Putin is a genius. Biden a fool. This explains very well what Putin's plan is in Ukraine

Again, try not to say such stupid things. To accomplish these things Putin would have to conquer Ukraine, shit for brains.
Yes. But to do that in the most cheap way - they need to lure out nazies from their cities and kill them in the field (without endangering women and children). Take the whole Ukraine at once and face the guerilla war doesn't look like the best option.
Anyway, it's all mostly about buying time for warming up economy and turning it into war-time mode.
The "denazification, demilitarisation and neutralisation of Kievan regime" is not happening. The blitz in the first week on Kiev went splatz, and 60% of the Russian gains were rolled back. The Russian fascists are being pushed east of the Dnipro. Uki armor and land assets outmatch the Rus technically and professionally. China and Iran cannot out provision their client in comparison to the Euro-West nations.

The war will continue until Putin falls from power. I wonder if he will die in an execution cell like so many Ukrainians did at Russian hands.
Or, the war will continue until Chinese attack against Taiwan or any type of revolt in the EU, or until it escalate to the levels of regional and large-scale wars (both of them nuclear), because the victory in a nuclear war is more safe for the Russians, than defeat in the conventional one.
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Silver Cat, the Donbas belongs to Ukraine via the 1991 settlement. Russia had no legal concerns at all about what Ukraine did in the Donbas.

Anyone who thinks nuclear war is an adequate panacea to conventional defeat is insane.
Of course they expected a long war. Even in the case of instant fall of Kievan régime, they were expected a long and quite ugly guerilla war in the Western regions of ex-Ukraine.
And they invaded Ukraine not because they wanted a quick victory, but to prevent a quick defeat after expected Ukrainian offense in Donbass.
That might make sense to you if you ignore all the facts, but the fact that the invaders made no effort to secure their supply lines as they raced toward Kyiv. tells us they expected no significant resistance. There is no way to get around the fact that this whole war, from the decision to invade right down to the failure of Russia's winter offensive is due to the incompetence of the Russian leadership.
Yes. But to do that in the most cheap way - they need to lure out nazies from their cities and kill them in the field (without endangering women and children). Take the whole Ukraine at once and face the guerilla war doesn't look like the best option.
Anyway, it's all mostly about buying time for warming up economy and turning it into war-time mode.
Still more bullshit. The war is about Russian imperialist ambitions and incompetent leadership, nothing else.
Still more bullshit. The war is about Russian imperialist ambitions and incompetent leadership, nothing else.
Of course no. They had pretty good reasons to start their "special military operation". The Russians (at least 90% of them) consider that the NATO expansion as a grave threat to their state and their existence. Also, the Russians, as all other human beings are social animals, and one of the social-animal features is "collective self-defense". "An attack against one of us means the attack against all of us, and we are going to fight back, then".
Kievan Junta decided to start a terror campaign against the [local] Russians, and [all] the Russians fight back.
Silver Cat, the Donbas belongs to Ukraine via the 1991 settlement. Russia had no legal concerns at all about what Ukraine did in the Donbas.

Cuba never was a part of the USA, but Soviet forces (and, especially, Soviet nuclear missiles) in Cuba were pretty much of our concern. Say nothing about Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Columbia, Mexico and so on. Taiwan is a part of China, but it is pretty much our concern.
The Russians had their sovereign right to recognize the independence of DPR and LPR (as well as the USA had the right to recognize the independence of Kosovo), and sign a mutual agreement about collective self-defense. And, from this moment, Ukrainian agression against Donbass became an Ukrainian agression against the Russian Federation itself.

