Putin points to NATO as security threat to Russia

I hear Donald is considering Putin for his VP spot. He will get the vote of all the RW lunatics.
Russia has warned against potential threats due to the US nuclear presence in Europe. Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu claimed that the US has deployed about 200 nuclear bombs in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey.

Shoigu also pointed out the deteriorating military-political situation in the Middle-East. Shoigu said the aggressive expansion of NATO was another cause of concern for Russia. In just a few years, the number of NATO members has “increased twofold.” Earlier this week, Russia reacted angrily when NATO invited Montenegro to join the Western military alliance. NATO has significantly increased its military presence in eastern European countries to counter Russia.

Russia Claims US Has Deployed 200 Nukes In Europe
Hey, JimH52, may be Russia should start deploying its nuclear bombs on Cuba, will that make you happy?
Putin points to NATO threat in new security strategy - CNN.com

Well, maybe Donald will fly to Moscow and give Vlad a big kiss on the mouth. I am sure it will make them both feel better.
Trump is a really smart guy. As far as I know he was one of the best students in top US school.
The classmates who attended the school at the same time Trump alleges he was there, can not remember ever knowing or even seeing him. What's up with that?
Russia has warned against potential threats due to the US nuclear presence in Europe. Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu claimed that the US has deployed about 200 nuclear bombs in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey.

Shoigu also pointed out the deteriorating military-political situation in the Middle-East. Shoigu said the aggressive expansion of NATO was another cause of concern for Russia. In just a few years, the number of NATO members has “increased twofold.” Earlier this week, Russia reacted angrily when NATO invited Montenegro to join the Western military alliance. NATO has significantly increased its military presence in eastern European countries to counter Russia.

Russia Claims US Has Deployed 200 Nukes In Europe

It is really giving Putin a problem as he attempts to reassemble the old USSR. But, being an old KGB agent, he will keep trying, and the RW loons will keep defending him.
Putin points to NATO threat in new security strategy - CNN.com

Well, maybe Donald will fly to Moscow and give Vlad a big kiss on the mouth. I am sure it will make them both feel better.
Trump is a really smart guy. As far as I know he was one of the best students in top US school.
The classmates who attended the school at the same time Trump alleges he was there, can not remember ever knowing or even seeing him. What's up with that?

Trump is also the best "stealth student" God ever created.
Putin points to NATO threat in new security strategy - CNN.com

Well, maybe Donald will fly to Moscow and give Vlad a big kiss on the mouth. I am sure it will make them both feel better.
Trump is a really smart guy. As far as I know he was one of the best students in top US school.
The classmates who attended the school at the same time Trump alleges he was there, can not remember ever knowing or even seeing him. What's up with that?
it is all about dirty rumors.
It is really giving Putin a problem as he attempts to reassemble the old USSR. But, being an old KGB agent, he will keep trying, and the RW loons will keep defending him.
Putin does not need the USSR, at least Baltic republics. But even if he decides to reassemble the USSR it's none of your business.
"Putin points to NATO as security threat to Russia"

No, Putin points to NATO as a 'security threat' as a way to stay in power; by propagating the lie that NATO is a 'threat,' he'll try to justify remaining in office longer to 'protect' the Russian people from that 'threat.'
Russia has warned against potential threats due to the US nuclear presence in Europe. Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu claimed that the US has deployed about 200 nuclear bombs in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey.

Shoigu also pointed out the deteriorating military-political situation in the Middle-East. Shoigu said the aggressive expansion of NATO was another cause of concern for Russia. In just a few years, the number of NATO members has “increased twofold.” Earlier this week, Russia reacted angrily when NATO invited Montenegro to join the Western military alliance. NATO has significantly increased its military presence in eastern European countries to counter Russia.

Russia Claims US Has Deployed 200 Nukes In Europe

It is really giving Putin a problem as he attempts to reassemble the old USSR. But, being an old KGB agent, he will keep trying, and the RW loons will keep defending him.
Why USSR, but not Russian Empire? As a former KGB agent he must think of it, don't you consider this way?

