Putin is a genius. Biden a fool. This explains very well what Putin's plan is in Ukraine

Do you care about innocent ethnic Russian civilians being raped and killed in Eastern Ukraine by Kievan Junta? Or about innocent Serbian civilians being raped and killed by Albanian militants? Or about raped and killed women and children in Iraq, Libya, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Korea, Russia and many, many other places (including America, of course)?
What does any of that have to do with the atrocities being committed by Russians in Ukraine today?
What does any of that have to do with the atrocities being committed by Russians in Ukraine today?
Life is bitch. Everybody commits atrocities during wartime. Ukrainian Neo-Nazies are not innocent lambs, too. There is the simple way to end it in the fast and easy way. Just stop support Kievan regime and allow Russian to restore order.
Life is bitch. Everybody commits atrocities during wartime. Ukrainian Neo-Nazies are not innocent lambs, too. There is the simple way to end it in the fast and easy way. Just stop support Kievan regime and allow Russian to restore order.
The only way to restore order to the region is to force Russia to retreat to its own borders and to drop its ridiculous objections to its neighbors trying to defend themselves by joining NATO.

The outcome of this war is already certain. Russia will withdraw from all of Ukraine because it cannot win on the battlefield and cannot afford to continue this war forever. Ukraine will then become a member of the EU and NATO, and the Russian empire will wither as a Chinese client state and be forced to surrender some disputed land to China. Russia is no longer the big dog in the neighborhood and will have to accept its diminished role in world affairs.

Putin is a genius. Biden a fool.​

The first is debatable the latter is unquestionable.

Putin is a genius. Biden a fool.​

The first is debatable the latter is unquestionable.
Without any question, Putin is an outrageous fuck up, a fool who destroyed Russia while pursuing impossible fantasies about Russia becoming a superpower again, but Biden achieved exactly what he set out to achieve, to become the 46th President of the United States. Biden may be an unprincipled opportunistic politician, but he is nobody's fool, and he is leading a very successful global effort to end Russian imperialism.
Russia gets results....
sure ivan

sounds like 1917 ? )
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Without any question, Putin is an outrageous fuck up, a fool who destroyed Russia while pursuing impossible fantasies about Russia becoming a superpower again, but Biden achieved exactly what he set out to achieve, to become the 46th President of the United States. Biden may be an unprincipled opportunistic politician, but he is nobody's fool, and he is leading a very successful global effort to end Russian imperialism.
He’s been in power 20 years. So, he’s far more informed than the idiots in the west who are controlled by greedy capitalists.
Liberals so desperately wanted the Ukraine war to be about Zelensky and Kiev. I think because they believed the Russians were dumb enough to make US's mistake in Iraq and decapitate a government and let the enemy army throw off their uniforms and disperse into the countryside.

Russia used Kiev as a feint.

They want to destroy the Ukrainian army in total in what's militarily known as "Defeat in detail".

They want the resources Ukraine has. Almost all of it is in the Donbas and Crimea and off shore. Gold oil uranium and the farm lands.

Russia has made sure that Ukraine cannot be used to replace Russia as strategic supplier of energy and food to Europe...a master stroke.

And Ukraine's economy has imploded 50%.

Putin is running circles around the democrats and setting up new trade routes and pulling former allies away from the west as they have to make hard choices, morals or food/energy.

Russia gets results....

But hey. At least MSNBC gets to say they lost Kiev and are war criminals.

Stupid. DEMs just moral virtue signal while Russia gets results.

Teabaggers, like their dear leader, LOVE Russia.

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