole in the room.

Former KGB, those guys are usually pretty slick.

And as long as you understand that you can see right through them.

Waiting for a good written transcript before I comment on his use of history to justify his desire for the new Grand Russian Empire.

One thing I am sure of, he is just waiting for a big win like getting Ukraine to knuckle under before he tries to go the Empire route.
Remember Jerry, it's not a lie, if you believe it. ;)

The thing is it isn't a 100% lie even to himself, because he still needs to follow reality if he wants to accomplish his goal.

It's a shining example of doublethink though.
The thing is it isn't a 100% lie even to himself, because he still needs to follow reality if he wants to accomplish his goal.

It's a shining example of doublethink though.
So when NATO nations have "always been Russia " his conquest of Europe is justified?
So when NATO nations have "always been Russia " his conquest of Europe is justified?

Nope. I have a feeling the Baltic Nations especially would beg to differ.

Also Poland.

I take their side in this, not the Greater Russian Empire.

The Germans accepted the Oder Niesse line in 1990, Russia has to accept most of the Caucus, the Eastern border nations, and the Stan's don't want to be part of said empire anymore.
The "history lesson" Putin gave was very important to listen to....The Russians are not going to go away so the sooner the west makes the Uke midget sue for peace the better and depriving him of funds is the way to get there.
You believe the lies of a despot?
The "history lesson" Putin gave was very important to listen to....The Russians are not going to go away so the sooner the west makes the Uke midget sue for peace the better and depriving him of funds is the way to get there.
The only reason there was ever hostility between the US and Russia was due to Stalin's psychopathic diplomacy and policies, along with our justified opposition to marxist state slavery. Once the USSR fell we could have dissolved NATO and shored up their economy making them grateful allies that didn't need to fear western aggression that didn't exist. We still needed an excuse to maintain a massive global police force, and now the world is bankrupting us.
The only reason there was ever hostility between the US and Russia was due to Stalin's psychopathic diplomacy and policies, along with our justified opposition to marxist state slavery. Once the USSR fell we could have dissolved NATO and shored up their economy making them grateful allies that didn't need to fear western aggression that didn't exist. We still needed an excuse to maintain a massive global police force, and now the world is bankrupting us.

Not so sure. The Russians were Russians before they were Soviets.
Not so sure. The Russians were Russians before they were Soviets.
What we think of as Russia properly without all its annexation...(USSR and recent)
Is actually a collection of 9 "ethnic" tribal groups.
And these 9 were not collected peacefully either....it was by conflict. (Just because they all are rather "Caucasian" doesn't mean they are the same.

So...where the Tartar's (Ukrainian) homelands are originally actually includes a good sized chunk of Western Russia today. (If we go back that far)

Russia is a melting pot of people much like the USA is....in all truth.

But that original 9 is where Russia started.

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