Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

AzogtheDefiler I have read the first two paragraphs. There is a story about some Brice who thought that there were dances in Germany. I'm too lazy to read this nonsense, quote specifically on the topic: when did all of Ukraine join Germany?
You are obviously uninformed. If you have relatives in Russia as I do, ask them how they feel about Ukrainians.
You are obviously uninformed. If you have relatives in Russia as I do, ask them how they feel about Ukrainians.
Normal people are okay. There is hatred for Ukrainians only in vomit-filled beer bars among alcoholics and state-owned "patriots"
You are deranged. Go back to sleep. What a moron you are.
Haven't you fallen asleep yet? How much hawthorn tincture did you drink?

I know that in Russia there is no hatred for Ukrainians among ordinary people, especially since many have Ukrainian wives and husbands.

In general, Russians are not in the mood for hatred now, they don’t have enough for bread, and it’s hard to live until retirement
If Americans don't know, $300 at the current exchange rate is a good salary in Russia. so you have to choose to drink counterfeit vodka or buy a gingerbread for your child at school for breakfast.
You say Russia moved Russians into the Ukraine like they were some sort of illegal immigrants.
That is not the case.
Khrushchev gave the Ukraine sovereignty over Russians who had lived in the Donetsk and Crimea for over 400 years.

But none of that mattered until the Ukraine started acting like a traitor.
For example, stealing gas and oil from Russian pipelines, and trying to join NATO.
Both of those do justify the invasion of the Ukraine, since the Ukraine had almost a decade to fix their mistakes, and continued with their crimes instead.

As for justification for murdering civilians, let us not forget we in the US murdered about half a million innocent Iraqis over deliberate WMD lies.
Comrade, why do you keep lying?

Soviet period[edit]​

Soviet Russian propaganda poster from 1921 that says "Donbas is the heart of Russia"
In April 1918 troops loyal to the Ukrainian People's Republic took control of large parts of the region.[26] For a while, its government bodies operated in the Donbas alongside their Russian Provisional Government equivalents.[27] The Ukrainian State, the successor of the Ukrainian People's Republic, was able in May 1918 to bring the region under its control for a short time with the help of its German and Austro-Hungarian allies.[27]

During the 1917–22 Russian Civil War, Nestor Makhno, who commanded the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine, was the most popular leader in the Donbas.[27]

Along with other territories inhabited by Ukrainians, the Donbas was incorporated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War. Cossacks in the region were subjected to decossackisation during 1919–1921.[28] Ukrainians in the Donbas were greatly affected by the 1932–33 Holodomor famine and the Russification policy of Joseph Stalin. As most ethnic Ukrainians were rural peasant farmers, they bore the brunt of the famine.[29][30]

Donbas was greatly affected by the Second World War. In the lead-up to the war, the Donbas region was racked by poverty and food shortages. War preparations resulted in an extension of the working day for factory labourers, whilst those who deviated from the heightened standards were arrested.[31] Nazi Germany's leader Adolf Hitler viewed the resources of the Donbas as critical to Operation Barbarossa. As such, the Donbas suffered under Nazi occupation during 1941 and 1942.[32]

Thousands of industrial labourers were deported to Germany for use in factories. In what was then called Stalino Oblast, now Donetsk Oblast, 279,000 civilians were killed over the course of the occupation. In Voroshilovgrad Oblast, now Luhansk Oblast, 45,649 were killed.[33] The 1943 Donbas strategic offensive by the Red Army resulted in the return of Donbas to Soviet control. The war had taken its toll, leaving the region both destroyed and depopulated.

During the reconstruction of the Donbas after the end of the Second World War, large numbers of Russian workers arrived to repopulate the region, further altering the population balance. In 1926, 639,000 ethnic Russians resided in the Donbas.[34] By 1959, the ethnic Russian population was 2.55 million. Russification was further advanced by the 1958–59 Soviet educational reforms, which led to the near elimination of all Ukrainian-language schooling in the Donbas.[35][36] By the time of the Soviet Census of 1989, 45% of the population of the Donbas reported their ethnicity as Russian.[37] In 1990, the Interfront of the Donbass was founded as a movement against Ukrainian independence.
Haven't you fallen asleep yet? How much hawthorn tincture did you drink?

I know that in Russia there is no hatred for Ukrainians among ordinary people, especially since many have Ukrainian wives and husbands.

In general, Russians are not in the mood for hatred now, they don’t have enough for bread, and it’s hard to live until retirement
If Americans don't know, $300 at the current exchange rate is a good salary in Russia. so you have to choose to drink counterfeit vodka or buy a gingerbread for your child at school for breakfast.
Russian Jews do but yes not all. Similar to America. Its diverse.
Personally, I support Putin because I think he is right, who was silenced in 2012. But I do not see the need for an invasion of Ukraine, because the issue of Bandera terrorism can be settled without it. This is a provocation and it is not clear what goals it pursues.
Ukraine is attached to the Biden Family, with their top gas firm Burisma hiring the Biden heir to a huge job. And the Bidens are major advocates of national socialist policies like socialized medicine and gun control.

Uncle Pooty has a point it would seem.
You seem ready to kneel and service Putin's "point".
Read about Sobibor. Pretty open. Or watch the movie. I am not your encyclopedia.
It's been nearly four decades since I read that book, and I certainly don't want to again even if it is available. LOL But my understanding is that the SS's assistance in the holocaust came from not just Ukraine but literally all of the baltics, whatever Belarus had been and the Balkans. But beyond Putin wanting to feed Russia a diet of his progaganda aimed at paranoia, I just don't see the relevance to today.

Yes, there apparantly is discrimination or at least distrust of those in E. Ukraine who speak Russian as a first language, but that's just "chaff." Putin never tried to implement the Minsk accords. I'm sure the Ukrainians weren't pushing it either, but nothing was happening in Donbass if Putin didn't want it.

And Bandera? The Russians killed him before I was born before spunikI and then the Red Bastards launched sputnikII and that poor dog. (-:
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there apparantly is discrimination or at least distrust of those in E. Ukraine who speak Russian as a first language
This is not. Many Ukrainians in central Ukraine do not even know the Ukrainian language, and they all speak Russian. The only difference is that they say "sho" instead of "chto"
And when they were part of Russia?
Donetsk and Crimea were part of Russia until 1955.
They should have remained part of Russia, since they have a majority Russian speaking population.
And Kiev has not treated them well, according to them.
Kiev separatists conducted their propaganda in the purest Russian.

Kiev region - Hetmanate - this is historically Moscow land (not Donbass). Novorossia (formerly Novoserbia) was located in the Kirovograd region
It's been nearly four decades since I read that book, and I certainly don't want to again even if it is available. LOL But my understanding is that the SS's assistance in the holocaust came from not just Ukraine but literally all of the baltics, whatever Belarus had been and the Balkans. But beyond Putin wanting to feed Russia a diet of his progaganda aimed at paranoia, I just don't see the relevance to today.

Yes, there apparantly is discrimination or at least distrust of those in E. Ukraine who speak Russian as a first language, but that's just "chaff." Putin never tried to implement the Minsk accords. I'm sure the Ukrainians weren't pushing it either, but nothing was happening in Donbass if Putin didn't want it.

And Bandera? The Russians killed him before I was born before spunikI and then the Red Bastards launched sputnikII and that poor dog. (-:
Similar to how some think America is systemically racist. Similarly in Russia some think Ukrainians are Nazis.

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