Putin Owns Trump

An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

WHY is it that the Trump-Putin relationship is a problem but not the

Bibi-Obama-Hillary relationship ?

What about it?

Obama/Killary are willing to start WWIII in order to destroy Syria, and confront Putin in the process , for Bibi.


The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.

The neocrazis indeed. But they control the Obama Administration which caused the US Air Force to "miss" ISIS troops and hit Assad forces instead.

Read the bullshit apology

US conveys 'regret' for anti-ISIS strike that killed Syrian forces, official says

Accusations are not proof. You are desperate.
That's hilarious, since you've been treating accusations as proof for 8 years.
Thanks for admitting you have no proof, just baseless accusations.

Thanks for admitting you have no proof, just baseless accusations

Like the Trumpsters did with Hillary's health for the last 6 months????
How about her latest face plant into the SUV. That's how most people get into a vehicle right
WHY is it that the Trump-Putin relationship is a problem but not the

Bibi-Obama-Hillary relationship ?

What about it?

Obama/Killary are willing to start WWIII in order to destroy Syria, and confront Putin in the process , for Bibi.


The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

WHY is it that the Trump-Putin relationship is a problem but not the

Bibi-Obama-Hillary relationship ?

What about it?

Obama/Killary are willing to start WWIII in order to destroy Syria, and confront Putin in the process , for Bibi.


The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.

The neocrazis indeed. But they control the Obama Administration which caused the US Air Force to "miss" ISIS troops and hit Assad forces instead.

Read the bullshit apology

US conveys 'regret' for anti-ISIS strike that killed Syrian forces, official says


What number accident is this? The last accident I think was the accident of bombing the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Afghanistan, that killed medical staff and patients.

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What about it?

Obama/Killary are willing to start WWIII in order to destroy Syria, and confront Putin in the process , for Bibi.


The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Obama/Killary are willing to start WWIII in order to destroy Syria, and confront Putin in the process , for Bibi.


The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.

It should be in everyones interest that there is no war with Russia, this would involve nuclear warheads on all sides.

If this insanity happens, my Continent gets hit first, so most of us will already be dead. The East Coast of America will be hit, so they'll all be dead, if China gets involved, the West Coast of America will be hit, so they'll all be dead.

Is this what anyone wants? The only people who want to provoke such situations are insane and psychopaths who don't give a crap about either this planet or even anyone on it.

A lot of the crowd who have a hard-on for war with Russia are old people, how many are already senile I don't know, but they have no future anyhow.

People like me who are young, this is our future and our childrens future that these insane psychopaths want to destroy and for what? So Washington DC can be the Hammer of the World, where every nation must be a Vassal of Washington DC's insane Neo-Imperialism?

They're jealous and have always had an inferiority complex, having never had an actual Empire, so they want one and they're willing to kill potentially BILLIONS of men, women and children across this planet to get it.

So what will they be left with? It'll be like in the film "Planet of The Apes", they'll destroy EVERYTHING and be reduced to NOTHING.
He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.
He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
Sure Frances
He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

America's actual enemy is within, the Traitors have been within the gate for a long time.


He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.
refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

Now that I can agree with. But there are many people hoping that Trump is something that he is not. And they are willing to ignore reality to maintain that hope.
Last edited:
The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

America's actual enemy is within, the Traitors have been within the gate for a long time.


Zionists and money changers.
The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.
refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

Now that I can agree with. But there are many people hoping that Trump is something that he is not. And they are willing to ignore reality to maintain that hope.
How do you know what I think of him? Who the fk are you?
The one group of vultures who are the danger to this planet are the Neo-Conservatives, the same Neo-Conservatives who are responsible for the rise and enablement of ISIS.

Their aim is to start WWIII a deliberate war with Russia and they also hope they can have a war with China at the same time, which is why China is being poked.

They're insane psychopaths who if they get their way half the humanity of this planet will be annihilated, as such they must be stopped and I'm not bothered who stops them or the methods used to stop them.

It's interesting that the Leftists are now defending the Neo-Conservatives and support their plan by supporting their latest Puppet Hillary, who already showed what a good Puppet she is with Libya, Obama has been the best Puppet for them with the disasters he's caused in the Middle East and North Africa.
Donald Trump's Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor

He can soon dump him though once elected, he's probably using him.

But they all have that psychopathic look, this weirdo below, the borderline insane eyes, also they're nearly all so ugly looking, they barely look even human, their souls are black, if they even have any souls.

He will dump this one as well I assume. James Woolsey.
Donald Trump Is Becoming a Regular Republican Hawk on Foreign Policy

The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.

"If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told."

So if that's the case why are the Establishment including the Spook infested MSM doing their best to destroy him, why are they shilling so desperately for Hillary?
Putin will say nice things about Trump....
Like Putin would do to a pretty girl wearing a nice dress....
Then when Trump goes to the bathroom to pee.....

Putin and his KGB buddies will rip him to shreds....

What a joke Trump is going to be among the world leaders....
Putin will say nice things about Trump....
Like Putin would do to a pretty girl wearing a nice dress....
Then when Trump goes to the bathroom to pee.....

Putin and his KGB buddies will rip him to shreds....

What a joke Trump is going to be among the world leaders....
Wow... are you writing a comedy or you are just delusional?
Putin will say nice things about Trump....
Like Putin would do to a pretty girl wearing a nice dress....
Then when Trump goes to the bathroom to pee.....

Putin and his KGB buddies will rip him to shreds....

What a joke Trump is going to be among the world leaders....

What wrong Roz?

Worried about what Putin and wikileaks will disclose in October?

Da' October surprise worries ya'?


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