Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

Surnames Biden and Bandera are consonant.
The words bandera and band(gang in slavic lang) clearly have a common root.
Are these coincidences?
No, Putin happens to be the only one doing the right thing in this case.
Crimea and Donetska clearly belong to Russia, not the Ukraine.
If Putin destroyed Bandera, he is doing the right thing.

But as for the historical belonging of the territories, this is a moot point. As part of the Russian empire, these were autonomies. If someone claims that the Crimean Khanate or the land of the Don Cossacks belonged to Moscow, then why doesn't he say that Ukraine itself belonged to Moscow? In addition, unlike the Crimean Khanate and the Donbass, the region of central Ukraine called the Hetmanate really historically belonged to Moscow, as part of the Old Russian state and after the Khmelnytsky uprising.

And by the way, why not say the opposite: Muscovite principalities belonged to the Ukrainians in the broad sense of the word: the Poles as part of the Golden Horde.

In fact, the Don steppe extends to the very south of Moscow, in the south of the Moscow region there are Polish toponyms (Vyatka River and so on, Vyatichi is a Polish tribe)
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You fucking idiot.

The people in both of those regions called themselves Russians for decades.

It's an artificial, bullshit line that they gave to Ukraine. Ask all of the people in those two regions who they want to be called, what country they belong to, and every fucking one will say Russian.
That is the exact excuse Hitler gave for invading the Sudetenland, comrade.

What's your excuse for KGB Putin invading ALL of Ukraine, comrade?

As for your claim eastern Ukraine wanted to be invaded, that is pure horseshit fed to you by Russian propaganda, useful idiot.

Not even Russians want to take over eastern Ukraine.
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He’s trying to head off Hitler arguments of 1939 in Poland.

What exactly are the arguments?
By the way, during the Prussian expansion and the Weimar Republic, many lands of the former Austria-Hungary and independent lands were Germanized by the Pan-Germanists, the predecessors of the Nazis and the Nazis. Including they declared Austria the land of the "German nation". Is it connected somehow?
What's your excuse for KGB Putin invading ALL of Ukraine, comrade?
Do I understand correctly that you are contrasting the leftists Biden-Roosevelt with the leftists Beria-Stalin-Kaganovich, who were protected by the KGB and the NKVD? Isn't it funny?

Get with the times.
Nazi simply means National Socialist and does not imply anti-semitism. Anti-Semitism was simply a driving component of GERMAN national socialism in the early 20th century. National socialism is something that can arise in any culture with perceived imbalances and inequalities.

If you think a Jew (or anyone else) can't be among the ranks of modern national socialists, or even form their own factions thereof, then you're hopelessly stupid and are fertile ground for media brainwashing. Or maybe you're wise to that and and are simply targeting the hopelessly stupid for brainwashing yourself. That sounds like something a national socialist would do.
It is hilarious to see all these useful idiots joining Traitor Trump and Comrade Carlson to fondle KGB Putin's balls and on their knees calling Biden weak toward Russia.

Just how self-unaware do these submissive sucklings have to be?!?
You know what's weak?

Calling the invasion of Ukraine "wonderful".

Calling KGB Putin a "genius".

Going on the air every night providing excuses for KGB Putin's invasion.

That's not just weak, it is traitorous.
In fact, I do not understand what Putin is and what his line is. He had real power from the 00s until 2012 when he was in the ruling party. At this time, Russia prospered and there was cooperation with the US right.

Putin has never been seen to be overtly loyal to the left. He never laid flowers at the monument to Stalin, he spoke out against Bolshevism, and he even had statements disloyal to the Jews.

I think that he still has the right direction, but he opressed by leftists
In fact, I do not understand what Putin is and what his line is. He had real power from the 00s until 2012 when he was in the ruling party. At this time, Russia prospered and there was cooperation with the US right.

Putin has never been seen to be overtly loyal to the left. He never laid flowers at the monument to Stalin, he spoke out against Bolshevism, and he even had statements disloyal to the Jews.

I think that he still has the right direction, but he opressed by leftists
KGB Putin's idol is Peter the Great.

He is seeking to restore the empire.
KGB Putin's idol is Peter the Great.

He is seeking to restore the empire.
During the time of Peter the Great, it was an "empire" in words, they owned only Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Putin does not lead the policy of the KGB. If it were so, he would lick the ass of the adherents of Brezhnev and Kennedy
Explain this one to me….

Putin claims he wants to “DeNazify” Ukraine, even though the president of Ukraine is Jewish.

Neo-Nazi element that he is using to make his claim to justify his war along with other retarded claims.

Look people he ain’t talking about Germans but what he is talking about the Neo-Nazi’s which is in his own country and the idiot is like, so he should off himself first!
Perhaps he does not understand what policy he is leading. But he was influenced by Bush, Came under Bush and had success under Bush.
He was put forward by the right as a counterbalance to the Yeltsin-Clinton chaos
Neo-Nazi element that he is using to make his claim
Are you talking about Zelensky? I agree that neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine are supported by the government. In any case, they are not banned there, and there are neo-Nazi monuments and symbols.


Are you talking about Zelensky? I agree that neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine are supported by the government. In any case, they are not banned there, and there are neo-Nazi monuments and symbols.


Neo-Nazis are all over but when people read just Nazi they think of Germany and not the morons that would have been shot by my Grandfather and his brother’s!

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