putin´s ideologist, a Fascist and imperialist Dugin almost killed in car explosion, his daughter killed

Putin ordered it himself since the invasion has gone so poorly and Dugin was a major influence on Putin's thinking here. If successful, people would assume the Ukrainians did it and there would be an uptick in war support while a person who contributed to Putin's humiliation is personally punished.

Or maybe,

Darya Dugina was killed by partisans from National Republican Army former Russian parliamentarian​


Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (the Russian parliament), said that the so-called National Republican Army (NRA) has claimed responsibility for the murder of Darya Dugina, the daughter of "Putin’s ideologue" Aleksandr Dugin.

Source: Ponomarev on air on Utro Fevralya (February Morning), his opposition TV channel, and in a commentary for Ukrainska Pravda

Details: Ponomarev said that Darya Dugina had called for the murder of Ukrainians and was one of the voices inciting violence and calling for murders in the occupied territories [of Ukraine]. Among other things, she had offered a justification for the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Olenivka prison camp.

Quote from Ponomarev: "This act [the murder of Dugina - ed.], like many other partisan acts carried out on Russian territory over the last few months, was carried out by the National Republican Army.

We have established contact with NRA fighters via our Rospartisan [Telegram] channel, which covers the rising tide of resistance in Russia. Today the NRA fighters authorised me to read their manifesto."

Quote from the NRA "manifesto": "We are Russian activists, military personnel and politicians, currently also partisans and fighters of the National Republican Army, and we are outlawing the warmongers, thieves and oppressors of the peoples of Russia!

We declare President Putin to be a usurper of power and a war criminal who has violated the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between Slavic peoples, and sent Russian soldiers to a certain and senseless death.

[…] We will overthrow and destroy Putin! […] We declare all Russian government officials and regional administration officials to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill every one of them who fails to resign.

We declare all business owners who profit from corruption and personal connections to government officials to be traitors of the Motherland and accomplices to the usurper. We will destroy the property of everyone who fails to repent and publicly express their opposition to this government and its war, and we will kill every one of them.

We declare everyone who works for the security forces to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill everyone who fails to lay down their arms and step down from their positions.

We declare military cargo, and the cargo of everyone who is profiting from the war or helping to finance it, to be legitimate targets that will be destroyed by us.

[…] We call on the soldiers of the Russian army to stop firing on our brothers from other countries: Georgia, Syria, Ukraine and other countries." [Ponomaryov named Ukraine even though the manifesto published online does not mention it - ed.]

Or maybe,

Darya Dugina was killed by partisans from National Republican Army former Russian parliamentarian​


Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (the Russian parliament), said that the so-called National Republican Army (NRA) has claimed responsibility for the murder of Darya Dugina, the daughter of "Putin’s ideologue" Aleksandr Dugin.

Source: Ponomarev on air on Utro Fevralya (February Morning), his opposition TV channel, and in a commentary for Ukrainska Pravda

Details: Ponomarev said that Darya Dugina had called for the murder of Ukrainians and was one of the voices inciting violence and calling for murders in the occupied territories [of Ukraine]. Among other things, she had offered a justification for the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Olenivka prison camp.

Quote from Ponomarev: "This act [the murder of Dugina - ed.], like many other partisan acts carried out on Russian territory over the last few months, was carried out by the National Republican Army.

We have established contact with NRA fighters via our Rospartisan [Telegram] channel, which covers the rising tide of resistance in Russia. Today the NRA fighters authorised me to read their manifesto."

Quote from the NRA "manifesto": "We are Russian activists, military personnel and politicians, currently also partisans and fighters of the National Republican Army, and we are outlawing the warmongers, thieves and oppressors of the peoples of Russia!

We declare President Putin to be a usurper of power and a war criminal who has violated the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between Slavic peoples, and sent Russian soldiers to a certain and senseless death.

[…] We will overthrow and destroy Putin! […] We declare all Russian government officials and regional administration officials to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill every one of them who fails to resign.

We declare all business owners who profit from corruption and personal connections to government officials to be traitors of the Motherland and accomplices to the usurper. We will destroy the property of everyone who fails to repent and publicly express their opposition to this government and its war, and we will kill every one of them.