See the political map of 1830:
"Putin points to NATO as security threat to Russia"

No, Putin points to NATO as a 'security threat' as a way to stay in power; by propagating the lie that NATO is a 'threat,' he'll try to justify remaining in office longer to 'protect' the Russian people from that 'threat.'
New Year speech by Putin is like our State of the Union Address. They try to cover everything and make lots of promises in Russia, just like USA. Mostly it is meaningless political posturing for leaders of both countries.
"Putin points to NATO as security threat to Russia"

No, Putin points to NATO as a 'security threat' as a way to stay in power; by propagating the lie that NATO is a 'threat,' he'll try to justify remaining in office longer to 'protect' the Russian people from that 'threat.'

RW Loons need a dictator to tell them what to do. Otherwise they just sit around and drool on their cell phones. That is precisely why they LOVE Trump. He is a bully and a wannabe dictator. Unfortunately, he has NO CHANCE of winning the General, not even against Bernie. The RW Loons may get what they are pining for. Yes, I see Donald as the GOP nominee.

Well, at least I hope he is. He will embarrass the Republican Party as no one has eve done before.
Putin points to NATO threat in new security strategy - CNN.com

Well, maybe Donald will fly to Moscow and give Vlad a big kiss on the mouth. I am sure it will make them both feel better.
Trump is a really smart guy. As far as I know he was one of the best students in top US school.

Trump is more than smart. He's a genius with the IQ to prove it.
Donald Trump is a Genius – But That’s Just His IQ! | Opinion - Conservative

Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton Schoolat the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and anthropology. Mensadoesn't acceptSATscores from after 1994. However Mr Trump was a student at Wharton when it was possible to derive an accurate IQ core from known SAT scores. Given the usual requirements for admission to a top school like Wharton, I estimate that Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum.
The standard description of this level of intelligence is “Genius – Exception intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts.” However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensabut he could join the Triple Nine Society.
People with this kind of intellectual ability can do things with their minds that can’t even be described to ordinary people. Remember that quote from the above paragraph, “capable of looking beyond known facts?” These highly intelligent minds process and organize data into solutions and insights, and the individual person is not even consciously aware of the process. The cartoon light bulb that goes on over someone’s head happens to people like Mr. Trump on a regular basis. I would not be surprised if Mr Trump’s IQ actually measures significantly higher than the minimum estimate mentioned above.

Did you get that? Trump is smarter than 99.99% of the world's population. Which is why the leftist media is spinning around in circles trying to catch up to him. The author estimated that 156 was the very minimum - I believe its higher.
I hear Donald is considering Putin for his VP spot.

Well, in this case he needs to hurry up, because Putin may receive a good proposition from a would-be prime minister of Israel since he seems popular over there.

The Israelis have spoken - Putin is their person of the year for 2015

I wonder whether Putin can combine the post of the Emperor of Russia (I think it sounds great, huh?) with the one of US’ VP and with the one of a deputy of Israeli PM.
How about combining the post of the head of Russia with the post of the head of Ukraine? I think it would be the best proposal to him. Or, maybe, he even doesn't need in proposal, who knows...
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I hear Donald is considering Putin for his VP spot.

Well, in this case he needs to hurry up, because Putin may receive a good proposition from a would-be prime minister of Israel since he seems popular over there.

The Israelis have spoken - Putin is their person of the year for 2015

I wonder whether Putin can combine the post of the Emperor of Russia (I think it sounds great, huh?) with the one of US’ VP and with the one of a deputy of Israeli PM.
How about combining the post of the head of Russia with the post of the head of Ukraine? I think it would the best proposal to him. Or, maybe, he even doesn't need in proposal, who knows...

I personally don’t support the idea, but there are many people in Ukraine who would be in favour of that. So, who knows...

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