Putin is a genius. Biden a fool. This explains very well what Putin's plan is in Ukraine

Figurines of the "Cunning Leprechaun Zelensky", sold in marketplaces in Germany.
Figurines of the "Cunning Leprechaun Zelensky", sold in marketplaces in Germany.

Hmmm ... and what do you think could this mean? A normal German would love this "Wichtel" because ours are always nice. "Schlau" means by the way not "cunning" but smart, clever. And "leprechaun" would be only a fascinating word in Germany for very most Germans.

Hmmm ... and what do you think could this mean?
This means that some germans, unlike you, are aware of the enormous wealth accumulated by Zelensky abroad since he became president. Earned honestly, of course. The most appropriate thing for a president to do.
his means that some germans, unlike you, are aware of the enormous wealth accumulated by Zelensky abroad since he became president. Earned honestly, of course. The most appropriate thing for a president to do.

You know nothing about real Germans as it looks like. If we need money we catch Russians virgins - a very very seldom (even a nearly not existing) species - and let her spinning straw into gold. And the most little virgins of the most rich Russian olidwarfs we let produce wonderful semipermeable nano-membranes.
"The Helsinki Commission introduces a Ukrainian victory resolution to the U.S. Congress." And no, this is not a parody account, but news directly from the ""The Voice of America."
Bottom line,
- Strangling Russia with sanctions has failed
- Defeating Russia on the battlefield has failed
- Convincing Russia that it has lost has failed.

Now they will come out and say, "Ukraine has won, we passed such a law.

And the document not only recognizes the victory of Ukraine, but also prescribes the return of territories, reparations and the whole standard set of Ukrainian dreams.
And the russians went like, "Oh, that's it, since the whole CONGRESS wrote it, we surrender."
Is that how they see it?
And this bunch of imbeciles and senile people think that they rule the world...
"The Helsinki Commission introduces a Ukrainian victory resolution to the U.S. Congress." And no, this is not a parody account, but news directly from the ""The Voice of America."
Bottom line,
- Strangling Russia with sanctions has failed
- Defeating Russia on the battlefield has failed
- Convincing Russia that it has lost has failed.

Now they will come out and say, "Ukraine has won, we passed such a law.

And the document not only recognizes the victory of Ukraine, but also prescribes the return of territories, reparations and the whole standard set of Ukrainian dreams.
And the russians went like, "Oh, that's it, since the whole CONGRESS wrote it, we surrender."
Is that how they see it?
And this bunch of imbeciles and senile people think that they rule the world...
They are nor imbeciles neither senile (ok, some of them are, but it's not why they behave this way). The young and de jure sane people of the New School are even worse. It's all about ideology. They are postmodernists, and they just actively denie that reality matters.
Putin miscalculated Ukraine's army, he miscalculated the west's response to his invasion, he miscalculated the strength of his military, he miscalculated Europe's dependence on his oil and gas, he miscalculated how sanctions would affect Russia, he miscalculated Finland Sweden applying to join NATO, he miscalculated that NATO would be stronger than ever after his invasion. This is not a man you would call a genius.
Why are you so worked up by a corrupt actor who sold himself to a Deep State Ukey banker and media multi billionaire who is wedded to Pentagon overlords ?
His days are nearly over as the Boys from the Opera Group wipe up Bakhmut stragglers and prepare themselves for further advances .

Three Cheers to Uncle P for taking on the US Nazis and the ex NATO mercenaries fighting in Khazaria .And winning .
The difference between China and the US, is that China would like to end the war and come up with a Peace agreement, and the US would like it to continue until everybody in Ukraine is dead or Russia is destroyed
Putin miscalculated Ukraine's army, he miscalculated the west's response to his invasion, he miscalculated the strength of his military, he miscalculated Europe's dependence on his oil and gas, he miscalculated how sanctions would affect Russia, he miscalculated Finland Sweden applying to join NATO, he miscalculated that NATO would be stronger than ever after his invasion. This is not a man you would call a genius.
Or, what is much more likely, you'd miscalculated Putin's calculations.
The "denazification, demilitarisation and neutralisation of Kievan regime" is not happening. The blitz in the first week on Kiev went splatz, and 60% of the Russian gains were rolled back. The Russian fascists are being pushed east of the Dnipro. Uki armor and land assets outmatch the Rus technically and professionally. China and Iran cannot out provision their client in comparison to the Euro-West nations.

The war will continue until Putin falls from power. I wonder if he will die in an execution cell like so many Ukrainians did at Russian hands.

As the German army began its invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, Stalin ordered the Soviet Secret Service (NKVD) to “remove” the prison population in the USSR’s occupied territories rather than allow them to fall into German hands. This was largely accomplished through the mass murder of prisoners at various locations in Western Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Lithuania. The majority of the mass executions, later termed “the 1941 NKVD Prison Massacres” by local residents, occurred in Western Ukraine. Due to a lack of reliable sources, exact numbers are impossible to determine; however, historians estimate that the NKVD killed somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 people in dozens of prisons over the course of eight days. The ethnic breakdown of casualties in Western Ukraine roughly corresponded to population demographics: 70 percent of the victims were Ukrainian, 20 percent Polish, and the remainder consisted of Jews and other nationalities. The 1941 NKVD Prison Massacres in Western Ukraine | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
It's not about conquering the territories. It's about denazification, demilitarisation and neutralisation of Kievan regime. More Ukrainian militants killed in the field - less of them will be taking part in further guerilla war.
Again, try not to say such stupid things. To accomplish these things Putin would have to conquer Ukraine, shit for brains.
Don't be stupid. If Putin hadn't expected a quick victory he wouldn't have invaded Ukraine, dumbass.
Of course they expected a long war. Even in the case of instant fall of Kievan régime, they were expected a long and quite ugly guerilla war in the Western regions of ex-Ukraine.
And they invaded Ukraine not because they wanted a quick victory, but to prevent a quick defeat after expected Ukrainian offense in Donbass.

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