Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

nnnnnno, nobody beats Vlad. LOL

And unlike Russia, they have free elections. And a free press. Corruption is still a problem for them, though. I'd agree on that.
Semantics on a Soros backed leadership.
Anyone who thinks Trump would have stood up to Putin is a seriously deluded dipshit.

This is a guy you applauded for falling in love with North Korea's communist dictator, and has a long history of fawning over and defending Putin.

He just praised Putin for invading Ukraine, you stupid dumb fucks.
He wouldn't be selling us hundreds of thousands barrels of daily and probably wouldn't have the money to invade Ukraine. So yes Biden screwed up again.
The Ukrainian government in Kiev is extremely undemocratic.
About the most corrupt in the world.

FALSE! Ukraine is/was a fledgling democracy - which is why Putin invaded. However, you are correct about corruption in Ukraine - which is why it hasn't been considered for NATO membership.
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You don't like a bit of fact son. While your hypocrisy stays in tact, the pressure will increase.

So Nazi fuckwad; - why didn't Putin finish his invasion when we had a REAL president, you fucking moron?

The invasion was started, but something happened in 2016 - now that something is gone.

Why did they stop in 2016?

Did something change?

Something that changed back last year?

What COULD it be...

How is Putin any different than Zalinsky or the REAL NAZIS under Fuhrer Soros?

They are all collectivist totalitarian thugs.

Fuck Putin, Fuck Biden, Fuck Soros
Got to ask this question again, as I NEVER get an answer. Why is Soros called an evil Nazi? Why is he not treated like every other super rich person who supports there personal views with there pocket book.
Got to ask this question again, as I NEVER get an answer. Why is Soros called an evil Nazi?

Uh, because he's an evil Nazi who has worked for decades to destroy the United States and establish a global totalitarian collectivist dictatorship.

Why is he not treated like every other super rich person who supports there personal views with there pocket book.

Gates is getting into Soros territory, but generally the rich don't wage open warfare on countries.

The bigger question is why we don't prosecute treason and put men like Soros and Gates to death.

Oh, because our so-called leaders are bought and paid for...
Uh, because he's an evil Nazi who has worked for decades to destroy the United States and establish a global totalitarian collectivist dictatorship.

Gates is getting into Soros territory, but generally the rich don't wage open warfare on countries.

The bigger question is why we don't prosecute treason and put men like Soros and Gates to death.

Oh, because our so-called leaders are bought and paid for...
(looking for ACTUAL things things he has done that damage the united states. Show how he has worked to destroy?
Explain this one to me….

Putin claims he wants to “DeNazify” Ukraine, even though the president of Ukraine is Jewish.

Despite the fact that there is a strong ultra-nationalist segment in Ukraine, mainly active in fighting the war in the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, a Jewish president was elected, as you say.

This proves nothing, except that probably the majority of Ukrainians couldn't care less one way or another, and that the president was considered the most popular choice.

Please check the history on these neo-Nazi group, which is not the only group of this kind in Ukraine.

Also, check out Ukraine history during WW2.
That is wrong.
The Russians were not moved to the Ukraine by the Soviet State.
You have it totally backwards.
These provinces were always ethnic Russian and used to be part of Russia.
Khrushchev switched ownership of these provinces from Russia to the Ukraine in 1956.
Russian majorities existed in these provinces since before 1500 AD.
And the Ukraine has always been abusive and corrupt.
For example, stealing over $20 billion in gas and oil from Russia, over decades.
The Ukraine lost in the world court in 2010, but has since refused to pay up.
^^^things few Americans know.
In the Business world, which Trump is, you say nice things and then thump those that get out of line. PUTIN and the rest of the world behaved when Trump was in office........

Now that he is not in office-----the world, the whole fucking world, is collapsing. People are dying because of dipshit BIDEN doing the Chinese bidding. NO one is as inept as Biden and his entire administration would have to be to pulling the shit they are allowing this nonsense to happen. We are all in danger---PUtin and China's aggressions will continue until they control the whole planet.
Traitor Trump called KGB Putin's invasion "wonderful". He called KGB Putin a "genius".

Comrade Carlson is on the air every night inviting KGB Putin to invade.

Your Trumptards are all on your knees suckling Putin's balls and saying Putin has a right to invade a sovereign country.

And all of you are so mentally broken, you think Biden is the weak one! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

There simply is no bottom to your insanity.
Anyone who thinks Trump would have stood up to Putin is a seriously deluded dipshit.

This is a guy you applauded for falling in love with North Korea's communist dictator, and has a long history of fawning over and defending Putin.

He just praised Putin for invading Ukraine, you stupid dumb fucks.
This will help explain it to you :
No, from 988 AD.
You seem to be completely illiterate. Before the defeat of the Cossacks in 1918, Donbass was part of the land of the Don Cossacks (Khazar), and the Crimean Autonomous Republic in 1954 was included in the Ukrainian Republic.

In 988, the Donbass and Crimea were part of the Khazaria.
That is the point, that much of the Ukraine is culturally Russian.
And all people should have the right of self determination.
Not a large part, but only the Hetmanate, it was part of Muscovy since the time of Khemlnitsky.
Most of Ukraine is Polish, the east of the Don Cossacks. The Russians themselves, with the exception of the northwest, are also not ethnic Russians.
That is the point, that much of the Ukraine is culturally Russian.
The original Russian culture is the Baltic culture. This is a forest, a swamp, a bear and bast shoes. This has nothing to do not only with Ukraine, but also with Russia itself.
There was none of this south of Moscow
The starvation after the revolution was mostly due to rebellion by "White Russians".
The Crimea and Donetsk were always populated by ethnic Russians since 988 AD.
No, it was just a genocide. "The rebelition of the White Russians" is called the "civil war"; this was before the Glodomors. The last and largest glodomor was about ten years after the "white rebelition".

And besides, it was not a "rebellion". The Bolsheviks did not own these lands before the civil war, calling it an "rebelition" is absolute nonsense. This was expansion of leftists to South and East.
Traitor Trump called KGB Putin's invasion "wonderful". He called KGB Putin a "genius".

Comrade Carlson is on the air every night inviting KGB Putin to invade.

Your Trumptards are all on your knees suckling Putin's balls and saying Putin has a right to invade a sovereign country.

And all of you are so mentally broken, you think Biden is the weak one! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

There simply is no bottom to your insanity.

Hey Guno;

Why did Putin stop his invasion of Ukraine when Quid Pro left office, then picked it back up when Quid Pro got back in?

You've never answered, you fucking hack traitor.

Come on Guno, it's because - you can say it traitor fuckwad - it's because Biden is bought....

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