We declare everyone who works for the security forces to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill everyone who fails to lay down their arms and step down from their positions.

We declare military cargo, and the cargo of everyone who is profiting from the war or helping to finance it, to be legitimate targets that will be destroyed by us.

[…] We call on the soldiers of the Russian army to stop firing on our brothers from other countries: Georgia, Syria, Ukraine and other countries." [Ponomaryov named Ukraine even though the manifesto published online does not mention it - ed.]

as i wrote before, current situation in Moscow is very similar to 1917 chaotic Moscow .

National Republican Army of the left (red) Eurasians , too many hate and weapons , "Live by the sword, die by the sword" ...​

Or maybe,

Darya Dugina was killed by partisans from National Republican Army former Russian parliamentarian​


Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (the Russian parliament), said that the so-called National Republican Army (NRA) has claimed responsibility for the murder of Darya Dugina, the daughter of "Putin’s ideologue" Aleksandr Dugin.

Source: Ponomarev on air on Utro Fevralya (February Morning), his opposition TV channel, and in a commentary for Ukrainska Pravda

Details: Ponomarev said that Darya Dugina had called for the murder of Ukrainians and was one of the voices inciting violence and calling for murders in the occupied territories [of Ukraine]. Among other things, she had offered a justification for the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Olenivka prison camp.

Quote from Ponomarev: "This act [the murder of Dugina - ed.], like many other partisan acts carried out on Russian territory over the last few months, was carried out by the National Republican Army.

We have established contact with NRA fighters via our Rospartisan [Telegram] channel, which covers the rising tide of resistance in Russia. Today the NRA fighters authorised me to read their manifesto."

Quote from the NRA "manifesto": "We are Russian activists, military personnel and politicians, currently also partisans and fighters of the National Republican Army, and we are outlawing the warmongers, thieves and oppressors of the peoples of Russia!

We declare President Putin to be a usurper of power and a war criminal who has violated the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between Slavic peoples, and sent Russian soldiers to a certain and senseless death.

[…] We will overthrow and destroy Putin! […] We declare all Russian government officials and regional administration officials to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill every one of them who fails to resign.

We declare all business owners who profit from corruption and personal connections to government officials to be traitors of the Motherland and accomplices to the usurper. We will destroy the property of everyone who fails to repent and publicly express their opposition to this government and its war, and we will kill every one of them.

We declare everyone who works for the security forces to be accomplices to the usurper. We will kill everyone who fails to lay down their arms and step down from their positions.

We declare military cargo, and the cargo of everyone who is profiting from the war or helping to finance it, to be legitimate targets that will be destroyed by us.

[…] We call on the soldiers of the Russian army to stop firing on our brothers from other countries: Georgia, Syria, Ukraine and other countries." [Ponomaryov named Ukraine even though the manifesto published online does not mention it - ed.]



Former CIA officer discusses Moscow car bombing | Morning in America

She was sorta pretty. I hate to see any pussy go to waste like that.

View attachment 685228

Shucks. Missed him, eh?

Part of being a despot is trying to dodge assassination.

I’m deeply touched by condolences for Toyota Land Cruiser, tree branches, oxygen, road and whatever involved in this unexpected accident. They are in a better place now.
My favorite thing about Vladimir Pootin...
... is that he has managed to take moscow 's military from being the second most powerful in the world allllllll the way to being the second most powerful in Ukraine.
Asymmetrical warfare. Putin's own methods are now being used against him.
CRUEL MONSTER Ukraine war latest – Evil Putin ‘plots to kill more citizens than ever’ after Russia propagandist’s assassination
Well… Now that political assassinations are on the table; this game could start getting interesting…
Nitwit, this sad devotion to the failed ideology of your National Socialist Worker’s Party ancestry being manipulated by your CIA/USAID/NED handlers blinds you to the evidence at hand and simplest question of all - Cui Bono?
Something wrong inside Russian Intelligence, maybe?
Who is responsible? I bet it was the FSB.

