Putin Owns Trump

Let's lay it out like a case. The Russian Federation still leans socialists and Trump is a self made avowed capitalist. It's obvious that the left's perception of history extends back to the last episode of the X files but if we glance at Hillary's husband we might learn that the border line draft dodger demonstrated against his own Country while he was a student in England. Bill Clinton's apparent anti-American activism caught the eye of the KGB and they invited young Bill on an all expense paid tour of mother Moscow. It's reasonable to assume that the future sexual predator came back with a new appreciation of his KGB hosts and you can further assume that young Bill might have been the new Manchurian Candidate. Since left wing draft dodging Bill Clinton's wife was infatuated with radical activist Saul Alinsky, you can consider the Clintons a marriage made in heaven (or the other place). It should be noted that Putin's agents warned Obama's (laughable?) "justice dept" that Russian born terrorists were planning a terrorist act in Boston during the Marathon but the FBI was too busy investigating political enemies of the Obama regime to take note of it until the worst happened.

Yes Trump, the mulitple-time draft dodger, is a huge capitalist. That's why he is running on a platform of massive tariffs and subsidies.
Figures you don't get that!
Putin is afraid of our Manchurian muslim!!!!!!

Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Now, that they were conned into a union it is easier to deal with them all at once by Globalists thus flooding them with third world so called refugees. That was the idea behind the EU created by the Globalists. As you said, a millennium of contesting each other cannot be erased from their genes and that's why a union of many nations under one power structure will never work. Prime examples are the former super power made countries of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
I almost hope Trump wins so we can see what cockamamie nonsense drumpfodder will come up with to explain away why Trump is consenting to the annexation of the US by the Russian Federation. Almost. My love of country overrides my morbid curiosity.
What was that? Annexation by the Russian Federation? I do not detect sarcasm so you need to increase your anti-delusional medication.
Putin yesterday: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Now, that they were conned into a union it is easier to deal with them all at once by Globalists thus flooding them with third world so called refugees. That was the idea behind the EU created by the Globalists. As you said, a millennium of contesting each other cannot be erased from their genes and that's why a union of many nations under one power structure will never work. Prime examples are the former super power made countries of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

They know about as much about the European Continent as they know about everything else, which isn't that much.

The people don't want the EU Dictatorship.
"Putin Owns Trump"

OK that you feel that way but you must also consider than had Obama been "president" when Khrushchev whipped off his shoe to thump it Our Kenyan Girly-boi would have rushed up, seized it.....licked off the dog shit....polished it.....and put it gently back on Nikita's foot.

Forbid Khrushchev Disneyland? Shit, Obama would have invited him to the Rose Garden for a vodka.

Yeah, Obama, a real kick-ass "president":

Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

WHY is it that the Trump-Putin relationship is a problem but not the

Bibi-Obama-Hillary relationship ?

Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Now, that they were conned into a union it is easier to deal with them all at once by Globalists thus flooding them with third world so called refugees. That was the idea behind the EU created by the Globalists. As you said, a millennium of contesting each other cannot be erased from their genes and that's why a union of many nations under one power structure will never work. Prime examples are the former super power made countries of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
So the "globalists" hated Europe, so they turned them into the EU. And who are these "globalist" boogeymen then, if not people within Europe?

Also, I didn't know that the people in the EU want to go back to having a "millennium" of warfare against each other. I think that would please Trump and Putin.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

WHY is it that the Trump-Putin relationship is a problem but not the

Bibi-Obama-Hillary relationship ?

What about it?
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
Where do you get this idea of Russian expansionism? You have no foundation for such speculations. What's with you people? Apparently you are losing your minds over Trump and trying every scare tactics you can come up with regardless how stupid they are.
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
Where do you get this idea of Russian expansionism? You have no foundation for such speculations. What's with you people? Apparently you are losing your minds over Trump and trying every scare tactics you can come up with regardless how stupid they are.
Russian expansionism? Where the fuck did I ever say anything about Russian expansionism? :cuckoo:
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
Where do you get this idea of Russian expansionism? You have no foundation for such speculations. What's with you people? Apparently you are losing your minds over Trump and trying every scare tactics you can come up with regardless how stupid they are.
Like global warming
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?

Nobody cares about the existence of the EU Dictatorship only those who are on the gravy train and get handouts and those who suck the Globalist buttocks because they've historically ALWAYS hated especially Mitteleuropa and historically have ALWAYS wanted the end of Nation States so they can have the insane plan of One World, No Nations, No Heritage, No Culture, No Borders, so they can say that some disease ridden piece of human filth from the Congo who turns up on a UN paid for boat in Europa is ALSO European, that some disease ridden piece of human filth from Afghanistan can ALSO be an Italian or Dutch or French.

Fuck that, the Globalists are insane and what they want is never going to happen, they can never destroy our Continent and they can never destroy our nations or our individual Patriotism.

Death to the EU, Long Live Europa.
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
Where do you get this idea of Russian expansionism? You have no foundation for such speculations. What's with you people? Apparently you are losing your minds over Trump and trying every scare tactics you can come up with regardless how stupid they are.
Russian expansionism? Where the fuck did I ever say anything about Russian expansionism? :cuckoo:
Dude, back pedaling much? Pwned
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.

The dismantling of the EU is of paramount importance, nobody voted for an EU Dictatorship which is what it is, nobody elected the EU Commission.

We don't want Globalism, within two years there won't be an EU, and that'll preserve our Continent, the EU is going to destroy our Continent, we have a right to make our own decisions, on everything from tax to the control of our own borders.

The Globalists will never destroy Nation States which has been the plan, they will never succeed there is too much opposition and only the absolute testicle free Cucks are even listening to what the unelected EU Commission with it's alcoholic mouthpiece Jean-Claude Juncker is even babbling anymore.
When the former EU countries go back to constant war with each other, I hope the US stays out
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
The nations of the EU are pushing for the break up since Globalists took over the European Parliament, The European Commission and the Council Of the European Union. Member nations do not want any part of it. I think Trump would not have a vote on those boards.
Your post make no sense and have no validity s0n. You are pulling shit out of your ass.
Trump celebrated Brexit and approves of the movement in France to leave the EU. Trump and most especially Putin want the EU to be over and done with. The EU has a lot of pull on global affairs; whereas a bunch of fractured countries that have been trying to destroy each other for hundreds of years don't.
Why does Putin care one iota about the existence of the EU?
The EU can reprimand him, and he has to care. But if they break up and instead of the entire EU reprimanding him and it's just some shitty country like, say, Austria that gets mad at him, he doesn't have to care.
The EU doesn't want confrontation with Russia any more than Russia wants it with the EU. It's Washington that drives the wedge between them, just ask Victoria (fuk the EU) Nuland.

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