Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

The Ukraine had plenty of warning that Russia was going to retake both the Crimea and Donetsk.
All the Ukraine had to do in order to prevent any bloodshed, was to abandon those provinces.

And if it is "not fine" to invade other countries, then how about the US murdering half a million innocent Iraqis?
Afghanistan was also totally innocent.
And we invaded Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, etc.

The closest Russia comes to invading anyone was the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
oh please, G5000 punked your sorrry ass on that bullshit propaganda you're pimping. And if a country doesn't apy for gas, Russia shuts off the gas and takes them to intl court. He still had his lease on crimea, comrade
Yet when Trump was president, Putin was not allowed to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline nor invade Ukraine.

But hey!

Biden doesnt praise Putin and no more of Trump's mean tweets to hurt the snowflakes' feelings.


No, Putin built Nordstream during Trumps term. It just was never finally opened yet, even though done.
I guess the Putin has learned from American Democrats. Calling someone "nazi" justifiescany action.
oh please, G5000 punked your sorrry ass on that bullshit propaganda you're pimping. And if a country doesn't apy for gas, Russia shuts off the gas and takes them to intl court. He still had his lease on crimea, comrade

The Ukraine was diverting gas and oil from the pipelines through the Ukraine, so could not be cut off until all gas and oil is diverted through the Nordstream pipelines instead. And that has not been turned on yet.
The point is that no payment should be made on any lease to the Crimea.
It is the Ukraine who should be paying up for the billions of oil and gas they stole.
The Ukraine was diverting gas and oil from the pipelines through the Ukraine, so could not be cut off until all gas and oil is diverted through the Nordstream pipelines instead. And that has not been turned on yet.
The point is that no payment should be made on any lease to the Crimea.
It is the Ukraine who should be paying up for the billions of oil and gas they stole.
Any doubt now that this guy is a Russian troll?
The Ukraine was diverting gas and oil from the pipelines through the Ukraine, so could not be cut off until all gas and oil is diverted through the Nordstream pipelines instead. And that has not been turned on yet.
The point is that no payment should be made on any lease to the Crimea.
It is the Ukraine who should be paying up for the billions of oil and gas they stole.
Physically Putin could have not paid on the lease, but that didn't mean Ukraine could forcibly remove Russians. Putin wanted to own Crimea. You seem to ignore that. The lease was an excuse to invade.

Putin could have secured payment through intl court. Putin also had pipelines through Belarus, but you choose to ignore that as well.

I think you have ulterior motives, and you lied about whom Putin invaded. Flat out lied.
Explain this one to me….

Putin claims he wants to “DeNazify” Ukraine, even though the president of Ukraine is Jewish.

Every enemy of communists are now labeled “nazi”. Just look at the rhetoric of the left in this country for proof.
Explain this one to me….

Putin claims he wants to “DeNazify” Ukraine, even though the president of Ukraine is Jewish.

Funny how when Russia wondered how being a Jew he could choose Nazies for his friends everybody shrugged off the question.
That's right, listen to trivial propaganda about Putin while the doddering old fool in the W.H. screws up the Country.
Physically Putin could have not paid on the lease, but that didn't mean Ukraine could forcibly remove Russians. Putin wanted to own Crimea. You seem to ignore that. The lease was an excuse to invade.

Putin could have secured payment through intl court. Putin also had pipelines through Belarus, but you choose to ignore that as well.

I think you have ulterior motives, and you lied about whom Putin invaded. Flat out lied.

Putin never invaded anyone before, and even in this invasion, he says it is just the Crimea and Donetsk.
The claim he intends to invade more than that, has not been verified, and I doubt it.
With Chechnya, they invaded first.
The old invasion of Afghanistan was the USSR, not Putin.
The pipelines through Belarus are only to that one northern producer, which is small.
The main oil and gas producing lines all go through the Ukraine, to Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, etc., in the south.

The main point, which the leftists are desperate to hide and deflect from, is that Putin attacked because he knows America has a weakling as president.
Its exactly what you said:

"Chernobyl is very near the border between Russian and Ukraine."
Ok, what I meant was "Chernobyl is very near the border between Russian troops massing in Belarus, and the Ukraine."
Point being that if Russian troops got to Chernobyl, they did not have to go far.

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