The larger target was her father, likely, but I wouldn't be surprised if the intended target was both of them, not just one of them.

Daria Dugina followed in her father’s footsteps as a commentator who combined hawkish, imperialist views with jargon-laden political philosophy.

On Thursday, two days before her death in a car bombing outside Moscow, she argued on a state television talk show that “the Western man lives in a dream — a dream that he got from his global hegemony.” On Friday, she delivered a lecture on “mental maps and their role in network-centric warfare,” describing atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Bucha, a Kyiv suburb, as a staged event.

And before she died on Saturday, she attended a nationalist festival with her father outside Moscow called Traditions. In a selfie posted by Akim Apachev, a Russian nationalist musician, Ms. Dugina, 29, appeared beside her father, Aleksandr Dugin, with a military camouflage jacket tied around her waist.

“The enemy is at the gates,” Mr. Apachev wrote on social media on Sunday. “Rest in peace, Daria. You will be avenged!”

Last month, the British government imposed sanctions on Ms. Dugina, citing her as a “frequent and high-profile contributor of disinformation in relation to Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Ukraine on various online platforms.” The United States imposed sanctions on her in March, describing her as the chief editor of an English-language disinformation website owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch known as “Putin’s chef.”

She was a co-author of a forthcoming book on the war in Ukraine called “The Z Book,” after one of the identifying markings painted on Russia’s invading tanks. In June, she traveled to the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol after Russian forces captured it in a brutal campaign. She told a state-run Russian radio station that the Azovstal steel plant, where the city’s defenders made their last stand, was filled with “Satanist,” “black energy.”

Echoing her father, Ms. Dugina’s public commentary provided an ideological framework for Mr. Putin’s aggressive foreign policy. In an interview with a Russian broadcaster hours before her death, she cited the theories of Samuel Huntington and other scholars to describe the war in Ukraine as an inevitable clash of civilizations.

“This is liberal totalitarianism, this is liberal fascism, this is Western totalitarianism,” she said, describing what Russia, in her view, was fighting against. “It has reached its end.”

Ms. Dugina was not well known in Russia beyond ultranationalist and imperialist circles. But the widely read bloggers and commentators who knew her described her death as a tragedy and called for revenge.

“This happened in the capital of our Motherland,” a pro-Kremlin television host, Tigran Keosayan, wrote on social media. Referring to the location of the Ukrainian president’s office, he added: “I don’t understand why there are any buildings still standing on Bankova Street in Kyiv.”

Could it be Dugin is just a scraggy, muddleheaded nothing?

"Dugin was an anti-communist dissident during the 1980s.
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Dugin co-founded the National Bolshevik Party with Eduard Limonov, a banned party which espoused National Bolshevism, which he later left."

Of course, founding a bolshevik party is the next logical thing as an anti-communist.
Cool. Why look at contradictions, "everyone lies as much as me".

"In 1979, Aleksandr entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but was expelled. Afterwards, he began working as a street cleaner and used a forged reader's card to access the Lenin Library and continue studying.
However, other sources claim he instead started working in a KGB archive, where he had access to banned literature on Masonry, fascism and paganism.

In 1980, Dugin joined the "Yuzhinsky circle", an avant-garde dissident group which dabbled in Satanism and other forms of the occult. In the group, he was known for his embrace of Nazism which he attributes to a rebellion against his Soviet raising, as opposed to genuine sympathy for Hitler. He adopted an alter ego with the name of "Hans Siever", a reference to Wolfram Sievers, a Nazi researcher of the paranormal"

Not to speak about his wife, a founder of Putin's beloved "russian dissident and gay rights activist movement, a co-founder of the Osvobozhdenie (Freedom), a radical group that emerged out of the first homosexual movement in Russia and the Democratic Union.
Debryanskaya is noted for advocating for the withdrawal of the Soviet army from Eastern Europe, opening of the Russian borders, and the legalization of same-sex marriage."
Belarusian priest answered to Pope who said that Dugina "innocent victim of war"

use captures from Belarusian to English :

ps of cos the witch is not innocent , and she is in the HELL RIGHT NOW !

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