Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

Well he is 50% Jewish on his father's side. But there is long term resentment from the Russian people toward Ukrainians because of WW2 and how they Ukrainians initially sided with the Nazis and their soldiers even worked in concentration camps. Read about Sobibor.
Zelensky is no more a nazi that is the frigging Pope. Putin's comments are for his propaganda campaign aimed at Russians. Russia never moved to reach an agreement with Ukraine about the treatement of ethnic Russians whose families were moved from Russia to E. Ukraine by the Soviet State. That's not even an issue.
According to my grandparents who lived through it...it is the TRUTH. I believe them over you. No offense.
Perhaps your grandfathers did not know anything about politics and the extent of repression.

I have first-person witnesses, relatives in Ukraine, whom the Bolsheviks literally starved and more than 10 children died of. There was bread, but it was taken away.

It is well known that in the 1920s the Bolsheviks organized a grain monopoly and used the hunger of the masses to foster loyalty to Bolshevism. Don fought the Bolsheviks and won the first campaign (Tukhachevsky).

In any case, I am sure that loyalty to the Bolsheviks was, to put it mildly, weak.

What do you call "truth"? Do you want to say that the entire Ukrainian population joined Germany, and there was no collaborationism in Russia?
Zelensky is no more a nazi that is the frigging Pope. Putin's comments are for his propaganda campaign aimed at Russians. Russia never moved to reach an agreement with Ukraine about the treatement of ethnic Russians whose families were moved from Russia to E. Ukraine by the Soviet State. That's not even an issue.
Oh yeah...I agree.

Same reason many people of color in America resent white people. Most aren't racist and most don't have ancestors who owned slaves but there is still resentment and slavery was over 200 yrs ago. WW2 still has survivors in Russia and Putin is feeding on that hate. It is an issue. My grandparents until they passed away always considered Ukrainians to be traitors. My parents do too....the hatred runs deeply with Russian Jews.
Perhaps your grandfathers did not know anything about politics and the extent of repression.

I have first-person witnesses, relatives in Ukraine, whom the Bolsheviks literally starved and more than 10 children died of. There was bread, but it was taken away.

It is well known that in the 1920s the Bolsheviks organized a grain monopoly and used the hunger of the masses to foster loyalty to Bolshevism. Don fought the Bolsheviks and won the first campaign (Tukhachevsky).

In any case, I am sure that loyalty to the Bolsheviks was, to put it mildly, weak.

What do you call "truth"? Do you want to say that the entire Ukrainian population joined Germany, and there was no collaborationism in Russia?
They lived in the Ukraine. Read about Sobibor....and see for yourself. You're WRONG.
Well he is 50% Jewish on his father's side. But there is long term resentment from the Russian people toward Ukrainians because of WW2 and how they Ukrainians initially sided with the Nazis and their soldiers even worked in concentration camps. Read about Sobibor.
Yes, I’ve read it - Escape from Sobibor.

So yes, there must be some lingering resentment.
They lived in the Ukraine. Read about Sobibor....and see for yourself. You're WRONG.
Are you suggesting that I trust some leftist scribbler and not trust my relatives in Ukraine who showed me photos of dead children?
what is sobibor here?
AzogtheDefiler Do you think that Bandera joined Germany? Are you embarrassed by the fact that he was put in a German prison at the beginning of the war, and his organization was dispersed?
AzogtheDefiler Do you think that Bandera joined Germany? Are you embarrassed by the fact that he was put in a German prison at the beginning of the war, and his organization was dispersed?
What does any of that have to do with today, beyond being fodder for Putin to push propaganda about his invasion being necessary to stop "genocide," which is patently false.
Fellow posters, would you describe me as a "leftist" as this moron states?
Listen degenerate. I don't understand what you're talking about and who you are. You said that supposedly Russians do not like Ukrainians, allegedly because the Ukrainians were on the side of Hitler and the Russians were on the side of Stalin. Why did you yell it, brute? You have not heard of Vlasov idiot? There are no veterans of the Red Army in Ukraine????

And then what do you suggest I read?
Zelensky is no more a nazi that is the frigging Pope. Putin's comments are for his propaganda campaign aimed at Russians. Russia never moved to reach an agreement with Ukraine about the treatment of ethnic Russians whose families were moved from Russia to E. Ukraine by the Soviet State. That's not even an issue.

That is wrong.
The Russians were not moved to the Ukraine by the Soviet State.
You have it totally backwards.
These provinces were always ethnic Russian and used to be part of Russia.
Khrushchev switched ownership of these provinces from Russia to the Ukraine in 1956.
Russian majorities existed in these provinces since before 1500 AD.
And the Ukraine has always been abusive and corrupt.
For example, stealing over $20 billion in gas and oil from Russia, over decades.
The Ukraine lost in the world court in 2010, but has since refused to pay up.
Don't know what you mean by this, since the point of Nordstream is to send natural gas from Russia to Germany?
Nordstream is totally owned by Russia, and is just waiting final approval before opening the valves.

Are you suggesting that I trust some leftist scribbler and not trust my relatives in Ukraine who showed me photos of dead children?
what is sobibor here?

Could you explain more what you mean by "photos of dead children"?
Putin's musings about making Russia great again.
I know they are crooked as shit, otherwise they wouldn't be hiring Certified Crack Heads in positions of top authority in the firm.
Lol. You just proved you know nothing about burisma.
Listen degenerate. I don't understand what you're talking about and who you are. You said that supposedly Russians do not like Ukrainians, allegedly because the Ukrainians were on the side of Hitler and the Russians were on the side of Stalin.
Incurable degenerate is exactly what he is and I have him on ignore. Some people are not worth wating time on.

My grandfather, his brother and just about every male of age from a small city near Kiev fought Nazis in WWII alongside Russians, his stories that Ukrainians were somehow fighting FOR Hitler is insane bullshit.
Listen degenerate. I don't understand what you're talking about and who you are. You said that supposedly Russians do not like Ukrainians, allegedly because the Ukrainians were on the side of Hitler and the Russians were on the side of Stalin. Why did you yell it, brute? You have not heard of Vlasov idiot? There are no veterans of the Red Army in Ukraine????

And then what do you suggest I read?

The point is the Ukrainians showed corruption in WWII by siding with Hitler.
They did not just join forces, but committed the worst atrocities, like death camps.

The fact there are also good Ukrainians does not help, because obviously there are ethnic Russians living in the Ukraine as well.

Ukrainians also recently were involved in the impeachment of Trump over Trump's call to the Ukraine president.
I do not remember the Ukrainian's name who made the false charges, but he clearly was a traitor, and I do not even like Trump.

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