Anyone who thinks nuclear war is an adequate panacea to conventional defeat is insane.
It's not panacea, of course, but it could be a lesser evil. As well as back in 1962 it could be better to start a nuclear war against both Cuba and the USSR rather then wait until they are ready to attack in 1963.
Of course no. They had pretty good reasons to start their "special military operation". The Russians (at least 90% of them) consider that the NATO expansion as a grave threat to their state and their existence. Also, the Russians, as all other human beings are social animals, and one of the social-animal features is "collective self-defense". "An attack against one of us means the attack against all of us, and we are going to fight back, then".
Kievan Junta decided to start a terror campaign against the [local] Russians, and [all] the Russians fight back.
You continue to repeat the same Putin lies the entire world has already rejected as nonsense.
Of course no. They had pretty good reasons to start their "special military operation". The Russians (at least 90% of them) consider that the NATO expansion as a grave threat to their state and their existence. Also, the Russians, as all other human beings are social animals, and one of the social-animal features is "collective self-defense". "An attack against one of us means the attack against all of us, and we are going to fight back, then".
Kievan Junta decided to start a terror campaign against the [local] Russians, and [all] the Russians fight back.
When did Ukraine attack the Rodina?
Of course no. They had pretty good reasons to start their "special military operation". The Russians (at least 90% of them) consider that the NATO expansion as a grave threat to their state and their existence. Also, the Russians, as all other human beings are social animals, and one of the social-animal features is "collective self-defense". "An attack against one of us means the attack against all of us, and we are going to fight back, then".
Kievan Junta decided to start a terror campaign against the [local] Russians, and [all] the Russians fight back.
The Russians acted like nazi aggressors with false "reasons" for invasion.
Now its war machine is badly damaged, its army east of the Dnipro, the Crimea threatened.
The Russians will have to kill Putin or send him to The Hague in order to start negotiations.
Cuba never was a part of the USA, but Soviet forces (and, especially, Soviet nuclear missiles) in Cuba were pretty much of our concern. Say nothing about Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Columbia, Mexico and so on. Taiwan is a part of China, but it is pretty much our concern.
The Russians had their sovereign right to recognize the independence of DPR and LPR (as well as the USA had the right to recognize the independence of Kosovo), and sign a mutual agreement about collective self-defense. And, from this moment, Ukrainian agression against Donbass became an Ukrainian agression against the Russian Federation itself.

It's not panacea, of course, but it could be a lesser evil. As well as back in 1962 it could be better to start a nuclear war against both Cuba and the USSR rather then wait until they are ready to attack in 1963.
The Russians had no sovereign right to recognize the independence of DPR and LPR.
When did Ukraine attack the Rodina?
It depends on your definition of the terms. Formally, Ukraine continued their attacks against DPR and LPR (recognized as independent states by the Russian Federation at Feb, 22), so it is February 22, 2022.

Taking that Ukrainian Special Services (and non-government organisations) participated in Russian-Chechen war on the side of the terrorists, it could be 1993, as well.
The Russians acted like nazi aggressors with false "reasons" for invasion.
Now its war machine is badly damaged, its army east of the Dnipro, the Crimea threatened.
The Russians will have to kill Putin or send him to The Hague in order to start negotiations.
Russians are still fighting, and their war machine is becoming stronger.
Liberals so desperately wanted the Ukraine war to be about Zelensky and Kiev. I think because they believed the Russians were dumb enough to make US's mistake in Iraq and decapitate a government and let the enemy army throw off their uniforms and disperse into the countryside.

Russia used Kiev as a feint.

They want to destroy the Ukrainian army in total in what's militarily known as "Defeat in detail".

They want the resources Ukraine has. Almost all of it is in the Donbas and Crimea and off shore. Gold oil uranium and the farm lands.

Russia has made sure that Ukraine cannot be used to replace Russia as strategic supplier of energy and food to Europe...a master stroke.

And Ukraine's economy has imploded 50%.

Putin is running circles around the democrats and setting up new trade routes and pulling former allies away from the west as they have to make hard choices, morals or food/energy.

Russia gets results....

But hey. At least MSNBC gets to say they lost Kiev and are war criminals.

Stupid. DEMs just moral virtue signal while Russia gets results.

Putin told them he would invade Ukraine in 2011 because he didn't like the Budapest Memorandum.
It depends on your definition of the terms. Formally, Ukraine continued their attacks against DPR and LPR (recognized as independent states by the Russian Federation at Feb, 22), so it is February 22, 2022.

Taking that Ukrainian Special Services (and non-government organisations) participated in Russian-Chechen war on the side of the terrorists, it could be 1993, as well.
The Donesk and Lufhansk were part of the 1991 negotiations. They had no right to rebel. Russia had no right to interfere, Russia is a rogue stae with Putin a rogue leader. He will be summarily executed if he falls into western hands.
The Donesk and Lufhansk were part of the 1991 negotiations. They had no right to rebel. Russia had no right to interfere, Russia is a rogue stae with Putin a rogue leader. He will be summarily executed if he falls into western hands.
All people have the right to rebel.
You know:
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
Sad.. Russia has land, water, timber and oil plus all kinds of natural resources, but they are still impoverished losers. How is that possible?
They have pretty traumatic experience of the Western invasions, you know. That's why they prefer to buy missiles and be alive.

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