Putin Owns Trump

Accusations are not proof. You are desperate.
That's hilarious, since you've been treating accusations as proof for 8 years.
Thanks for admitting you have no proof, just baseless accusations.

Thanks for admitting you have no proof, just baseless accusations

Like the Trumpsters did with Hillary's health for the last 6 months????
Maybe you missed the seizures, the coughing fits, and her brain freezes, not to mention the face plants.
Putin will say nice things about Trump....
Like Putin would do to a pretty girl wearing a nice dress....
Then when Trump goes to the bathroom to pee.....

Putin and his KGB buddies will rip him to shreds....

What a joke Trump is going to be among the world leaders....

Funny thing is that RWNJ traitors actually believe they'll get some of Fred Trump's money.

OP - Gotta love it when one of the crooked Drumpf's lets something slip. How long before Pooting cuts him off? Right not, Russia is the only one who will give Drumpf more money because he has reneged on too many loans in the past.

Besides the ego stroking, Drumpf is running for prez for the money.
You do realize your guy Obama told Putin to wait till after the election so he could work better with him? So take Obama's dick out of your mouth and insert Putin's.
The Donald will not start a war with Russia, also look who writes these articles, many of them are very anti-Trump people.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.
refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

Now that I can agree with. But there are many people hoping that Trump is something that he is not. And they are willing to ignore reality to maintain that hope.

Tehon, you are a smart man, you've proved it thousands times. How you don't understand one simple thing: it's either Hillary or Trump, it's like "to be or not to be" for your country and the rest of the world, Lucy is soooo right about that (BTW, Lucy, do you ever sleep?).

Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!). I think, everybody who has brains, knows where Hillary will take all of us, she already should be judged as a war criminal, while Trump hasn't done anything yet and thus can't be judged by you or anybody else. Presumption of innocence still exists, I hope.

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions.
If Trump becomes President he will do what he is told. He is populating his administration with neocons, perhaps not brand named ones but neocons none the less.
Dude you're funny
Funny is watching all you rubes defend Trump as if he is the savior......he is just a con man that has pulled the wool over everyone's heads and he is doing it right in front of you, yet you can't see it. It's fascinating to watch.
It is not as much defending Trump as refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.
refuting the ridiculous assumptions and stupid statements that Russia is somehow an enemy of the U.S.

Now that I can agree with. But there are many people hoping that Trump is something that he is not. And they are willing to ignore reality to maintain that hope.

Tehon, you are a smart man, you've proved it thousands times. How you don't understand one simple thing: it's either Hillary or Trump, it's like "to be or not to be" for your country and the rest of the world, Lucy is soooo right about that (BTW, Lucy, do you ever sleep?).

Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!). I think, everybody who has brains, knows where Hillary will take all of us, she already should be judged as a war criminal, while Trump hasn't done anything yet and thus can't be judged by you or anybody else. Presumption of innocence still exists, I hope.

Trump may sound rough, but there is a huge difference between words and actions.

Lol, yes even I sleep, I have survived for years on about four hours of the sleep, I usually am up at 9am or 9.30am at the latest.

Hillary will begin WWIII she's made statements of this nature about Russia, to the world this isn't acceptable, the people do not listen to the anti-Russian propaganda which is more and more hysterical.

There are only two threats to the people of this planet Washington DC in the hands of the Warmongers and ISIS who were enabled by those same Warmongers.
Funny thing is that RWNJ traitors actually believe they'll get some of Fred Trump's money.

OP - Gotta love it when one of the crooked Drumpf's lets something slip. How long before Pooting cuts him off? Right not, Russia is the only one who will give Drumpf more money because he has reneged on too many loans in the past.

Besides the ego stroking, Drumpf is running for prez for the money.
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.
the way I see it is this. European countries have been giving the U.S a hard time because of our not wanting the filthy illegals in here. According to most other countries we have an obligation to make life better for this nasty taco stenched misfits.
In light of that, I think that all of Europe should be expected to welcome the Russians that are going to move into their territory for a better life. Those currently in Europe need to dig a little deeper into their pockets to make sure that the new citizens are afforded every possible benefit that is available.

^^Totally fact-free RWNJ TRAITOR, equal opportunity hater.:puke:

Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
Last edited:

Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
They are just desperate, desperate people do desperately stupid things.

Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.

I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.
Let's try this again. Business dealings are fundamentally different from bribes. Ti Ponyemash, tovarisch?

Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.


Hillary with her Spiritual Guru Lenin, like all Leftist scum, their God is Lenin, they all have followed his instructions on Spreading the Revolution to whichever nation they want to get their claws into.


Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.





An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Of course Trump Jr. was talking about Russian investors wanting to get in on Trump's over 500 businesses because he make so much money for investors. He will do the same for all of America when he moves into the WH.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Of course Trump Jr. was talking about Russian investors wanting to get in on Trump's over 500 businesses because he make so much money for investors. He will do the same for all of America when he moves into the WH.

That's called good business, something Leftists have no concept of.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Of course Trump Jr. was talking about Russian investors wanting to get in on Trump's over 500 businesses because he make so much money for investors. He will do the same for all of America when he moves into the WH.
So Trump will get a ton of foreigners to buy up American property? That will be a shock to many of his supporters.

Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.


Looks like it's ^ your only "evidence" of Putin/Trump alleged relationship, ha? You guys have been dragging this picture from one thread to another.

Pretty poor job, G5000... There are people smarter than you in your country, just in case you haven't noticed it yet...
I've posted plenty of evidence on this forum of Trump's slave love for Putin. And even if I hadn't, it's all around you.

It can't be helped if you rubes are too willfully blind and stupid to see what is right in front of your slack-jawed faces.

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Do you know, "перегрузка" means overload, not reset?

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